Sunday, August 8, 2010

Is It Safe To Wax On A Tattoo?

presumption of guilt for bowl

The absolute best commentary on the era bowl found in. .. "The whole week "!!!" (issue 31/2010)
commentator Michael Prack used a word too much and has told all that a growing number of Austrians thinks.
Since the whole week not a web issue, everything has a promotional website, allow me to receive PRACK comment here for posterity. Would be a shame if this comment would come with the next DGW output into oblivion.

's Handbag
Michael Prack
presumption of guilt for bowl
Thank you, Wolfgang Schüssel. We thank you deeply for it, by what fundamentally honest, modest, capable (at all) types you worked during your chancellorship.
muscle from laughing lovely Satzverdreher Herbert Main up to the English-acrobats Hubert Gorbach, from just to scary competent Elisabeth Sickl up to you to the "best finance minister of the Second Republic," proclaimed Karl-Heinz Grasser.
Not forgetting of course, on your very special friend Jörg Haider, the capacity of the employment policy, it always law-abiding road sign defender of traffic.
succeeded with the help of these giants you in your office, the rich richer, make the poor poorer and our country to a guarded cheapest € fighters paragons of the beloved EU. The fact that you finally, despite this bravura performance allowed the elections to the almost charismatic Alfred Gusenbauer lost - take the public's not bad. What do because that?
So now, but seriously: To rise above and and come to power, has been Chancellor g'haut with blue and orange figures on a Packel over which today without the addition "there is the presumption of innocence" hardly Leave some leaves.
comes first here, the gentleman with the veil of hair, Karl-Heinz Grasser, as Fiona's "Crystal bush" on "Side Glances" regular. The suspicion that he had enriched himself with some Freunderln of privatization is now so tight, dassnur two variants are possible. Grasser was a crook or incompetent as Minister of boundless simpleton the meaning of. But it applies to him, the presumption of innocence.
Who, if not Jörg Haider - although undoubtedly dead - could now displace Grasser from the headlines. 45 million euros (more than 600 million shillings) is said to have stashed the coins bear on Liechtenstein trust accounts. Where did he get this power? By worshipers probably already being prepared statement, "He was just a thrifty man," probably hardly convincing.


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