Monday, May 4, 2009

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Erasmus (Desiderius) von Rotterdam

"The highest form of happiness is a life with a degree of madness."

The Dutchman Erasmus (Desiderius) from Rotterdam on 27 October 1465 or 1469 born in Rotterdam and died on 12 July 1536 in Basel. He had a brother named Peter. According to Wikipedia, he was "a scholar of European humanism." Among other things, he wrote numerous books and worked as a theologian, philologist (Language and Literature) and philosopher.

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Erasmus of Rotterdam study, after he was ordained a priest at the Sorbonne in Paris, but also in England and Italy. At the beginning of the 16th Century and a PhD in rutin doctorate in theology, his satire magazine "Encomio Moria (Praise of Folly) was known and was his collection of proverbs. Shortly after some of his works were published, he taught Greek in England and received the parish of Aldington. Later he worked at the court of Burgundy in Leuven and Erasmus' first printed edition of the New Testament (Lutheran translation) was published in Greek. This work influenced the Reformation considerably. He has published more classical texts. Erasmus of Rotterdam in 1524 moved to Geneva in order to print his works . Let He spent the next five years in Basel. He then moved to Freiburg. He was, according to the website "a clerical position and was the scholastic theology skeptical, so he is a pioneer of the Reformation." Erasmus was a polymath. Later it came to the separation between the theologian Martin Luther and Erasmus of Rotterdam and his book "De libero arbitrio" broke the connection between Humanism and Reformation movements final. Desiderius Erasmus of Rotterdam died in Basel in a typhoid disease.

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His works and their impact at the present time:

Erasmus of Rotterdam wrote about 150 books, including "De Puritate ecclesiae Christianae" or "de ecclesia sarcienda concordia" reasonable and modern philology as editor, grammarian and textual critic. His books shape the society today and are sometimes read in the schools. His most successful work, "Adagia" is a collection of ancient wisdom and proverbs. The "Apophthegmata" is a similar work. The usual debate in Western countries, particularly the emphasis is of Ancient Greek due to him. However, the correct pronunciation is still controversial.
His most famous work is the satirical "praise of Folly, but also the critical edition of the Greek New Testament, which shaped the Reformation, is an important part of his work. But the fact that he laid the foundation for the Reformed theology should be mentioned here. Erasmus introduced the thesis on, God has left man free will to choose between good and evil, which of course could be effective only with God's grace. This differed from Luther's thought patterns.

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Erasmus monument in Rotterdam

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- Wikipedia

Sunday, May 3, 2009

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Albrecht Dürer

Albrecht Dürer the Younger, also Duerer, (born May 21, 1472 and died 6 April 1528)
German painter, graphic artist , mathematicians and art theorists of European importance. Major artists at the time of humanism and the Reformation.

basic training with his father. 1490-1494 years of travel and 1494 marriage. Then Venice trip. 1497 transition in d independence and he later opened his own workshop in his native city of Nuremberg. Dürer devoted himself mainly in the initial phase of the engraving and the original drawing for the woodcut. 1505-1506 second trip to Venice, which Dürer influenced by the technique of coloring. 1506 - 1514 authoritative involvement in the planning of artistic projects of the city of Nuremberg. This period also includes several of his most famous works such as the "The small and large (woodcut) Passion" and "the life of Mary." In addition, Dürer was in this period, attempts to scratch with the cold needle on copper. A variety of known works by Dürer arose thanks to its connection to Kasi Maximilian I.. From 1518 - 1520 he devoted himself to intensive theoretical work, such as the theory of proportion. 1520-1521 Dürer's triumphant trip to the Netherlands. After his return to Nuremberg, Dürer once again devoted to the artistic activity and in his last years more to art theory.
side of the Netherlands-trip from the consequences of malaria suffering, Dürer died suddenly, just before his seventh birthday.

- Dürer perfected the Technikt of the woodcut and the copperplate engravings
- after Dürer's Befestigungstechnit, various plants, including the fortress Munot to Schaffhausen created
- the first German mathematics book of German language was created by Dürer. He also published books with definitions of special curves.

Source: Wikipedia

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Friedrich Johannes Kepler (of 1571-1630 )

He was a German philosopher, evangelical theologian, mathematician, astronomer, astrologer, and opticians.

Kepler discovered the planetary movements.

1594: Did he at the age of 23, a lecturer in mathematics at the
Protestant seminary in Graz. He also published at that time a paper on the "Kepler telescope. Already since 1590, he was in correspondence contact with Galileo Galilei.

1600: Ching Kepler to Prague and was the imperial court mathematician. During this time he began developing the first astronomical system. The published works of his later " Astronomia nova" contained the first and second law of Kepler (= laws of planetary motion).

1612: he moved to Linz. In the same year he lost his wife and his sons. In Linz Kepler taught as a mathematician, and married again. At the same time Kepler had also to his mother, who was accused of witchcraft to fight. With much effort and you got a legal opinion from the University of Tübingen He released his mother. Plagued by financial worries, Kepler was forced to flee with his family in Ulm.

1627: In Albrecht von Wallenstein, Kepler found a new supporter who asked him reliable horoscopes.

1630 : dies at the age of 58 years, Kepler in Leipzig.

summarized his works:
- "Astronomia nova": it describes Kepler, that the orbit of Mars around the Sun is not a circle but an ellipse (= first Kepler's law), and the farther a planet away from the sun is, the slower it moves (= second Kepler's law).
- "De Stella Nova": Kepler observed in 1604, the birth of a supernova. He challenged the prevailing view that the stellar vault is unchangeable.
- "Dioptrice" With this work, Kepler laid the groundwork for the appearance.
- "Stereometria": the so-called Kepler's Kepler Fassregel created the basis for calculating the volume of wine barrels.
- "Harmonices Mundi: This work contains the third" Kepler's Law "
- J. Kepler wrote other works, including an essay to the symmetry of snowflakes, various mathematical and technical activities, But above all, his "Rudolfinian Tables" (which later formed the basis for the theory of gravity) and other works with astrological and mystizistischem content

- Wikipedia