Monday, June 20, 2005

Sample Invitation Letters For Exhibition

Bloggers and the Law in the United States

The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) "in defense of freedom in the digital world" has put together a guide on the legal aspects of blogging in the U.S., on the to is found.
Even if the rules unfortunately not apply to Austria, they give clues how to take action in this country.
appears of particular interest in the Overview the point is that the U.S. Supreme Court has repeatedly ruled in favor of the anonymity of bloggers. It is argued here, on the basis of the indian constitution guaranteed freedom of expression, that anonymity for reasons of expected economic or official retaliation, the concern is to provide an exclusion from society, or simply the desire to protect the privacy of other values .
guide to anonymous blogging
Right after that there is a link to a guide to anonymous blogging.
Another EFF page deals with the joint access to news . Online journalists have therefore (in the U.S.) the right to the same access to information such as journalists commercial media. This includes about access to the Senate and other public authorities. In the U.S., already the question of a claim for a press pass has been affirmed.
I should add here but from experience, that the Austrian press card scruffy usually in the wallet. Except for the Zutrit to Parliament, he is not required. And if you save the entry to the federal museums will, in my view is one not be at the cultural friends. The national museums can really need every €.
most useful, he is still in contact with the executive branch, where, having been a very Korekt behavior of the official acting officers ensured. The press plate in the car, however, leads in 99% of cases result: "It had to denunciation.

maybe someone has other useful links to the German law bloggers been located? Please leave in the comments!


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