Sunday, October 25, 2009

Christian Invitations Samples

Scrapping in Spain extended

The scrapping of cars remain in Spain. Additional to existing aid will make the Madrid government some 40 million euros, reported the English Industry Minister Miguel Sebatián. This grant will still end up paying to ensure the scrapping.

were far from the state about 100 million made available. This state aid will be used up already. The minister announced that Spain would grant in the coming year to help with this to replace older cars with more environmentally friendly models. Currently, the citizens will be supported by 1000 €, which carried into 500 € from the central government and the Government be.

for the English car dealers notice the good news was provided for relief. In case of expiry of the scrapping, the car dealers expect sales to decline by about 30 percent over the previous year. This was confirmed by the President of the association of dealers, Antonio Romero-Haupold. Such a decline would result in 30 000 jobs would be threatened. Spain

The messages are of course keep you in the familiar framework continues to date.


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