Tuesday, June 19, 2007

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Iran: A commemoration of the women's movement

Two years ago the 12th June in the history of Iranian women's movement received. In the last two Years, the protests during the suffocating repression of the peaceful demonstration for human rights violence in the bud. This year, the commemorative events were held at 12 June in private rooms instead.
In light of the fact that the reformist Islamic movement has failed in Iran and they also could not represent the interests of the Iranian women's movement decided to take the women to organize an independent civil society movement, said Dr. Ladan Borumand in the Persian-language broadcast Voice of America. She said that "Iranian women have opted for the failure of the reform movement, not on government policy to trust, but to organize an independent social movement. "This decision was taken even before Ahmadinejad's election under the presidency of Khatami. The women would be able to state policy disenchanted with the idea and set, therefore, only a democratic movement from below. Bahere Hedayat, a caller who phoned the Iranian exile told Radio Tehran, authentic, that the protests would continue, but in silence. They especially criticized sharply propagated by government officials polygamy, "State support of prostitution" performing.
declaration of the 700
In a statement , Which was signed by more than 700 living in Iran "defender of human rights", it indicates that the campaign "1 Million Signatures . With this campaign, trying to Iranian women's rights in a broad social base for "to change discriminatory laws" create. In November last year, Iranian women activists in Tehran publicly announced the campaign "1 million signatures" to . It's about the equality between women and men and to the implementation of universal human rights. The statement
remember the 700 signatories to the people arrested in recent months, of interrogations, to high security deposits, which constitute in the case of the release of prisoners a great burden. In 121 cases had more than around € 1 million bail for the release of detained women have demanded. This tries to ruin the dictatorship, the movement really financially. For peacefully demonstrating women have been very up to 9 years imprisonment. According to official figures, 14 635 women have been arrested in different parts of Iran, more than 67,000 women have been warned. The declaration states: "The dimensions of this disaster are enormous. It seems as if the permanent institutionalization of fear in the hearts of women is the goal, so they are no longer show in the present society. They want to force women to stay at home. "
The declaration stresses that young women are increasingly female students in the student movement. There is criticism that had been in this year's study places in universities "rationed by gender. The goal "is the number of women studying smaller, so that they do not enjoy higher education more." Side had been expelled several students were arrested, mostly women. Criticized not only concerns are the women, but the destruction of the teachers 'and workers' protests and the expulsion of the Afghans.
The weakest members of society, Women and children, are those who would suffer the most severe state repression. At the same time, the authors of the Declaration and its relationship to the problems that the Iranian government, in international diplomacy. This would increase the pressure on society. This is a dark side of the problem. Was positive, however, that the active presence of women in social struggles would therefore not remove. The women's movement would go on continuously in slow steps.
No one can stop the movement
With the help of various campaigns, such as the campaign "1 Million Signatures or the campaign against stoning are at least problems in the state legislature, as was the blood of law or the criminal responsibility of children discussed in public. The signatories declare that they will continue their struggle against discrimination. They would work with the method of face to face ", informing the Iranian men and women of the discriminatory state laws in order to lay the basis for an enlightened and broad social movement. Such a movement was proof that the activists have learned to work with a lot of patience for the just demands of Iranian women. The signatories to warn the authorities warned that if the aggressive be action against the women's activities continued social problems at an impasse, and this could be solved.
Shirin Ebadi, Nobel Peace Prize winner said at a small private meeting last Tuesday in Tehran: "You have done us harm. They made us record. But we do not forget that we are not getting nothing. "She said that would now involve women from all walks active in the campaign a million signatures. You also said: "The campaign 1 million signatures is already so large that no one, not even ourselves, to stop this movement may. "
differentiated Without
Islamists in exile, the Iranian women's movement more. In a statement, gave members of an Iranian women's network, which has re-organized in Europe and the United States, not just their solidarity with the women's movement in Iran known. They wrote, among other things, that the "demands of Iranian women for freedom and equality by any ethnic, religious or national identity should be restricted. are therefore also of the 'Islamic feminism' and the 'Islamic' human rights' is no way to freedom and equality. "At the same time, however, could members of very different Religions, and unbelieving atheists the universal values of human rights, freedom and equality of women and initiate defend the way of their implementation.

Wahied of Wahdat-Haqq , columnist for WORLD DEBATE


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