Wednesday, May 2, 2007

In Which Movie Is Black Charizard Present

* We do not keep silent!

protest against sentence and the threat of arrest by active feminists in Iran On Apr 24, 2007 were in the Revolutionary Court in Tehran following Sentences against two well-known feminists in Iran, Parwin Ardalan and Ahmadi Khorasani Nushin spoken:

3 years imprisonment, of which 6 months of closed enforcement and 2.5 years on probation!
this harsh sentence was justified with the "participation in an activity that threatens the internal security of the country"! Parwin Ardalan and Ahmadi Khorasani Nushin actively fighting for years for the rights and equality for women. They are known as active feminists and are among the founders of the campaign "One million signatures to change discriminatory laws."

This campaign has been adopted with great enthusiasm by people of Iran. Iran has signed the human rights conventions. The State has committed itself explicitly to combat discrimination against women and to create appropriate laws, or to pass laws to protect women. The Iranian regime violated by such judgments precisely this human rights treaties. It is important to note that in recent days, the Islamic Revolutionary Court re-sentencing of Azadeh Forghani, Susan Tahmasebi and Fariba Dawudi for "participation in an activity, the internal security of the country at risk" have spoken. Are expected to further judgments for other activists.

The Iranian government is now trying, with such judgments, Attacks and reprisals, the "bad veiled women," "Bad Hedjabha" that allow the ideology of Islamic government, a clear "say no" to intimidate and stifle the women's movement in the bud. Parallel to the fight against the student movement and the labor struggle of the workers and teachers, the feminist movement is confronted with attacks and sanctions. The severe sentence against Parwin Ardalan, Nushin Ahmadi Khorasani, Azadeh Forghani, Susan Tahmasebi and Fariba Dawudi, who have no debt, use force except for the rights of women, showing their firm intention to bring the women into silence.

The fate of the convicted person does again clear that women's rights are central to the struggle for freedom and rule of law. Therefore we do not keep silent!

We, the undersigned, call upon all freedom-loving people who work for human and women's rights, to protest the sentences. We are for an international opinion for the lifting of the sentences and arrests. We demand the enforcement of the rights of freedom and a secure life for the active feminists in Iran.

I want to be here


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