Tuesday, February 20, 2007

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One million signatures to change discriminatory laws

All laws in Iran, the women regarded as a secondary sex and discriminate against them. This happens in a society in which more than 60 percent of enrolled students are female. In many societies it is believed that the law must be always a step ahead of the culture, the social culture could grow with it. In Iran, the laws are lagging behind, however, the culture and the situation of women behind.
According to the Law is a nine year old girl completely age of criminal responsibility. If the girl commits a penalty, which is punishable by death, the court may impose the death penalty. If cause a woman and a man on the street in an accident and both are paralyzed, the woman gets under the current law, only half of the compensation as the husband If something happens before the eyes of a woman and a man, is the testimony of a woman who is alone, not accepted, but the testimony of a man is accepted. By law, the father, with the permission of the court, his 13 year old daughter, even at a 70-year Married man. According to the Law, the mother does not assume financial responsibility for their children. The mother should not take the place of residence, over permission to leave and not even on the healing activities of their children's decisions. According to the Law, the men have several wives and violate their wives, when they want it.
These cases are only a small part of the legal inequalities and discrimination against women. And without doubt, women belonging to lower layers or members of ethnic and religious minorities are discriminated against even more from the law and suffer even more among them. On the one hand, the unjust laws have meant that relations between women and men are very unbalanced, so that the men faced so many problems. For example, it has become customary for the men have to pay a high dowry. The women claim that large sums of money as they try to outweigh its disadvantages because of legal inequality. On the other hand, the Iranian government signed international agreements such as the Declaration of Human Rights and is therefore obliged them to be obeyed. The most important guarantee, which must be guaranteed in accordance with the Declaration of Human Rights is to avoid discrimination, on gender, race or religion, are due. Accordingly, after redistribution, we call problems, the signatories of this declaration, the elimination of discrimination against women at all levels of the law and ask the legislators to reconsider the prevailing laws and then to review in accordance with the international obligations of the government.
The signatures below are collected in the Internet and can not be held personally opposed. [ http://www.we4change.com/spip.php?article19 ]


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