Wednesday, October 6, 2010

How Long Does It Take For Jyp To Re


The death of the then opens the doors
departing soul to hell and damnation, but he closes it behind her.
(Waldemar Bonsall)

Butterfly Graphics

Magickal Graphics ~ ~

The best discoveries do you do
seen by the world through different eyes.
(Marcel Proust)

Most hunt so much to the enjoyment,
they run past him.
(Soren Kierkegaard)

Serious beginning is usually ten times more beneficial, easier than
(Jeremias Gotthelf)

We are the community created
like feet, as Hands, as the lower and upper row of teeth
(Marcus Aurelius)

The amateur takes the darkness of the deep,
the wild for the Rich,
the indefinite for the infinite,
the senseless, for the supernatural.
(Friedrich v.Schiller)


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