Sunday, October 14, 2007

Pink Gerbera And Gloriosa Wedding Bouquet

Notes and appointments

Where there are teachers and pupils and marks, Gibts now time problems.
rare voice the views of the parties agree on the notes.
The rate is 5 in the vocational school after my experience strongly depending on the teacher and school wavering.
link school law / grading
The city council should have its own opinion on grading and as far as telling the rumor probably get 90% of appeals against rating assessments.
Good for the students, no doubt, but a question arises: Are the teachers
too stupid to give
notes = 5 or if the SSR such a positive students attitude?
If so, why is the "not enough" will not abolish the same, if it is defakto in the appeals by the parents / students in such good hands as ever? Would
times a clear statement, but the question is whether there is not made regional politics on the back of the participating teachers and students.
As for the "Message " is? Give no love 5 and students convene in any case!
pity that there are no statistics on the 5-Austrian quota.
The material should then probably be too hot, I suspect that the rate of 5 much of the region and from the school depends. However
can not explain it by the statistical distribution, why should be given in Lower Austria more than 5 at the same student clientele in as the country in the Castle School X? So dear
school managers, give me the 5 series statistics of the schools!
PS: Which job school teacher does not know the student stories: I was on the HAK, HTL etc, and am twice in one and the same teacher in English or whatever failed. Our system generates benefits
" school corpses," and the company really not!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Orthodontic Treatment In Johor Bahru

House Rules

you know the house rules of the school in which they work, who school their children, the operation in which they are bschäftigt?
house rules are decided by the SGA and must be reviewed by the Head of Service.
house rules are prescriptive in nature!
house rules are followed.

But many house rules are unfortunately contradictory in itself. ;)

Which Fund Gives Best Result

commendations ... how, when, where, why?

Currently I am working as a staff representative with the subject of commendations, awards, administrative settlements.
A very interesting subject.
course commendations are voluntary services / acts of the employer. BUT, for
me it is very clear that a letter of appreciation for a certain behavior, of course, a commendation of all! attract teachers with the same behavior according to need.
The principle of justice and equal treatment must stand here on the voluntary.

Free Hypothyroidism Meal Plan

Dipl Paed

a topic in the "title" Dipl Paed.
There is total confusion as to whether this "title" must be kept in official publications or not.
I have since the beginning of my personal representative action! 3 years ago and over again and also stated firmly on this issue.
is only slowly moving in the matter, the findings neuseten will post here!

Short And Brief Speech At Farewell Party

The PVG, an unknown creature.

The PVG (Personal Representative Act) I count on the most obvious and clearest laws. The interpretation I believe is least . It contains a collection of clear and easy to understand instructions.
Unfortunately, this clarity reveals itself only to those who can PVG
a) reads
and the intention has
b) adhere to it as well.

Unfortunately I had to realize that this is not always the case.
out remained in the practice include the problem that various laws are changed or reinterpreted, BUT the PVG get in shape is.
can therefore sometimes come to seeming misunderstandings .
In Vienna, for example in professional education, the vocational school directors NOT head of service, but the professional inspectors.
Daruch need to satisfy the PVG to be done to negotiate the services committee, so to speak "over the head of the Directorate of time with the Head of Service / In.
this state I see as a significant disadvantage in Vienna, a solution would be to abolish the district school inspectors, or to change just the PVG or the directors as "part of head of service" formula to recognize / use.

Villa Concha Apartments Puerto Pollensa


Welcome to my second Spin off ! ( Link spin off )
My almost three years as a staff representative and the associated accumulation of knowledge I will be happy to give as tips and tricks. My interpretations of the legendary
PVG (Personal Representatives Act) relating to vocational education are not only teachers, but all officials and contract staff to good.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Voyeur Beach Cabİn

"The permanent resistance challenges the permanent suppression"

of Parvin Ardalan *

"On the morning of the 9th July 2007 shocked the insurgent creativity again the body of our confused society. Very quickly spread the news of the arrest of members of the "Central Committee of the Office for the strengthening of the unity ', Bahare Hedayat, Mohammad Hashemi, Ali Nikounesbati, Mehdi Arabshahi, Hanif Yasdani, Ali Waqfi. They sit on the floor and talk to us, framed by the images they hold up. The sit-in sit-ins and the picture of these six people before the building of Amirkabir University, is the creative revival of the events of 1999 on the university campus, especially for the forgetful. They [students] are there this time, unlike the pressure groups [Basij groups] attacked us and ask us against the confusion of the infectious period to make creative resistance. They force us to the events on the university campus of 9 July to remember, they force us not to forget the struggle for the release of the eight students of Amirkabir University. They have announced their sit-in not previously publicly, but their presence was public, so they set the Ängslichen and well-disposed towards something. The price of this presence is their arrest and the arrest of ten other members of the agency to strengthen the Unit.

In a climate that is determined by the broker economics and life on the basis of cost-benefit thinking in which control all dimensions of life and the intellectual showing off the political method of the time, any price to pay to the would be declared as irrational, not because of pressure and oppression, but because of the protection of their political and opportunist business interests.

Any change will move into the future. The resistance movements but are a sign of a conscious choice against the common infectious and fatalism.

our consciousness set in turmoil, not because they want to play hero or extremists , but because they are against the opportunism of the time.

The public show of their images would have, even before news of the sit-ins became known, had their effect. Perhaps because the usual attack their images of their times and move the spirit of the people. No one can bloody shirt in the hands of Ahmad Batebi on 9 July 1999 forgotten. Who can forget the pictures, as Delalarm Ali is on the ground, as Jila Bijaqub in handcuffs, like the women on 22 Khordad be beaten. What was

legend can replace the bloody image of a girl who attacked because of his clothing from the police?

What legend, the image of a worker who is hanged himself in protest, replacing, which legend may exceed the suffering, repression and protest this worker? Who can beat the bloody cruelty of a government policy if we think of the image of a man, they have hung a water jug at the neck to humiliate him. [A water jug, which one to use the toilet]

What story can evoke more disgust than the picture of a woman or a man who put half in the ground to be stoned?
This haunting and memorable images that reproduce daily, will use there, where else would conceal the official media, the protests or demagogic than 8 clock 30 messages circulate and turn. These images will remain and lead to eye pain, such as "the hat of Clement, which even caused nightmares. The images of the many Delaram and Ahmad Batebis hunt one remembers people fear, for they will never soften, because of the wiles of politicians answers. These images are fragments of a truth that they want to hide forever. There are pictures of an open cruelty that can not conceal transfiguring smile of the media and no golden and illusory movements. There are images of realities that keep the memories alive.

Shadow of a creeping coup
In recent months, attacks on individuals and society Groups increased. The creeping coup by the gentle safety similar to the machine-gun fire, which was destroyed, the memories, the activities of women's movements, the work of the syndicate, to destroy the student and the human rights movement. They are cited in the courts to get heavy sentences, such as flogging and imprisonment. The illegal arrests to be continued and expanded.

Hale Esfandiari's arrest, the ban for Nasi Asima, the unexpected sentences for the female members of the student movement, for Delaram Ali and Aliye Eqdamdust, continued detention of eight students of Amirkabiruniversität the arrest of members the agency to strengthen the unit, which was accompanied by air shots from raids on residential communities and the sealing of a student offices, the arrest of Mansour Osanlou leader who Busgewerkschaften, the arrest of Amir Jaqubali member of the campaign 'One Million Signatures' belong to the actions taken over the safety of the rescuers, so that each of civic activists relief is prevented. It does not seem to stop as if these measures. The security people have gone into position. You do not want that there is a next 7th December 1953 is [student demonstration against the Shah]. They have gone into position so that there is no March 8 is more, so no opportunity for union protests exist, so that no more opportunity arises to demand civic rights in elections, so they do not have to admit that we are moving at all, so they are in a climate of controlled elections the raising of the police look at - and this in a history-making time of the civil society movements.

The shadow of this gentle military security is broad. People should get used to fear and military order. But they have created tools, such as the fight against the bad clothing 'or the' fight against the mob ', so is every man his prescribed way. The officials know very well that if was in the early years of the revolution considered the resistance against concealment or against the dress code itself as a rebellion against the ideological values, whereas now it is every officer who wants to enforce the law is clear that It is no longer about the values. Because their contacts are mostly young women and girls who do not know the revolution. In the era of the atomic rest, it's all about an illegitimate power demonstration, based on trembling ideological pillars. Both know the state officials and the women that these demonstrations might lead either to the fact that someone's religious rules still follows that a religious leader also tries conviction only to be done. In reality, the pitcher has been broken for a long time. Even the government officials do not always execute the commands. However, this can itself be a reason why the city prevails in a military environment. Perhaps one can say that the night causing the fuel crisis and the consequent general anger and the police response in order to restore order, to a certain extent just to served the police presence in the city and at public places legitimate to ultimately give legitimacy to the Ilegitimtät.

fearlessness against the Project of creating fear
We are ready and the project of terror confronts us. Shall we get scared and isolate us or like the others that it was too close to emigrate? Should we be alarmed us, are afraid of the interrogations, arrests, detentions, whether on probation, or without? Should we let scare prior to the flogging or before the long prison sentences? Or we must resist this Umzingelungspolitik resistance and set up our voice to the general public?

I look at the pictures of the arrested students, women and workers. I regard the peace and the steadfastness of these courageous people. Gets the suppression always the appropriate response? It looks as if the strategy of the political system to suppress the social and political activists do not like it used rises. Earlier, every blow against political activists drew large consequences. Some emigrated, some went into the prison, some were isolated, and remained at home. In reality it is one of the long-term objectives of government, the activists, social movements and social institutions to make homeless, so that they can not organize the long term. The biggest attack of its kind, the systematic attacks against the offices of the national-religious groups. The emergence of the student Basij groups and the restriction of the activities of Muslim societies, also the arrest of those responsible for student newspapers, the attack on the trade union offices, the sealing of civil society institutions and the closure of the Office of strengthening the unity of all part of the program of our expensive security. Such as earthquakes hit a these programs to wipe out a movement again.

can in fact each meeting, which will organize the movement, the security forces not sleep quietly. The movement could but give a thought that could be an effective power. Therefore, once the control machinery set in motion in the Believe that any attack is stopped by one of the movements.

It looks as if such a belief prevails in general and to some extent, on the activities of a group or movement sets short-term breastfeeding. But in these times, ask where civil society movements in their alliances with other movements to demonstrate, in a time when the movements are not to locate in a place they breathe each other a life and mind. Their general requirements mean that to protect their family members not only as an isolated holy family, but are an active family, so do not worry more when they no a permanent place to live. In our houses are held movements that no one can stop everything. Unlike what the strategists of oppression have imagined, is held against the permanent suppression a permanent resistance. For if the state repression is so direct and obvious reactions are caused, fears turn into courage. Therefore produces the permanent oppression not so much fear and terror. The resistance movement is willing to pay any price, and will be no peace. The motion will come up everywhere.

I stare at the photos of Bahare Hedayat, Abdullah Momeni, from Delaram Ali, Mansour Osanlou in Aliyeh Eqdamdust. How should I describe it? Student activists, feminists, trade unionists? Or we call them all? The Delaram that Bahar, Mariam Sia, Osanlous that Momeni, and much as I can describe it all? The social movements have a great power that give us faith, steadfastness and movement, a happy accident that causes the suppression of the strategists in terror, so that they strengthen the repression.

I stare at the photos. A creative rebellion, but peacefully, confidently and powerfully moving on and chase the fear is a fear. There is no terror, there is warmth, passion and love that the stimulated society Heat is. It depends on us that this does not stop beating heart to beat. "

* Parvin Ardalan is one of the most famous women's lives in Iran. The following article she reflects an image of resistance to tyranny.
This article first appeared in the women's website Sanestan and then in exile newspaper Rooz.

[ ]

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Depixelate After Effects


International solidarity with the struggles of women in Iran
.... ....................................

After 28 years, the Iranian women's movement has brought many highs and lows behind him. Always the women's movement has drawn on international agreements to raise demands for "equal rights" and "abolition of discriminatory laws." Now the movement is entering a decisive phase. The struggles of progressive women in the establishment of cultural centers, in group activities and in organizing protest actions, such as the "1 million signatures campaign" and the campaign against stoning "bring new hopes.
The formulation of these discourses and advancing such social movements are by no doubt the claims associate "equality" and "freedom" with each other. Without doubt, we can say that today the women's movement, in parallel with other freedom-and justice-demanding society movements in the center of democratic struggles.
The women's movement in Iran, men and women has different ideas gathered around him to defend the demands for equality, and to carry out socio-cultural activities that provide all the dimensions of power in question. Because the sex ratio is a social, political and cultural commandment that all areas of life, from the private sphere comprises up to society. Therefore, the discussion leads with the women's movement to ensure that every member of society in all private, social and political problems, think critically. In today's Iran is "Badhejabi" [un-Islamic clothing] say one reason for the daily attacks by government forces against women, no to the ideological model of the Islamic order. At the same time justify the ruling of the attacks and stabilize the situation of those who spread fear and terror in society. The forced veiling of women, which is to be regarded as the manifestation of their tutelage, has now transformed into an instrument of oppression at all levels of society.

In reality, the situation of women as a mirror for society and feminism is a view that education on gender relations operates and thereby reveals the complicated power relations in different spheres of social life. The feminist thought and action can not be limited by the scope of a party or an organization. At the same time can not be denied that political rivalries and other group compete with each other here. When it comes to defending the women's movement, it is very important to take this into account.

are no doubt that the activities referred to the important tasks of the progressive Iranian women who are tested need. The positioning of individuals and groups in terms of freedom and equality and social justice for women will make the success of activities to the test.

We are a group of Iranian women in exile, fighting for years for improving the situation of women. We have come together under such dangerous conditions to take united action to support the demands for equal rights for women in Iran and will use our different political views back in this context. In these years, we have no to the "Islamic feminism" and have always said about the necessity of independent Struggle of the women talked to achieve equality and freedom.
Our common steps are based on the following minimum consensus:

1) The necessary and active defense of the women's movement in Iran on the basis of international human rights declarations and women's rights. We call for "equal rights" to remove all gender discrimination.
2) We firmly believe that restricting women's demands for freedom and equality, with no explanation and interpretation of ethnic, religious and national identities. Therefore, we believe that the "Islamic feminism" and the "Islamic human rights" the way to freedom and equality are not smooth.
3) We will work to ensure that the demands for "equality" with the demands for "freedom" link to arrange a wide women's movement, which combines with other democratic movements.
4) We fight together against the forced veiling, which is the manifestation of the domination of women and an instrument of gender-specific discrimination.
5) We assume that the continuation of repressive measures, the women's movement can bring to a low point. Since we are in exile, however, about the possibility freedom of expression have, we want to support while maintaining our diversity of opinion, the struggle of feminists in Iran.

With this call, we want to take in European cities in North America and various measures to actively support the women's movement in Iran. We call on all women who share our positions and recognize the dangers of the current situation to work with us.

following persons have signed the statement. The arrangement of the registered names is alphabetical:

1 - Shahla Abghari - USA
2 - Simin Afshar - Germany
3 - Ealahe Amani - USA
4 - Negar Amuzandeh - Canada
5 - Iran wick Ansari - France
6 - Lehila Aslani - Germany
7 - Anna Asieh Pak - France
8 - Mariam Azimi - Germany
9 - Chahla Chafiq - France
10 - Mahvash Dalai - Germany
11 - Haideh Daragahi - Sweden
12 - Jasmin Darvish - Austria
13 - Ebrahimzadeh Parvin - Germany
14 - Giti Edalati - Germany
15 - Shahla Feyzi - Germany
16 - Ghodsi Hejazi - Germany
17 - Farmiah Ijadi - Germany
18 - Sholeh Irani - Sweden
19 - Atef Jafari - Germany
20 - Golroch Jahangiri - Germany
21- Mihan Jazani – Frankreich
22- Fatemah Kabiri – Deutschland
23- Monireh Kazemi - Deutschland
24- Nargese Kermanshahi – Kanada
25- Sima Mahzari – Deutschland
26- Soheila Mirzai – Deutschland
27- Akram Mosavi – Deutschland
28- Nahid Nosrat – Deutschland
29- Hamila Nisgili – Deutschland
30- Mariam Nouri – Deutschland
31- Mahshid Pegahi – Deutschland
32- Katayon Pirdavari – Deutschland
33- Mahshid Rasti – Schweden
34- Mahan Rusat – Deutschland
35- Nasrin Saadeghi – Deutschland
36- Saideh Sadat – Deutschland
37- Elahe Sadr – Deutschland
38 - Parvin Saghafi - Germany
39 - Giti Salami - Germany
40 - Parvaneh Sepehr - England
41 - Jaleh Talen Hariri - Germany
42 - Parvaneh Zargar - Germany
International Network for solidarity with Iranian women's movement
............................. ........................

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Basketball Outline Thesisi

Iran: A commemoration of the women's movement

Two years ago the 12th June in the history of Iranian women's movement received. In the last two Years, the protests during the suffocating repression of the peaceful demonstration for human rights violence in the bud. This year, the commemorative events were held at 12 June in private rooms instead.
In light of the fact that the reformist Islamic movement has failed in Iran and they also could not represent the interests of the Iranian women's movement decided to take the women to organize an independent civil society movement, said Dr. Ladan Borumand in the Persian-language broadcast Voice of America. She said that "Iranian women have opted for the failure of the reform movement, not on government policy to trust, but to organize an independent social movement. "This decision was taken even before Ahmadinejad's election under the presidency of Khatami. The women would be able to state policy disenchanted with the idea and set, therefore, only a democratic movement from below. Bahere Hedayat, a caller who phoned the Iranian exile told Radio Tehran, authentic, that the protests would continue, but in silence. They especially criticized sharply propagated by government officials polygamy, "State support of prostitution" performing.
declaration of the 700
In a statement , Which was signed by more than 700 living in Iran "defender of human rights", it indicates that the campaign "1 Million Signatures . With this campaign, trying to Iranian women's rights in a broad social base for "to change discriminatory laws" create. In November last year, Iranian women activists in Tehran publicly announced the campaign "1 million signatures" to . It's about the equality between women and men and to the implementation of universal human rights. The statement
remember the 700 signatories to the people arrested in recent months, of interrogations, to high security deposits, which constitute in the case of the release of prisoners a great burden. In 121 cases had more than around € 1 million bail for the release of detained women have demanded. This tries to ruin the dictatorship, the movement really financially. For peacefully demonstrating women have been very up to 9 years imprisonment. According to official figures, 14 635 women have been arrested in different parts of Iran, more than 67,000 women have been warned. The declaration states: "The dimensions of this disaster are enormous. It seems as if the permanent institutionalization of fear in the hearts of women is the goal, so they are no longer show in the present society. They want to force women to stay at home. "
The declaration stresses that young women are increasingly female students in the student movement. There is criticism that had been in this year's study places in universities "rationed by gender. The goal "is the number of women studying smaller, so that they do not enjoy higher education more." Side had been expelled several students were arrested, mostly women. Criticized not only concerns are the women, but the destruction of the teachers 'and workers' protests and the expulsion of the Afghans.
The weakest members of society, Women and children, are those who would suffer the most severe state repression. At the same time, the authors of the Declaration and its relationship to the problems that the Iranian government, in international diplomacy. This would increase the pressure on society. This is a dark side of the problem. Was positive, however, that the active presence of women in social struggles would therefore not remove. The women's movement would go on continuously in slow steps.
No one can stop the movement
With the help of various campaigns, such as the campaign "1 Million Signatures or the campaign against stoning are at least problems in the state legislature, as was the blood of law or the criminal responsibility of children discussed in public. The signatories declare that they will continue their struggle against discrimination. They would work with the method of face to face ", informing the Iranian men and women of the discriminatory state laws in order to lay the basis for an enlightened and broad social movement. Such a movement was proof that the activists have learned to work with a lot of patience for the just demands of Iranian women. The signatories to warn the authorities warned that if the aggressive be action against the women's activities continued social problems at an impasse, and this could be solved.
Shirin Ebadi, Nobel Peace Prize winner said at a small private meeting last Tuesday in Tehran: "You have done us harm. They made us record. But we do not forget that we are not getting nothing. "She said that would now involve women from all walks active in the campaign a million signatures. You also said: "The campaign 1 million signatures is already so large that no one, not even ourselves, to stop this movement may. "
differentiated Without
Islamists in exile, the Iranian women's movement more. In a statement, gave members of an Iranian women's network, which has re-organized in Europe and the United States, not just their solidarity with the women's movement in Iran known. They wrote, among other things, that the "demands of Iranian women for freedom and equality by any ethnic, religious or national identity should be restricted. are therefore also of the 'Islamic feminism' and the 'Islamic' human rights' is no way to freedom and equality. "At the same time, however, could members of very different Religions, and unbelieving atheists the universal values of human rights, freedom and equality of women and initiate defend the way of their implementation.

Wahied of Wahdat-Haqq , columnist for WORLD DEBATE

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

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Support the struggle of Iranian women's movement

personalities from science and policy are concerned about women's human rights campaign in Iran


Since August last year, the campaign "One million signatures to amend discriminatory laws" in parallel with other activities such as "campaign for the abolition of stoning in Iran. It is worn by Iranian women activists and refers to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Equality.
Due to the great success and strong support among the people, this movement has now become the target of the Iranian power structure. Dozens of women are already under the pretext of endangering national security, had been arrested. On the one hand, the activists and intimidated the other hand, the campaign should be criminalized.
at a meeting before the Revolutionary Court, on the occasion of solidarity with several women who should be condemned, were arrested last March, first of 30 women. Some of them were wrongly taken up to 17 days in solitary confinement and released on bail. Some of them were recorded.
Two weeks ago, now has a so-called revolutionary court in Tehran also like the first judgments. Two well-known feminists, Parwin Ardalan and Ahmadi Khorasani Nushin, were sentenced to three years in prison. More persecution of feminists are expected in the coming days and weeks. These women have nothing to reproach, are not to blame and have done nothing to set except for the rights of women in Iran.
The fate of the condemned again makes clear that women's rights as universal human rights at the center of the struggle for democracy and Rule of law in Iran are. Therefore, this campaign for the Muslim rulers is so dangerous.
We are concerned about the persecuted and condemned women. Therefore we can not remain silent.
We support the following call:

Support the struggle of Iranian women's movement *
The Iranian women's movement strides forward in their daily struggle for freedom and democracy. You can have some success, only the struggle of feminists and activists to are due. This is particularly involved in mobilizing for the campaign "One million signatures to amend discriminatory laws " and for " campaign for the abolition of stoning " significantly. These are only examples of their use. The Iranian women's rights are based on international resolutions and conventions that Iran has signed, and oblige the Iranian government to comply with them. Because Iran has signed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, committing themselves to avoid discrimination. Nevertheless, the government legalized any gender discrimination and unequal rights of men and Woman with their fundamentalist interpretation of Islam. The Iranian women were able to make it clear that they want an active role in society and culture play in the country. They are in particular by the legislation of the Islamic Republic regarded as inferior and treated accordingly. These laws prevent the full development of women and thus the development of the whole society.
makes in a time of dramatic increase of tension and escalation of interstate, ethnic and religious conflicts in many parts of the world, the Iranian women's movement made good progress and reached new horizons in their struggle for equality, human rights and democracy. She questions the national, ethnic and religious identity is fundamental and moves to the universal human rights at the heart of public debate. Here, the limitations and inadequacy of terms such as "Islamic human rights" are revealed. Unequivocally clarifies that Islam as individual beliefs do not necessarily mean the denial of human rights, freedom, equality and democracy.
The new women's movement is however aware that the cultural and religious diversity ensured only in the context of full acceptance and recognition of the universality of human rights can be.
is currently the women's and women's rights movement in Iran the target of a powerful apparatus of repression have become. The arrests of dozens of active women under the flimsy and fabricated allegations, as has endangering national security, only one thing in mind: to bring the women to silence and their struggle to end. Under the conditions of political and informational censorship, it is unfortunately impossible to make this suppression to the full extent of a larger public.

The undersigned signatories of this call and support the struggle of Iranian women's movement for a democratic Iran.

* This letter was originally the initiative of Chahla Chafiq (feminist writer), Karim Lahidji (President of the League for Human Rights) and Reza Moini (members of Reporters Without Borders), written in French!

in great solidarity:

1 - Cathy Adler, educator
2 - Group Women of the Foundation Redistribution, Foundation for a caring world: Elisabeth Bagana / Regina Wep / Ulrike Schaette / Annette C. Eckert, Young Sook ripple / Mihan Rusta
3 - Dr. Farideh Akashe-Böhme, sociologist, journalist
4 - Seyran Ates, a lawyer,
5 - Volker Beck, parliamentary secretary, the Bündnis 90 / The Greens
6 - Martina Clauda, educator
7 - Prof. Gernot Böhme
8 - Prof. Micha Brumlik
9 - Dr. jur. Walter Burger, Attorney
10 - Dr. Christoph Cobet, Pubilizist
11 - Jutta Ebeling, Mayor of Frankfurt
12 - Laura Gallati, musician
13 - Ulrike Gauderer, counsel
14 - Gabrielle Hermsdorf, artist
15 - Melissa Hirt, teacher
16 - Bärbel Höhn, Minister aD
17 - Ute Koczy, MP
18 - Matthias Küntzel, a political scientist and journalist
19 - Anna Lührmann, MP
20 - Nicole Maisch, MP
21 - Beate Menger, Dipl Soz.
22 - Gisela Mikuliz, administrators
23 - Prof. Brita Rank
24 - Claudia Roth, chairman of Alliance 90/The Greens
25 - Chris Sanner, educator
26 - Lutz Sikorski, Councillor Frankfurt
28 - Prof. Christina Towell pipe
29 - Rupert of Plottnitz, minister
30 - Renate Weim, educator,
31 - Maren Westphal, special education teacher
32 - Roland W. Hölzinger, personal trainer
33 - Wolf Wilberscheid, energy economist
34 - Monika Wintermeyer, graduate education
35 - Turgut Yüksel, Frankfurt city councilor, coordinator of the initiative of the secular and secular citizens from Islamic countries in Hessen (ISL).
36 - Inge tooth, high school teacher
37 - Prof. Dr. Peter Zahn

Additional information and assistance to include: experience .
Responsible: Iranian women's groups in Germany
Contact: we.forchange @

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

In Which Movie Is Black Charizard Present

* We do not keep silent!

protest against sentence and the threat of arrest by active feminists in Iran On Apr 24, 2007 were in the Revolutionary Court in Tehran following Sentences against two well-known feminists in Iran, Parwin Ardalan and Ahmadi Khorasani Nushin spoken:

3 years imprisonment, of which 6 months of closed enforcement and 2.5 years on probation!
this harsh sentence was justified with the "participation in an activity that threatens the internal security of the country"! Parwin Ardalan and Ahmadi Khorasani Nushin actively fighting for years for the rights and equality for women. They are known as active feminists and are among the founders of the campaign "One million signatures to change discriminatory laws."

This campaign has been adopted with great enthusiasm by people of Iran. Iran has signed the human rights conventions. The State has committed itself explicitly to combat discrimination against women and to create appropriate laws, or to pass laws to protect women. The Iranian regime violated by such judgments precisely this human rights treaties. It is important to note that in recent days, the Islamic Revolutionary Court re-sentencing of Azadeh Forghani, Susan Tahmasebi and Fariba Dawudi for "participation in an activity, the internal security of the country at risk" have spoken. Are expected to further judgments for other activists.

The Iranian government is now trying, with such judgments, Attacks and reprisals, the "bad veiled women," "Bad Hedjabha" that allow the ideology of Islamic government, a clear "say no" to intimidate and stifle the women's movement in the bud. Parallel to the fight against the student movement and the labor struggle of the workers and teachers, the feminist movement is confronted with attacks and sanctions. The severe sentence against Parwin Ardalan, Nushin Ahmadi Khorasani, Azadeh Forghani, Susan Tahmasebi and Fariba Dawudi, who have no debt, use force except for the rights of women, showing their firm intention to bring the women into silence.

The fate of the convicted person does again clear that women's rights are central to the struggle for freedom and rule of law. Therefore we do not keep silent!

We, the undersigned, call upon all freedom-loving people who work for human and women's rights, to protest the sentences. We are for an international opinion for the lifting of the sentences and arrests. We demand the enforcement of the rights of freedom and a secure life for the active feminists in Iran.

I want to be here

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

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"The rule of men over the people"

Fariba Dawudi-Mohajer, a lawyer and women's rights activist, gave the Roozonline an interview, which is documented below in summary form. She points out that the Iranian government considers the smallest opposition as threats to national security. The regime intervene immediately and suppress civil society developments that took place beyond the mass propaganda of the state. The government had apparently afraid of equal rights for women. The women's movement would not be impressed by the state propaganda de regime.
Homa Zarafshan first notes that the Iranian women's movement was in fact very small. This would be without foreign Help develop. Currently, this movement is borne by a minority of women in the social middle class. This would develop in both the middle class and in the lower social strata, so that they develop into a social movement.


"is meant by rule of the people actually rule by the people or the domination of men over the people?"

Dawudi-Mohajer war keine Teilnehmerin der Frauendemonstration im Juni letzten Jahres oder im März diesen Jahres. Still seeking the Tehran Revolutionary Court on their conviction. You asks how it can happen, then, that the "demonstrations of a few women who are fighting only against the discrimination against women, as a measure to be considered against national security?" There, that should not really be that about 70 people, all were arrested for a limited time, with one person even had to stay four months in prison for threatening the national security of such a large country like Iran? The women were beaten up at demonstrations and in prison and were insulted and their complaints before the courts were not even answered.

Dawudi-Mohajeri stressed that "strengthened the more the civil society becomes, the more the mass society will be limited. "A civil society will not be able to develop in any direction and would not" be influenced by the regime and its propaganda. Therefore, the government also intervenes when a strong civil society movement is emerging. "

Especially when not even a part of this movement is de-nationalized. Newspapers, websites, bloggers would be attacked again and again. It describes the situation as follows: ". It is therefore natural that they take action against women who are for equality and against discrimination," If women would claim their share of the men would they come under pressure. It could not be possible, complained Dawudi-Mohajer, that give the "women their voices to the men getting their rights but to strengthen the men, but every day. It is in this context, no differences between the conservatives and the reformers. They all have to learn that if they want to get the support of women to the demands of the women have to meet. And the times like now the totalitarian-minded men not to tolerate any competing voice only. [...] The government threatened the women, their sites are filtered, they are dismissed from their jobs, put social pressure on searched illegally. "She further asked if this was the only response to peaceful demands of the state of women.

talks about their comments further: "The government is afraid of the demands of women to equality. She is afraid of many voices. She is afraid of a strong and effective rivals. The government wants to rule the society and the private rooms. The woman should be a product at home and an instrument that is used in the company of men. The woman should follow the man and if they are not sexually added, they should get no more supper. The government wants to control the woman at home and in society. The men but to have fun at polygamy. The law serves the men even in their spare time. The unequal inheritance laws, the blood law and the right tools to give the man towards women economic independence and social status. The totalitarian thinking people are afraid to change those laws. "Stresses

Dawudi-Mohajeri that despite all the government can hear the voice of Iranian women. She points out that the Iranian "men are sitting in a corner and are afraid to lose even just a little of their power. The men throw the activists go too far forward. "The active women could ask the men, wherever it were stable, it confirms and adds: "Nowhere in the world is the 8th March as a political event considered. Our government even politicized 8 .? "I

asks whether Iran really belonged to all Iranians, like ex-President Khatami promoted, or March, only the Iranian men" She asks, "is meant by rule of the people actually rule by the people or the domination of men about the people? The reformers finally have to clarify what they have for a women's program. The reformers must clearly articulate what they think about the demands of the courageous women? Last June, some reformers have said that they will not participate in the demonstrations, because they went too far. "

Dawudi-Mohajeri defended the right of Iranians to be based on international human rights agreements may be. They would rely on the internationally accepted human rights conventions and resolutions, which Iran has signed. You could "not play the traditional values against the acceptance of international conventions." The world has become smaller thanks to modern media. The Iranian women had contact with the international women's movements maintain. She stressed that the "specifics of the Iranian women's movement, its non-ideological character" was. [1]

"without foreign influence"

The woman's rights activist, Homa Zarafshan, writes that she will miss not generally about the oppression of women, but about the "concrete and existing problems in the current women's movement."

of critic that the women's movement is still not nationwide and was able to organize beyond the big cities and states:
"The mass of women who come from the lowest strata of urban and agricultural society, can still not resist, even though they are oppressed." Zarafshan According to the activists are mainly the women's movement of the Iranian middle class to.

is currently the women's movement primarily "an intellectual movement of women. This has not yet developed into a social movement. It is primarily studied women, employees, journalists, lawyers. Teachers and students, and women who have already been on the country. was all set course represents a notable portion of society who have their own and special interests, must defend it. "

The problem, however, continues Homa Zarafshan that not even the women of the urban middle class demands the women studied had arrived. Not all female employees and not all women studied were aware of the demands of the women's movement. At least many women from the middle class had no contact with the women's movement should have.

Zarafshan notes in its analysis that, in general intellectual movements are too weak to change power relations. In addition, the women's movement had become a social movement. The social movement in Iran had become so strong that it is in a position to implement their demands. The women's movement should turn their eyes downward, writes Zarafshan. First, the women's movement "horizontal" growth and become stronger, ie, a middle class movement. It is for the women's movement is also developing "vertically", so that it reaches the lower strata of society.

Zarafshan defends a purely national oriented women's movement and, interestingly, warns against foreign, especially against U.S. attacks on the Iranian women's movement and believes that social movements must act financially independent. [2]

The Iranian Intelligence Minister, Mohsen Ejei Qolamhossein warned in a very harsh tone of a "collaboration of the fifth column, the internal enemies with foreign elements." He stressed that the Iranian secret service to monitor closely all movements in Germany and abroad. [3]

[1] Roozonline, 26.3.2007,
[2] Roozonline, 26.3 .2007,
[3] Aftab News, 28.3.2007,

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Naruto I Sakura Igrice

We are second class citizens

In Iran, a broad coalition is fighting against oppression of women by law. Their equality is due to decades moved "danger from the outside." An interview with Nahid Keshavarz
Mahmoud Bersani

Nahid Keshavarz is a feminist and a member of the Cultural Center of the women in Tehran. She is co-initiator of a petition against the discrimination of women in Iranian law, which is supported by feminist organizations and personalities. Keshavarz itself on 4 March during a protest along with 34 other activists fixed - removed and after 48 hours on bail and is released-set (see jW of March 23).

A broad alliance feminist initiatives and personalities in Iran, among them Nobel laureate Shirin Ebadi, has launched a campaign to collect one million signatures for the abolition of legal discrimination between men and women. How women are discriminated against legally in Iran?
is the gender discrimination in both the civil and criminal legislation in the very large. So the woman loses her marriage a number of rights: freedom of choice of residence, freedom of travel, the right to leave the country even to exercise a profession outside the home. All this is dependent on the consent of the husband. The woman has to obey him. Men may have several wives and may, whenever they want to, distinguish. Conversely, a woman can only get a divorce if they can prove that she is treated badly, the man stays a living, is a drug addict or in jail.

Does the lack of rights of women in relation to her children?
Yes. By law, a mother can never exercise the financial custody of her child. Also on the residence of the child, whether it can leave the country, even on medical matters pertaining to their child may not decide the woman treffen.In Iran is a girl already at the age of criminal ninth year of age, a boy with top 15 If it commits an offense to which the death penalty, it can even be sentenced to death. Existing laws, according to the citizenship of Iranian women is not transmitted to their children. This will in particular women, difficulties that are married to Afghans so that their children are not considered Iranians and have therefore not automatically the right of residence.

women under Iranian law therefore "worth less?
Definitely. The claims by the woman are only half as high as that of men. An example: If the road a woman and a Husband have a car accident and as a result, both are paralyzed, the woman stands to inherit only half as much compensation as the man to twice as many sons as daughters. The wife inherits, if she has children, only one-eighth of the assets of her late husband. If the man had several wives, this eighth is divided among them. On land, women have absolutely no hereditary Ansprüche.Es a variety of other discrimination. For example, a man who caught his wife with another man, they kill without being prosecuted. Women are usually not allowed in court as witnesses and if so, then the testimony of two women as valuable as the testimony of a man.

How do these laws in practice on the lives of women?
We are second class citizens. Women are without legal protection. For the poorest, the most serious consequences, while women of the middle class here and there manage to get around the laws. An indication of the dire situation of many Iranian women is the high suicide rate. This is despite more than 60 percent of those who are admitted to a university education are women.

How is it that women in Iran, despite the massive discrimination in everyday life much more present and more confident than in other countries the region?
This has mainly historical reasons. Iranian women fight for 100 years for a change in their legal and social situation. With the women's movement in which was also a movement of intellectuals who advocated for modern ideas and equal social rights for all. In the recent Iranian history, many educated men were fighting in Iran to improve the situation of Frauen.Dabei engaged in the first half of the 20th Century, many more men than for women's rights during the Iranian revolution in February 1979. During this time the woman question was dismissed as a minor matter, their Treatment until after the victory of the "anti-imperialist revolution postponed". The revolution brought the Iranians no progress in the legal field, but even greater lawlessness. Nevertheless, the social upheavals in the wake of the revolution also led to changes in the lives of women. The cultural development of the Iranian society is still be in conflict with the legal situation. Although women are in the countries of the region also face multiple discrimination, is developing there - except perhaps in Turkey - no significant resistance. This is only against the background of historical and cultural differences between societies to understand these countries.

What are the objectives of the campaign?
Our greatest hope is to make the debate about equality between men and women on a broad basis. We want direct dialogue with women and men in public - to draw attention to the discrimination against women - in the streets, in buses, in the subway. In the petition and information material is distributed in the laws enshrined discrimination. Many women who sign our petition, will not remain passive, but themselves become activists in the campaign. With a million signatures, we can institutions the power to show that many women do and men to equality. No government can ignore the demands of the population over time.

who initiated the petition?
The idea came from members of Tehran's cultural center. You managed to turn it into a campaign supported by all groups of women come together in the different generations of Iranian women's movement. It is not centrally managed, but works as a network. The goals and requirements are clear. On this basis, each activist free hand to design their own work.

Fear not, against the background be appropriated to the ongoing U.S. threats against Iran for its purposes?
I am concerned like many other Iranian citizens and have a fear of a war. The way the two States, it is not in our interest. Unfortunately we have no say in this Spiel.In the past decades, our claims have been repeatedly ignored under the pretext of "threat from without," or because of other problems. However, we have no choice but to commit ourselves to change our situation. We need urgent assistance. We are looking but not in the Western states, but in women's and human rights organizations in other countries.

Monday, March 5, 2007

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women's demonstration smashed

An active women's organization in Tehran, Iranian wrote the following statement:

On 4 March, activists of the movement to defend women's rights who had gathered outside the Revolutionary Court, were arrested by repressive forces of the regime.
On Friday 2 Of March, activists called for the rally to protest against the arrest of women activists in recent weeks. The protest rally was the beginning of a trial against five activists as an opportunity to have been arrested on 12 June 2006, to a peaceful Protest had taken part. The women's demonstration was declared as an "illegal assembly against national security". Then ranged Nushin Ahmadi Khorassani, Parvin Ardalan, Susan Tahmassebi, Shahla Entesari and Fariba Davudi Mohajer up a letter of complaint to the court in which they complain about the aggressive approach of the security forces.

The Justice had stated on the June demonstration that 60 people had been arrested, including 42 women. Today, men and women had gathered outside the building since 8:30 of the Revolutionary Court. In the course of a wild raid 36 people were arrested. Some of those arrested are:
Nushin Ahmadi Khorassani, Nassrin Afsali, Zara Amjadian, Assiye Amini, Elnas Ansari, Parvin Ardalan, Mahbub Abasqolisadeh, Jila Bani Yaqub, Parastou Dokuhi, Farideh Entesari, Nahid Entesari, Shahla Entesari, Somayeh Farid, Asadeh Forqani, Nilufar Golkar, Fateme Gowarai, Mariam Hosseinkhah, Mahbub Hosseinsadeh, Sara Imanian, Nahid Jafari, Jelweh Jawaheri, Nahid Keshawars, Saghi Laghai, Sara Loghmani, Mariam Mirza, Mahnas Mohamadi, Rezvan Moqadam, minutes Mortazi, Zeinab Peyghambarsade, Shadi Sadr, Fakhri Shadfar, Susan Tahmassebi ...

Shadi Sadr, a lawyer and activist in the women's movement and defender of Shahla Entesari was arrested. As we know, were arrested in two Groups, first in the "Office for the fight against corruption in society" [1] and then into the office of Tehran's security police in Wozara.

It was also reported that officials have hit Nahid Jafari's head so hard on the floor of the bus that her teeth were knocked out. Yet she was not taken to a hospital.

The prisoners are currently located in Section 209 of the notorious Evin prison. It is believed that the aggressive approach of the Iranian security forces against peaceful women's demonstration is to be understood as a sign that the Islamic regime in this year, no demonstrations the occasion of International Women's Day on 8 March will allow.

4th March 2007

[1] vice squad

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

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One million signatures to change discriminatory laws

All laws in Iran, the women regarded as a secondary sex and discriminate against them. This happens in a society in which more than 60 percent of enrolled students are female. In many societies it is believed that the law must be always a step ahead of the culture, the social culture could grow with it. In Iran, the laws are lagging behind, however, the culture and the situation of women behind.
According to the Law is a nine year old girl completely age of criminal responsibility. If the girl commits a penalty, which is punishable by death, the court may impose the death penalty. If cause a woman and a man on the street in an accident and both are paralyzed, the woman gets under the current law, only half of the compensation as the husband If something happens before the eyes of a woman and a man, is the testimony of a woman who is alone, not accepted, but the testimony of a man is accepted. By law, the father, with the permission of the court, his 13 year old daughter, even at a 70-year Married man. According to the Law, the mother does not assume financial responsibility for their children. The mother should not take the place of residence, over permission to leave and not even on the healing activities of their children's decisions. According to the Law, the men have several wives and violate their wives, when they want it.
These cases are only a small part of the legal inequalities and discrimination against women. And without doubt, women belonging to lower layers or members of ethnic and religious minorities are discriminated against even more from the law and suffer even more among them. On the one hand, the unjust laws have meant that relations between women and men are very unbalanced, so that the men faced so many problems. For example, it has become customary for the men have to pay a high dowry. The women claim that large sums of money as they try to outweigh its disadvantages because of legal inequality. On the other hand, the Iranian government signed international agreements such as the Declaration of Human Rights and is therefore obliged them to be obeyed. The most important guarantee, which must be guaranteed in accordance with the Declaration of Human Rights is to avoid discrimination, on gender, race or religion, are due. Accordingly, after redistribution, we call problems, the signatories of this declaration, the elimination of discrimination against women at all levels of the law and ask the legislators to reconsider the prevailing laws and then to review in accordance with the international obligations of the government.
The signatures below are collected in the Internet and can not be held personally opposed. [ ]

How Not To Become So Aroused

one million signatures to amend discriminatory laws

About the campaign "One million signatures to amend discriminatory laws," Some

Groups of activists from the women's movement to protest the meetings of 12 June 2006, which took place on, third-Tir Square in Tehran decided to continue their efforts towards the resolution and were decided against the unfair and anti-woman laws specific aim. As part of a campaign to create a broad movement, which campaigns for the collection from millions of signatures' to change with the aim of the discriminatory laws in Iran.

objectives of the campaign

The collection of one million signatures is only one of the pillars of this campaign. This campaign has other objectives that are expressed in the following program:

1 - This project will bring on a broad social base to produce positive social change. The goal of this movement is clearly defined and it is justified. The goal is to abolish the law discriminates against women.
2 - A further objective of the collective motion is to create an open discussion between women and civil society on a broad basis. The defenders of equal rights should come into direct contact with the public, so an awareness of the needs and problems of people in their everyday life is created, in particular on the legal level. This will contribute to the awareness and sensitivity of the Citizens for the unequal rights are strengthened in our country.
3 - At the same time, these efforts to enrich the experience of the justice-seeking women and men and strengthen the contacts among different groups. One of the positive consequences could be that given the silent women a voice.
4 - The basis of this campaign is the belief in the growth of consciousness, a culture of dialogue among citizens and to the learning of collective democratic activities in terms of reforms from below, ie from the center of society and not from above. The basis of this collective action is the belief in the need to strengthen the social milieu, the belief in the strength of women. A social change is only guaranteed in the long term if it is rooted in society and hails from the mainstream of society. The pain and the tangible problems need to be aware of, directly or indirectly any individual. Also important to recognize that legal problems are not personal or private problems, and that a large number of women struggling against it, with serious consequences, they must endure.
5 - Another goal of the campaign is based on the principle that the activists are in direct contact with citizens of their society. You must know that they have to endure a lot of difficulties and that they have a have to pay high price for their actions and that they of course can only be abolished with unity and compassion, injustice and discrimination. Compassion and friendly cooperation will strengthen sure the spirit of co-determination on the fate of our country among the defenders of emancipation and human rights. The history of democratic struggles of women in other countries, particularly in countries whose governments and traditions are similar to those of Iran, to teach us this. This fight is a long and difficult road ahead. There is no way of power and the mighty men and women .... It is the simple way of raising awareness and making information on individual Women and ordinary citizens about their own situation in society and about the general social conditions.
6 - shows the balance of this campaign is that the legitimate demands are not conducted to change the discriminatory laws 4:00 to 5:00 thousand women. On the contrary, they demand a comprehensive claim is dar. A majority of Iranian women and men suffering from the existing legal inequalities. They all respond, depending on their cultural assumptions to the situation. For example, a journalist protested in their articles against the inequality. Another woman organizes movies and photos to the injustices reflect. Another woman burns herself Another girl flees from her father's house. Another repressed woman screams in the courtroom, because of the inequalities. Occur and hundreds of other cases such social protests in the everyday lives of the women of our country.
7 - We can point to other goals of our campaign, so the results will show that collective action that calls for change and reform of the law is not equal to the demands of a particular class of women. It raises, for example, before the defenders of equal rights and women activists - of course in order to silence them - that they do this do it because they have no other problems because they live in the rich north of the city and its profile and do so on .... But this is not true. For these unjust laws have a more or less on the lives of all women, whether educated or illiterate, whether in the north or south of the city dwelling, whether single or married, whether from land or from the city coming.

The time of the execution of the campaign for one million signatures

This campaign is set in the long term, and will continue until a million signatures have been collected. We assume that the campaign can take up to two years. But achieving the target of one million signatures is be only one of the planned activities under the campaign.

address the requirements of this plan is not against Islam

The demands for a revision of discriminatory laws which are not illegal or claims that are directed against Islam. On the contrary, they are consistent with the obligations of the government, according to the agreement signed by its international agreements. Because Iran has international conventions, such as the pact signed on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. The first step that should be pursued in these international agreements is the avoidance of any form of discrimination. Ergo have under the international agreements Iran has signed to stop the discrimination.
These requirements are in any way contrary to the principles of Islam, because they are among the principles of religion. About the changes in legislation, differences of opinion among the clergy. Many clerics such as Ayatollah Sanei and Ayatollah Bojnurdi and some other clerics calling for years for a revision of the laws discriminatory to women. For them, a legislative amendment is not contrary to Islam.
any case, shows the plan for the collection of one million signatures to change discriminatory laws' those responsible for the Government and the public first and foremost is that many of the freedom-loving women and men in Iran call for a revision of the anti-women and discriminatory laws, and that's not a demand only a small group of women. In addition, the design and the requirement to change discriminatory laws and the collection of signatures will prove to legislators that the Iranian women set up very seriously their claims.

The method of implementation of this campaign

The method of implementation of this campaign is mainly to "face to face" method. Four different forms are:

1 - We go from house to house and contact us in individual interviews to women.
2 - When women's centers have been identified, sought consensus talks. In addition, all public spaces are used to check calls, such as public transport, parks, universities, factories, hair salons, hospitals, prayer rooms, sports centers, that is basically all the places where women gather in groups. Everywhere, the activists of the campaign will try with other Iranians to engage in conversation.
3 - In addition, seminars and discussions organized in seminar rooms and in cultural centers.
4 - The Internet is the collection of signatures and the production of compounds used.

The training of volunteers is needed

To promote the campaign, are required volunteer forces, which must be formed on a broad basis. Therefore, various committees have been established. The Education Committee is one of them. All volunteer activists who want to collect signatures, and participate in the campaign will be trained in training courses. They will give an overview of the existing laws relating to women. Moreover, the methods are discussed, as the activists speak with citizens in their homes and have to deal. Moreover, the management in public centers where women and men gathering is practiced. All volunteers who wish to participate in the campaign in, face to face 'actions must attend such a training course.
It is also important to mention that the volunteers are not necessarily experts in the field of law, but they are in training the necessary, experienced acquaintance with women's rights in legislation 'to be in talks answers to the questions of citizens to.

The level of activity

The geographical scope of this campaign is not confined to Tehran. The active women in all provinces of the country to participate in the campaign. The active Groups and individuals in the provinces may, if possible, come to participate in training sessions to Tehran, and then resume their work in the provinces. If, however, should increase the number of active groups in the provinces, they can apply to training is conducted on site. Signatures can also be of Iranian exiles, either be collected by mail, or by means of travelers or the Internet.

The documentation of the experience for the present and the future

Another part of this campaign is the "documentation". In this diary, the volunteers prepared the interesting experiences she talks in gathered with other women have written down. Reports should be submitted with the signatures, so that can be learned in the further training from the experience, so that the conversation methods can be improved. At the end of the campaign and in the second phase of the campaign all the experiences of unnamed volunteers collected and sorted and appear in the form of a book. Then other groups who want to make in future similar work, learn from it.

The minimum age of signatories

Signatories should be at least 18 years old. This means that only women and men who are 18 years old can the statement of the campaign . Sign
These signatures are specific forms that have been designed to collect signatures so that all are uniform. In addition, the signatures on that site will be documented. The activities of all volunteers are completely voluntary. At the same time, the participants in a voluntary form of the sum of 5000 Tuman in the coffers of the campaign pay so that they can successfully continue. For such a campaign can only through financial support and capital to invest the participants in the form of work will be continued. We women have no other source than our lives and our insignificant merit, we continue to of change in favor of a better social life provide. Despite the historical lack of support, we rely on our own abilities and stand up to help this great project a success.

The address, to learn more about the campaign

Website: . Interested parties who wish to participate in this campaign can reach us via the following email: .
us can also write to the following address: Tehran, PO Box 14335-851.