Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Can Implantation Bleeding Yeast Infection

"The rule of men over the people"

Fariba Dawudi-Mohajer, a lawyer and women's rights activist, gave the Roozonline an interview, which is documented below in summary form. She points out that the Iranian government considers the smallest opposition as threats to national security. The regime intervene immediately and suppress civil society developments that took place beyond the mass propaganda of the state. The government had apparently afraid of equal rights for women. The women's movement would not be impressed by the state propaganda de regime.
Homa Zarafshan first notes that the Iranian women's movement was in fact very small. This would be without foreign Help develop. Currently, this movement is borne by a minority of women in the social middle class. This would develop in both the middle class and in the lower social strata, so that they develop into a social movement.


"is meant by rule of the people actually rule by the people or the domination of men over the people?"

Dawudi-Mohajer war keine Teilnehmerin der Frauendemonstration im Juni letzten Jahres oder im März diesen Jahres. Still seeking the Tehran Revolutionary Court on their conviction. You asks how it can happen, then, that the "demonstrations of a few women who are fighting only against the discrimination against women, as a measure to be considered against national security?" There, that should not really be that about 70 people, all were arrested for a limited time, with one person even had to stay four months in prison for threatening the national security of such a large country like Iran? The women were beaten up at demonstrations and in prison and were insulted and their complaints before the courts were not even answered.

Dawudi-Mohajeri stressed that "strengthened the more the civil society becomes, the more the mass society will be limited. "A civil society will not be able to develop in any direction and would not" be influenced by the regime and its propaganda. Therefore, the government also intervenes when a strong civil society movement is emerging. "

Especially when not even a part of this movement is de-nationalized. Newspapers, websites, bloggers would be attacked again and again. It describes the situation as follows: ". It is therefore natural that they take action against women who are for equality and against discrimination," If women would claim their share of the men would they come under pressure. It could not be possible, complained Dawudi-Mohajer, that give the "women their voices to the men getting their rights but to strengthen the men, but every day. It is in this context, no differences between the conservatives and the reformers. They all have to learn that if they want to get the support of women to the demands of the women have to meet. And the times like now the totalitarian-minded men not to tolerate any competing voice only. [...] The government threatened the women, their sites are filtered, they are dismissed from their jobs, put social pressure on searched illegally. "She further asked if this was the only response to peaceful demands of the state of women.

talks about their comments further: "The government is afraid of the demands of women to equality. She is afraid of many voices. She is afraid of a strong and effective rivals. The government wants to rule the society and the private rooms. The woman should be a product at home and an instrument that is used in the company of men. The woman should follow the man and if they are not sexually added, they should get no more supper. The government wants to control the woman at home and in society. The men but to have fun at polygamy. The law serves the men even in their spare time. The unequal inheritance laws, the blood law and the right tools to give the man towards women economic independence and social status. The totalitarian thinking people are afraid to change those laws. "Stresses

Dawudi-Mohajeri that despite all the government can hear the voice of Iranian women. She points out that the Iranian "men are sitting in a corner and are afraid to lose even just a little of their power. The men throw the activists go too far forward. "The active women could ask the men, wherever it were stable, it confirms and adds: "Nowhere in the world is the 8th March as a political event considered. Our government even politicized 8 .? "I

asks whether Iran really belonged to all Iranians, like ex-President Khatami promoted, or March, only the Iranian men" She asks, "is meant by rule of the people actually rule by the people or the domination of men about the people? The reformers finally have to clarify what they have for a women's program. The reformers must clearly articulate what they think about the demands of the courageous women? Last June, some reformers have said that they will not participate in the demonstrations, because they went too far. "

Dawudi-Mohajeri defended the right of Iranians to be based on international human rights agreements may be. They would rely on the internationally accepted human rights conventions and resolutions, which Iran has signed. You could "not play the traditional values against the acceptance of international conventions." The world has become smaller thanks to modern media. The Iranian women had contact with the international women's movements maintain. She stressed that the "specifics of the Iranian women's movement, its non-ideological character" was. [1]

"without foreign influence"

The woman's rights activist, Homa Zarafshan, writes that she will miss not generally about the oppression of women, but about the "concrete and existing problems in the current women's movement."

of critic that the women's movement is still not nationwide and was able to organize beyond the big cities and states:
"The mass of women who come from the lowest strata of urban and agricultural society, can still not resist, even though they are oppressed." Zarafshan According to the activists are mainly the women's movement of the Iranian middle class to.

is currently the women's movement primarily "an intellectual movement of women. This has not yet developed into a social movement. It is primarily studied women, employees, journalists, lawyers. Teachers and students, and women who have already been on the country. was all set course represents a notable portion of society who have their own and special interests, must defend it. "

The problem, however, continues Homa Zarafshan that not even the women of the urban middle class demands the women studied had arrived. Not all female employees and not all women studied were aware of the demands of the women's movement. At least many women from the middle class had no contact with the women's movement should have.

Zarafshan notes in its analysis that, in general intellectual movements are too weak to change power relations. In addition, the women's movement had become a social movement. The social movement in Iran had become so strong that it is in a position to implement their demands. The women's movement should turn their eyes downward, writes Zarafshan. First, the women's movement "horizontal" growth and become stronger, ie, a middle class movement. It is for the women's movement is also developing "vertically", so that it reaches the lower strata of society.

Zarafshan defends a purely national oriented women's movement and, interestingly, warns against foreign, especially against U.S. attacks on the Iranian women's movement and believes that social movements must act financially independent. [2]

The Iranian Intelligence Minister, Mohsen Ejei Qolamhossein warned in a very harsh tone of a "collaboration of the fifth column, the internal enemies with foreign elements." He stressed that the Iranian secret service to monitor closely all movements in Germany and abroad. [3]

[1] Roozonline, 26.3.2007,
[2] Roozonline, 26.3 .2007,
[3] Aftab News, 28.3.2007,

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Naruto I Sakura Igrice

We are second class citizens

In Iran, a broad coalition is fighting against oppression of women by law. Their equality is due to decades moved "danger from the outside." An interview with Nahid Keshavarz
Mahmoud Bersani

Nahid Keshavarz is a feminist and a member of the Cultural Center of the women in Tehran. She is co-initiator of a petition against the discrimination of women in Iranian law, which is supported by feminist organizations and personalities. Keshavarz itself on 4 March during a protest along with 34 other activists fixed - removed and after 48 hours on bail and is released-set (see jW of March 23).

A broad alliance feminist initiatives and personalities in Iran, among them Nobel laureate Shirin Ebadi, has launched a campaign to collect one million signatures for the abolition of legal discrimination between men and women. How women are discriminated against legally in Iran?
is the gender discrimination in both the civil and criminal legislation in the very large. So the woman loses her marriage a number of rights: freedom of choice of residence, freedom of travel, the right to leave the country even to exercise a profession outside the home. All this is dependent on the consent of the husband. The woman has to obey him. Men may have several wives and may, whenever they want to, distinguish. Conversely, a woman can only get a divorce if they can prove that she is treated badly, the man stays a living, is a drug addict or in jail.

Does the lack of rights of women in relation to her children?
Yes. By law, a mother can never exercise the financial custody of her child. Also on the residence of the child, whether it can leave the country, even on medical matters pertaining to their child may not decide the woman treffen.In Iran is a girl already at the age of criminal ninth year of age, a boy with top 15 If it commits an offense to which the death penalty, it can even be sentenced to death. Existing laws, according to the citizenship of Iranian women is not transmitted to their children. This will in particular women, difficulties that are married to Afghans so that their children are not considered Iranians and have therefore not automatically the right of residence.

women under Iranian law therefore "worth less?
Definitely. The claims by the woman are only half as high as that of men. An example: If the road a woman and a Husband have a car accident and as a result, both are paralyzed, the woman stands to inherit only half as much compensation as the man to twice as many sons as daughters. The wife inherits, if she has children, only one-eighth of the assets of her late husband. If the man had several wives, this eighth is divided among them. On land, women have absolutely no hereditary Ansprüche.Es a variety of other discrimination. For example, a man who caught his wife with another man, they kill without being prosecuted. Women are usually not allowed in court as witnesses and if so, then the testimony of two women as valuable as the testimony of a man.

How do these laws in practice on the lives of women?
We are second class citizens. Women are without legal protection. For the poorest, the most serious consequences, while women of the middle class here and there manage to get around the laws. An indication of the dire situation of many Iranian women is the high suicide rate. This is despite more than 60 percent of those who are admitted to a university education are women.

How is it that women in Iran, despite the massive discrimination in everyday life much more present and more confident than in other countries the region?
This has mainly historical reasons. Iranian women fight for 100 years for a change in their legal and social situation. With the women's movement in which was also a movement of intellectuals who advocated for modern ideas and equal social rights for all. In the recent Iranian history, many educated men were fighting in Iran to improve the situation of Frauen.Dabei engaged in the first half of the 20th Century, many more men than for women's rights during the Iranian revolution in February 1979. During this time the woman question was dismissed as a minor matter, their Treatment until after the victory of the "anti-imperialist revolution postponed". The revolution brought the Iranians no progress in the legal field, but even greater lawlessness. Nevertheless, the social upheavals in the wake of the revolution also led to changes in the lives of women. The cultural development of the Iranian society is still be in conflict with the legal situation. Although women are in the countries of the region also face multiple discrimination, is developing there - except perhaps in Turkey - no significant resistance. This is only against the background of historical and cultural differences between societies to understand these countries.

What are the objectives of the campaign?
Our greatest hope is to make the debate about equality between men and women on a broad basis. We want direct dialogue with women and men in public - to draw attention to the discrimination against women - in the streets, in buses, in the subway. In the petition and information material is distributed in the laws enshrined discrimination. Many women who sign our petition, will not remain passive, but themselves become activists in the campaign. With a million signatures, we can institutions the power to show that many women do and men to equality. No government can ignore the demands of the population over time.

who initiated the petition?
The idea came from members of Tehran's cultural center. You managed to turn it into a campaign supported by all groups of women come together in the different generations of Iranian women's movement. It is not centrally managed, but works as a network. The goals and requirements are clear. On this basis, each activist free hand to design their own work.

Fear not, against the background be appropriated to the ongoing U.S. threats against Iran for its purposes?
I am concerned like many other Iranian citizens and have a fear of a war. The way the two States, it is not in our interest. Unfortunately we have no say in this Spiel.In the past decades, our claims have been repeatedly ignored under the pretext of "threat from without," or because of other problems. However, we have no choice but to commit ourselves to change our situation. We need urgent assistance. We are looking but not in the Western states, but in women's and human rights organizations in other countries.