Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Gagging Dry Heaves Morning

A Schäuble in sheep's clothing?

De Maizière succeeds Guttenberg
Wednesday 2 March 2011
Thomas de Maiziere (CDU) succeeds Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg (CSU). The former Federal Interior Minister moves to the Ministry of Defence. New Inneniminister, Hans-Peter Friedrich (CSU).

A Schäuble in sheep's clothing?

His political career began on 21 January 1954-born cousin of the last East German Prime Minister Lothar de Maizière 1983 employees Berlin mayor Richard von Weizsäcker (CDU) and later by Eberhard Diepgen. The married father of three has also served as press spokesman for the CDU in Berlin Group.
1990 he was adviser to the last East German government of Lothar de maiz. He also was active in drafting the settlement agreement between the two German states. After the first parliamentary elections in East Germany was Thomas de Maizière State Secretary in the Ministry of Culture of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and remained there until 1994. Between 1994 and 1998 he led the Schwerin State Chancellery.
After the change of power in the northeastern province joined the SPD / PDS coalition de Maizière early 1999, first as Consultant to Saxony. In the fall of 1999 he became State Chancellery of Prime Minister Kurt Biedenkopf (CDU). Georg Milbradt (CDU), he inherited in February 2001 as finance minister before he was in May 2002 under the new prime minister Milburn Minister of Justice. After the state election in 2004 appointed him as Minister of Interior Milburn.
In November 2005, the CDU politician in the grand coalition in the federal government appointed head of the chancellery. With the change to black-yellow 2009 he was Interior Minister. Last year he was succeeded by Finance Minister in an interview.

Guttenberg supporters attack media
Trailers Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg blow to the attack. They flood editors and parliamentarians with emails and calling for demonstrations. Carsten Heidböhmer
alienation from the political class

contributions from most of the alienation of the people speak of the political class as the big media, in fact more reminiscent of the final phase of the DDR as a vital democracy. Almost all the leaders greets a contempt, the extent of Concern takes shape. The political class in Berlin is presented as hypocritical and decadent from the real problems of the people from miles away. such a caste is only interested in their own in power. Guttenberg is seen differently, however. Despite his obvious failings, he is a "decent" and "honest" is characterized, he was "the first politician for a long time had finally done something for the people," Carson writes Dünisch users. Such "Light" would sooner or later made by the envious politicians ready. Similarly poor come off the media, which have driven in the eyes of many discussants a hate campaign against Guttenberg.

We want Guttenberg back
The Tobias Huch of the entrepreneur group, launched "Head-hunting of Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg," which now has nearly 400,000 members, especially the first existing group since Tuesday, "We do Guttenberg back. It has been collected in two days, half a million followers. And they are mighty sour: the media, which they accuse of a campaign against KT. On the opposition politicians who had him cut. And CDU politicians come to the attention: They are accused of not having supported the Secretary of Defense, the Union even as "Verräterpartei" means. Which is garnished with unique sentiment for threats: "The half a million is just the beginning Trittin, Gabriel, Oppermann and Schavan pulls you warm." Writes about the user Rolf Siebel.
My comment to

fundraising with Foreign Minister Steinmeier
Steinmeier, SPD leader should have in his post as foreign minister raised illegal political contributions. Participants were asked to a dinner in advance about money.

The case is reminiscent of the sponsorship affair Jürgen Rüttgers: the CDU in North Rhine-Westphalia had in the spring of 2010 for the state party and a future Congress "partner" packages offered to companies. For 20,000 € companies could not only book exhibition area, but also exclusive interview opportunities with Rüttgers. Rüttgers said that it was aware of the mailings of his party nothing. The pawn sacrifice was Hendrik Wüst, general secretary of the CDU NRW, then took over the responsibility and resigned.

* limp laughing * ... any further comment totally unnecessary, right?

Seehofer: EU leaders were in the back Guttenberg
The CSU leader, accused leaders of the CDU, Guttenberg to be stabbed in the back. This makes the criticism from the Bundestag President Norbert Lammert and Education Minister Annette Schavan Guttenberg was "completely inappropriate" was, Seehofer said the Bild-Zeitung (Sunday edition).

Who for a nursery place for his already older boys studied in the comedy House should he / she deliver him under any circumstances, because here, the boys and girls submit to disciplined requirements of the dictatorial Hort line! Who gets
squealed Treat Everything from the father, right?

The distress among the farmers is increasing
Association Schwabennäpfle covers the needy pets Table 5 March
The association Schwabennäpfle for needy animal "wants to help, even before the misery is produced. "We want to ensure that people are not animals can do more and make this need," said the chairman of the association, Elsa Heinzelmann.
The food is delivered for a small donation. We just want to help the farmers and their animals, even though we have had the experience that the Swabians not easy to overcome the inhibitions and accept help.

Probably not only the Swabians is difficult, but that goes for most people so, and indeed throughout the Republic. In
Hartz IV have unfortunately even all pets of the people live in degrading conditions!

but who cares, in this country, an animal is only one thing, much like a cookbook. Is good only to collect taxes for the purpose of the common good of their tormentors.
cow in New Delhi would have to be, then he lives with dignity, as the Hartz IV relation, right?

plagiarism allegation against Gaddafi son
Dr. Strange and the 350,000-euro donation

Gaddafi junior fellow students were not particularly bright - still managed to Saif al-Islam, a Ph.D. from the London elite LSE. Now, the son of Libyan dictator
under suspicion of plagiarism. On top of that took the elite university after completing his PhD at a 350,000 euro donation.

case Guttenberg "Since much swept under the table"
The plagiarism case, Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg is a symptom of the lack of quality control in science, says Alexander Lerch, an experienced consultant and professor of biology at Jacobs University Bremen.

Wikileaks informant threatens death penalty
Washington - It is secret Miltärinformationen have passed on to Wikileaks, now, the indictment against Bradley Manning extended: He faces the death penalty. The Wikileaks -

informants Bradley Manning faces the death penalty
To me a hero.!
And a candidate for the Nobel Peace Prize!

Should he be killed, there will be riots across the globe!
And I will participate because I intensely!