Tuesday, February 20, 2007

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One million signatures to change discriminatory laws

All laws in Iran, the women regarded as a secondary sex and discriminate against them. This happens in a society in which more than 60 percent of enrolled students are female. In many societies it is believed that the law must be always a step ahead of the culture, the social culture could grow with it. In Iran, the laws are lagging behind, however, the culture and the situation of women behind.
According to the Law is a nine year old girl completely age of criminal responsibility. If the girl commits a penalty, which is punishable by death, the court may impose the death penalty. If cause a woman and a man on the street in an accident and both are paralyzed, the woman gets under the current law, only half of the compensation as the husband If something happens before the eyes of a woman and a man, is the testimony of a woman who is alone, not accepted, but the testimony of a man is accepted. By law, the father, with the permission of the court, his 13 year old daughter, even at a 70-year Married man. According to the Law, the mother does not assume financial responsibility for their children. The mother should not take the place of residence, over permission to leave and not even on the healing activities of their children's decisions. According to the Law, the men have several wives and violate their wives, when they want it.
These cases are only a small part of the legal inequalities and discrimination against women. And without doubt, women belonging to lower layers or members of ethnic and religious minorities are discriminated against even more from the law and suffer even more among them. On the one hand, the unjust laws have meant that relations between women and men are very unbalanced, so that the men faced so many problems. For example, it has become customary for the men have to pay a high dowry. The women claim that large sums of money as they try to outweigh its disadvantages because of legal inequality. On the other hand, the Iranian government signed international agreements such as the Declaration of Human Rights and is therefore obliged them to be obeyed. The most important guarantee, which must be guaranteed in accordance with the Declaration of Human Rights is to avoid discrimination, on gender, race or religion, are due. Accordingly, after redistribution, we call problems, the signatories of this declaration, the elimination of discrimination against women at all levels of the law and ask the legislators to reconsider the prevailing laws and then to review in accordance with the international obligations of the government.
The signatures below are collected in the Internet and can not be held personally opposed. [ http://www.we4change.com/spip.php?article19 ]

How Not To Become So Aroused

one million signatures to amend discriminatory laws

About the campaign "One million signatures to amend discriminatory laws," Some

Groups of activists from the women's movement to protest the meetings of 12 June 2006, which took place on, third-Tir Square in Tehran decided to continue their efforts towards the resolution and were decided against the unfair and anti-woman laws specific aim. As part of a campaign to create a broad movement, which campaigns for the collection from millions of signatures' to change with the aim of the discriminatory laws in Iran.

objectives of the campaign

The collection of one million signatures is only one of the pillars of this campaign. This campaign has other objectives that are expressed in the following program:

1 - This project will bring on a broad social base to produce positive social change. The goal of this movement is clearly defined and it is justified. The goal is to abolish the law discriminates against women.
2 - A further objective of the collective motion is to create an open discussion between women and civil society on a broad basis. The defenders of equal rights should come into direct contact with the public, so an awareness of the needs and problems of people in their everyday life is created, in particular on the legal level. This will contribute to the awareness and sensitivity of the Citizens for the unequal rights are strengthened in our country.
3 - At the same time, these efforts to enrich the experience of the justice-seeking women and men and strengthen the contacts among different groups. One of the positive consequences could be that given the silent women a voice.
4 - The basis of this campaign is the belief in the growth of consciousness, a culture of dialogue among citizens and to the learning of collective democratic activities in terms of reforms from below, ie from the center of society and not from above. The basis of this collective action is the belief in the need to strengthen the social milieu, the belief in the strength of women. A social change is only guaranteed in the long term if it is rooted in society and hails from the mainstream of society. The pain and the tangible problems need to be aware of, directly or indirectly any individual. Also important to recognize that legal problems are not personal or private problems, and that a large number of women struggling against it, with serious consequences, they must endure.
5 - Another goal of the campaign is based on the principle that the activists are in direct contact with citizens of their society. You must know that they have to endure a lot of difficulties and that they have a have to pay high price for their actions and that they of course can only be abolished with unity and compassion, injustice and discrimination. Compassion and friendly cooperation will strengthen sure the spirit of co-determination on the fate of our country among the defenders of emancipation and human rights. The history of democratic struggles of women in other countries, particularly in countries whose governments and traditions are similar to those of Iran, to teach us this. This fight is a long and difficult road ahead. There is no way of power and the mighty men and women .... It is the simple way of raising awareness and making information on individual Women and ordinary citizens about their own situation in society and about the general social conditions.
6 - shows the balance of this campaign is that the legitimate demands are not conducted to change the discriminatory laws 4:00 to 5:00 thousand women. On the contrary, they demand a comprehensive claim is dar. A majority of Iranian women and men suffering from the existing legal inequalities. They all respond, depending on their cultural assumptions to the situation. For example, a journalist protested in their articles against the inequality. Another woman organizes movies and photos to the injustices reflect. Another woman burns herself Another girl flees from her father's house. Another repressed woman screams in the courtroom, because of the inequalities. Occur and hundreds of other cases such social protests in the everyday lives of the women of our country.
7 - We can point to other goals of our campaign, so the results will show that collective action that calls for change and reform of the law is not equal to the demands of a particular class of women. It raises, for example, before the defenders of equal rights and women activists - of course in order to silence them - that they do this do it because they have no other problems because they live in the rich north of the city and its profile and do so on .... But this is not true. For these unjust laws have a more or less on the lives of all women, whether educated or illiterate, whether in the north or south of the city dwelling, whether single or married, whether from land or from the city coming.

The time of the execution of the campaign for one million signatures

This campaign is set in the long term, and will continue until a million signatures have been collected. We assume that the campaign can take up to two years. But achieving the target of one million signatures is be only one of the planned activities under the campaign.

address the requirements of this plan is not against Islam

The demands for a revision of discriminatory laws which are not illegal or claims that are directed against Islam. On the contrary, they are consistent with the obligations of the government, according to the agreement signed by its international agreements. Because Iran has international conventions, such as the pact signed on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. The first step that should be pursued in these international agreements is the avoidance of any form of discrimination. Ergo have under the international agreements Iran has signed to stop the discrimination.
These requirements are in any way contrary to the principles of Islam, because they are among the principles of religion. About the changes in legislation, differences of opinion among the clergy. Many clerics such as Ayatollah Sanei and Ayatollah Bojnurdi and some other clerics calling for years for a revision of the laws discriminatory to women. For them, a legislative amendment is not contrary to Islam.
any case, shows the plan for the collection of one million signatures to change discriminatory laws' those responsible for the Government and the public first and foremost is that many of the freedom-loving women and men in Iran call for a revision of the anti-women and discriminatory laws, and that's not a demand only a small group of women. In addition, the design and the requirement to change discriminatory laws and the collection of signatures will prove to legislators that the Iranian women set up very seriously their claims.

The method of implementation of this campaign

The method of implementation of this campaign is mainly to "face to face" method. Four different forms are:

1 - We go from house to house and contact us in individual interviews to women.
2 - When women's centers have been identified, sought consensus talks. In addition, all public spaces are used to check calls, such as public transport, parks, universities, factories, hair salons, hospitals, prayer rooms, sports centers, that is basically all the places where women gather in groups. Everywhere, the activists of the campaign will try with other Iranians to engage in conversation.
3 - In addition, seminars and discussions organized in seminar rooms and in cultural centers.
4 - The Internet is the collection of signatures and the production of compounds used.

The training of volunteers is needed

To promote the campaign, are required volunteer forces, which must be formed on a broad basis. Therefore, various committees have been established. The Education Committee is one of them. All volunteer activists who want to collect signatures, and participate in the campaign will be trained in training courses. They will give an overview of the existing laws relating to women. Moreover, the methods are discussed, as the activists speak with citizens in their homes and have to deal. Moreover, the management in public centers where women and men gathering is practiced. All volunteers who wish to participate in the campaign in, face to face 'actions must attend such a training course.
It is also important to mention that the volunteers are not necessarily experts in the field of law, but they are in training the necessary, experienced acquaintance with women's rights in legislation 'to be in talks answers to the questions of citizens to.

The level of activity

The geographical scope of this campaign is not confined to Tehran. The active women in all provinces of the country to participate in the campaign. The active Groups and individuals in the provinces may, if possible, come to participate in training sessions to Tehran, and then resume their work in the provinces. If, however, should increase the number of active groups in the provinces, they can apply to training is conducted on site. Signatures can also be of Iranian exiles, either be collected by mail, or by means of travelers or the Internet.

The documentation of the experience for the present and the future

Another part of this campaign is the "documentation". In this diary, the volunteers prepared the interesting experiences she talks in gathered with other women have written down. Reports should be submitted with the signatures, so that can be learned in the further training from the experience, so that the conversation methods can be improved. At the end of the campaign and in the second phase of the campaign all the experiences of unnamed volunteers collected and sorted and appear in the form of a book. Then other groups who want to make in future similar work, learn from it.

The minimum age of signatories

Signatories should be at least 18 years old. This means that only women and men who are 18 years old can the statement of the campaign . Sign
These signatures are specific forms that have been designed to collect signatures so that all are uniform. In addition, the signatures on that site will be documented. The activities of all volunteers are completely voluntary. At the same time, the participants in a voluntary form of the sum of 5000 Tuman in the coffers of the campaign pay so that they can successfully continue. For such a campaign can only through financial support and capital to invest the participants in the form of work will be continued. We women have no other source than our lives and our insignificant merit, we continue to of change in favor of a better social life provide. Despite the historical lack of support, we rely on our own abilities and stand up to help this great project a success.

The address, to learn more about the campaign

Website: http://en.we4change.com/ . Interested parties who wish to participate in this campaign can reach us via the following email: forequality@gmail.com .
us can also write to the following address: Tehran, PO Box 14335-851.