Wednesday, October 13, 2010

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freedom on the destiny, the Maps show you the way and you're the target.

Most people come with everyday problems or to ask me if they want me to put a look in your future.
The 3 most important themes are here, love, career and health.
The cards help to gain new knowledge and insights and even at times of crisis in concrete decisions, or the detection of the target heart and personal self-realization.

I know very well from our own experience that our society can deal with each one and leaves many question marks, but in principle everything is illusion and play staged by us humans.
The are as follows:
. "Barbie and ken playing some Augsburg Puppet Theatre, monopoly, world of warcraft and finally playing the song of death"

When I look for someone in the cards, then it's not about if he / she is a winner or loser, if certain events come good or bad for him to die when or how he is and whether they ever their great love, etc. I am not met
barbara salesch tribunal on their thumbs and play up or down.
"no," I do not play with the manipulation globaliersten!

is the central task My it together elemental magic with the fire, my cards, runes or make aware with the cosmic life energy's own intuition and trust the questioner to promote (in), and our own perception and the unconscious, the only way to result for each new possibilities of healing for the future, the past is healed.
Oracle systems such as tarot, runes were lenormand or of people at all times to respond to urgent used to ask to get to more easily make decisions.
A good interpreter can with appropriate experience, of course, also ask for such an answer, but actually have a variety of oracle to offer something much more valuable than a short answer to a specific question.
It is in a position to give us a detailed insight into our current situation and let us see the connections that lead to specific questions in the first place.

All the different oracle based on the same basis "in the know, that everything in the universe connected to each other"
and therefore the pattern of what the cards in a specific example can take moment, the larger pattern of events in our life to reflect.

I try to make each during a session-aware that a cross is not only a direction, and ultimately, the decision rests with each turn themselves where and when he / she, or do you prefer to go straight like on the road of life .
Each of us holds his fate or karma in his own hands, but what we make of it is on ourselves

"this is the destiny of liberty on the"

each of us has to carry his bag, the slightly heavier, the other is easier, but over time given us the possibility to unnecessary ballast to unload and fill the bag again with things that are useful to us for the trip of our lives.
requires the course, a deliberate search for the creativity in our inner:
"there is something that would be led from darkness to light and how the best ideas are finally a reality?"

It is important always to the inner voice heard and to strengthen our inner balance,
which helps us to continue to look for cognition, (ent) and to avoid disappointments every day with open eyes and an alert awareness to go through life, because in the unconscious are innumerable experiences and feelings stored, think and act in our every moment of our life influence, no matter whether we realize it or not.
Instead instinct only to and directed immediate needs to be, we can meet thanks to our awareness decisions deliberately and distinguish what is in a certain moment good or bad for us where we want to develop ourselves and how we targets our best to reach.
addition to many insights about ourselves brings our subconsciousness and so many gorges and down, which we can draw on his research into dark depths.
is important to recognize the threats that we always made come themselves and are just as dangerous as we allow it yourself.
development means change and that can be both positive and the negative.
Who will be responsible for his emotional, mental and spiritual development, saves some aberration.
development is always a step into the unknown, a step, domestic mut and often requires determination.
sometimes shy away even before the required change, because the consequences seem to weigh too heavy or the familiar more familiar and more comfortable.
who stubbornly insists on his views, just because he has always done this, which is well on its way to the flow of life . Drowning
We must not let us through turmoil throw from the ground, because if the water is too cold or too hot, it evaporates and it is subject to the whims of the wind or ice freezes to a brittle, fragile.
ease in life is important, we should not only be tempted by it, for ease in a decision we are not exempt from this well and to think through all the options before us to see exactly.
But we should be warned not to send us standing outside in a time-consuming or even dangerous and wrong paths, let us submit to anyone who has not earned our respect by his actions.

From birth on, we can live in this always discover something new and it is these discoveries are the fuel for our journey to our own
We discover the richness of our inner world and our commitment to the entire universe.
just like real baby, so are new beginnings in our lives sometimes associated with pain.
We have to give up something old and familiar, perhaps even cherished and meet with resistance, which we previously knew not.
Sometimes even step over a long period of small or large crises that remind us painfully fact that nothing is as it was. Only when we

our spirituality in our talk, think, act and integrate, we experience a true development of our personality.
It is the most important task at all on our way to ourselves that we are the spiritual, the spiritual and the secular plane reconcile.

Everyone's individual has gone to go he must, at the same time we can help all of us, because the community is another crucial for our inner growth and the "freedom on the destiny is that it can do everything another will not hurt! "

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