Saturday, June 13, 2009

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European Charter for press freedom

On 25 May 2009 have 48 chief editors and senior journalists from 19 countries in Hamburg decided the "European Charter for press freedom" and signed.
It formulates principles in ten articles for the freedom of the media from government interference, especially the protection from surveillance, eavesdropping and searches of newsrooms and computers as well as free access for journalists and citizens of information on all domestic and foreign.
The goal should be to the Charter in all of Europe to gain approval and to make its recognition as a condition for EU enlargement negotiations.
journalists in all parts of Europe will rely in conflicts with the state and state-controlled institutions on it and can claim support for their foreign colleagues.
If you are a journalist, the Charter sign online, please click Here: Charter sign
After the Austrian media law imposed bloggers since 2005, all obligations of commercial journalists, it is important that this Charter will be signed by as many bloggers.

European Charter for press freedom

Article 1
The freedom of the press is essential to a democratic society. To uphold and protect all types of media to respect their diversity and their political, social and cultural functions, is the mandate of all governments.

Article 2
censorship is prohibited. Independent journalism in all media is free from persecution and repression, to ensure no political or regulatory intervention of the state. News and online media should not be subject to state licensing.

Article 3 The right of journalists and media to gather and disseminate information and opinions must not be threatened, restricted or criminalized.

Article 4 The protection of journalistic sources is strictly upheld. Searches of newsrooms and other offices of journalists as well as surveillance and eavesdropping with the purpose of information to identify make or break the press secret, are prohibited.

Article 5
have all States to ensure that the media enjoy in the performance of their functions, the full protection of an independent judicial system, laws and authorities. This is particularly true for the prevention of harassment and attacks on life and limb of journalists and their employees. Threats or violations of these rights must be carefully investigated and punished by the judiciary.

Article 6
The economic livelihood of the media must by state or state-controlled institutions or other organizations are not endangered. The threat of economic sanctions is prohibited. Private companies must respect the journalistic freedom of the media. You may not exert pressure on journalistic content, nor attempt to mix commercial content with journalistic content.

Article 7
State and State-controlled institutions must not impede the free access of media and journalists to information. You are obliged to support their finding mission.

Article 8
media and journalists have a right to unimpeded access to all news and information, even from abroad. Foreign journalists are reporting Visa, issue of accreditation and other required documents without delay.

Article 9
the public of any state is free access to all national and foreign media and information sources to provide.

Article 10 The state may not restrict access to the profession of journalism.