Monday, October 19, 2009

How To Make A Vinyl Wallet

abortion law dissolves in Spain mass protests

broke all records at the weekend in Madrid, a mass demonstration against the proposed amendment to the English abortion law. Around one million people have "Every life counts," the motto gathered. According to the spokesman Benigno Blanco, this was the biggest demonstration in Spain.

The protest was against the abortion reform of the socialist government of Prime Minister José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero. Core message of the new law is that abortion until the 14th Week of pregnancy is possible without penalty. In addition to minors aged 16 or over may perform an abortion without parental consent. When malformation of the fetus and in danger of physical or mental health of the expectant mother to abortion up to the 22nd Weeks are possible.

So far, an abortion in Spain was only after a rape is admissible in cases of suspected abnormality or danger to the physical and mental health of the expectant mother.

The new law must be passed in the parliament, where the Socialist minority government needs the support of the former communists of the United Left or of the Republican delegates from Catalonia.

The new law is to avoid legal uncertainty and forcing pregnant women not to illegal ways.

The English news will keep you more up to date and report on all the news. has


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