Tuesday, October 26, 2010

My Brazilian Grand Ma


interpersonal .....
What does this word mean?
between the people want?
promote communication with each other?
The respective wishes and ideas
awaken each individual? The
off, "Come out" to show people?
receive the peace and love,
upright on earth?
love give and take?
Yes ....
interpersonal means
love, justice, respect, and loyalty
five important points in life,
which one gives and takes!
If these five points in mind, holds
find happiness in life,
satisfaction and inner harmony! (Klaus Egger)

Friendship is ....

cohesion both in good and in bad hours.
friendship is life
share with one another the joys and sorrows
unity is respect for the other as it is
friendship is strength
the other back to base

friendship is understanding the other to support its goals.
Without friendship one is only half a man! (Unknown)

In England they say Friendship
In France we say Amitié
In Spain they say Amistad
Russians say Дружба
In Denmark we say
venskab In Indonesia we say
perkawanan In Italy they say amicizia
And in Poland they say Przyjaźń
No matter how it is in which country,
A friendship goes beyond national borders (unknown)


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