Thursday, February 24, 2011

Resetting Bosch Dishwasher

ALG II recipients as organ donors

Brave New World -
ALG II recipients as organ donors

Prof. Peter Oberender economics professor, at the University of Bayreuth, demanding the lifting of organ trafficking and considers organ donation by Hartz IV recipients an alternative to poverty.

great guy, this Mr. Prof. right?

... and so terribly intelligent

" EXPERT " halt ...

University of Bayreuth!

Great people must have, right? The dissertation of Dr. Karl F. ade soon Guttenberg got there after all the top grade "summa cum laude!

The headline story is 08, but these values Professor emptied in Bayreuth!
And who really believe is that you should forget such a perverse ideology, because the headline was already in 08 the round, which is huge in error!

You will not believe it, how much power this innovative offer house in Bayreuth still has ... where it has moved much of our elites already abroad , right?

Well, in this case one can be pleased about the country the best Teutsch could you even think of how this giant asshole, right?
The equivalent intelligence bolts of politics and business will surely pay him the highest respect for his euthanasia solution similar proposal.
That they graduated hollow sausage was also honored still royally for his fecal intellectual effusions, only a further indication that this country, and most of his studying luminaries proverbial total "ass" is, right? ;

In the Germany of 2011, the two-tier medicine is already a reality: best medical treatment only receives the they also can afford. determined for all other health insurance, what is medically reasonable and what is not
This is better off in the future do not have their place in the queue for an organ transplant, Prof. Peter Oberender, economics professor at the University of Bayreuth, an idea. Hartz IV recipients should be encouraged to "donate their organs for money." This, he suggested in an interview with the "Germany Kultur" in front. He continued: "If someone is threatened and because he did not have enough money to finance the livelihood of his family, he must in my opinion the opportunity to a regulated sale of organs, "according to Oberender, which expresses itself in principle for sale of organs.

N ah view of the professor saw a lot of poor people in . leave Third World countries an alternative, their organs for cash to wealthy patients sees this Oberender a feasible also for Germany's poor way the online portal concluded in a published Wednesday review. "Oberender says what many already hope: an organ donor market with Hartz IV recipients as a supplier - a bitter ! Future "

Phone: +49 (0) 921/55-2881
Fax: +49 (0) 921-55 2886 e-mail

: peter.oberender @

Well, finally confirmed this revelation of a High performance support of this company actually only what one is accustomed already political and economic meaning Hartz IV. all just a matter of time would be to implement such a questionable elitist resourcefulness.
indeed ne real bad investment, Hartz IV recipients would be more than EUR 5 or 8 in the ass ... put
lives without offal's containing the shorter, and also relieves you right now the pension funds, right?

Hartz IV recipients have no right to television
A TV not one of the basic equipment, pay for the job center for long-term unemployed have to, the Federal Social Court.

What do the shrill with a TV? The kindly to donate them!

children should be strangled for porn film

a shocking case of child abuse, the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) revealed. A 38-year-old official of the employment agency from Saxony and a 59-year-old freelance photographer from Rastatt (Baden-Württemberg) are said to have several children last, photographed their actions and filmed and sold on the Internet, announced the BKA in Wiesbaden known. One of them had also tried to Thailand in a porno to commission, in which the child should be strangled by the abuse. The two men must stand trial on Tuesday (March 1) before the District Court of Baden-Baden.

HARTZ IV YOUNG - The spare parts store tomorrow

thousands of students are without a degree since

as of 25/02/2011 pay

support for weak students off, said Kultusminster Althusmann. Target missed school it was 2009 for more than 5,500 students in Lower Saxony. They left the school without a certificate. Of the 86 000 school leavers across the country are the 6.2 per cent - in other words, every 13th Students between the Ems and Elbe. This shows a study published on Friday by the Bertelsmann Foundation.

But to win a war is easier than to wash regularly, not to lie, not stealing, honest business to make to keep jealousy and hatred in check, instead of personal advantage from time to choose the decency and on the road to curse not so loud.
Andrzej Stasiuk


Tobias Bunde

When Guttenberg for example, will close down, we can

Tobias Bunde, 27, has an open Letter to Chancellor Angela Merkel wrote in which he in front of a "mockery of all doctoral students' warns. On the Internet have already signed thousands. Bunde is a doctoral student at the Department of Policy and Management at the University of Konstanz.

The good Lord Tobias Bunde forget it, we have made long tight!
It has not only noticed, right? Guttenberg is just one of many that illustrate this once again.

China slows growth for more social justice

BEIJING. The People's Republic of China wants a halt to their economic growth and instead do more for social justice in the country. The Prime Minister Wen Jiabao said on Sunday to questions from the public on two government websites.

Wen Jiabao is the way the man right next to our EX BP Keller
The Broken has thrown because no one is listening anymore to him.

what China's promises are accustomed to success in Teuschland two decades overdue! The permanent reduction-won social gains is the Germans here already in flesh and blood walked!
this country, no one cares more if propagate themselves Social Democrats and Vice Chancellor and Reich
national socialist ideas, and labor force for neglected populations presentable again! Beautifully conceived
have at least the Chinese, the one with exploitation and coercion, far from being a humanist functioning society established the moral values do not appreciate.

all already forgotten?

news of 02.23.2010
Nazi henchman Westerwelle - forced to work for the unemployed
FDP leader Guido Westerwelle did not discount his claim for a work force for healthy unemployment. At an event with the unemployed and low earners in Axel Springer Verlag he defended his thesis and accused critics, they would misunderstand him intentionally.

hard to believe that these are zombies claim in this country may .. .

YOU Can not misunderstand at all!

1000 € for each: model for the future basic income?
- Giant would encourage creativity, and eliminate, in all conceivable sectors of the economy, etc. If existential fears, and to establish peace and freedom, and would have a role model for all nations.

The avarice and greed of employers eaten type seriously assume that this is one among so downright perverse conditioning a 100% dedication can blackmail its temporary staff employed who can not yet come out of this world, right?
who strives for honest, efficient and loyal employees, who should treat them well, good pay, and otherwise provide for a good working atmosphere
Then you will make him also a businessman, can compete in all markets.
absenteeism and turnover through mismanagement and fear of competition in German companies are barely detectable. People have absolutely terrified of losing their jobs, and thus to slip into precariat.

This shows just, Hartz IV means for many the "living hell". Instead of abolishing
such a failed model for all times, is permanently and without rhyme or reason, and no significant results doctored it, without taking into account the individuals themselves.

Most take out silent exasperation, and.
And I am absolutely sure that many of the offer of this dubious professor Oberender claim would take to allow approximately a decent life for themselves and their family.
What is broken for a world in which we live ...?
Therefore we must stay on the ball just to look at "himself" still in the mirror ...

the more so in particularly difficult cases, right?

The only possible Death is the death of the ego

sick leave in Germany remains low - 15/02/2011

And that is created by people, not mice!


Monday, February 21, 2011

Model 195k C Lect Choke

Only Everything - withdrawal is something for Civil

Guttenberg resigns

The defense waived his cabinet post: Because of the affair to his doctoral work, he has the Chancellor to dismissal from the Cabinet asked.
right decision!

As the wind is just shrill?
Crawford and minions are in my view, considerably worse than a liar, a fraud, and their protectors, shrill woman Verkel?

wrong decision!

cleared after withdrawal 01/03/2011
Hessen-CDU Guttenberg
Briefly deleted Guttenberg Report
(http://www.cdu-hessen. com)

Briefly deleted Guttenberg Report
A week ago, the Hessen-CDU defense minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg (CSU) in Kelkheim cheered. After his resignation on Tuesday, the loyalty oaths for Guttenberg short time from the CDU website disappeared - until hr-online after the deletion asked
CDU spokesman Chris Weir said at the request of hr-online for the deletion of the report, it was nothing known. Shortly after the report on the CDU website was again available.

As the wind is just shrill?

CDU spokesman Chris Weirich

Guttenberg is gone, and Merkel has a problem
The Chancellor will lose not only an important minister. They must defend themselves against sharp criticism. The charge:
you have ignored conservative values.
about one week ago, Merkel said a sentence that they may pursue any longer, "I have not appointed an academic assistant or a doctoral or a holder of a doctorate," said the CDU leader, even before Guttenberg introduced his PhD on its own disposal. "I am talking about the job as defense minister. . The he met well, and that is what counts for me, "
I am completely indifferent whether my defense minister a traitor, a liar and a hypocrite, was to with borrowed feathers in one of the highest offices of this Republic has cheated, and thus responsible for the budget in the defense budget, and was responsible for all security clearance and soldiers throughout the army.
main thing he dances to my tune, right?

the apt comment of a user -
The accusation, saying it had flouted conservative values?
This is not an accusation ... it is a fact!
This whole thing brings to light things that were hidden for many still the dishonesty ... .. Arrogance .. Hypocrisy and duplicity in politics ... As such, it was a good thing ... Thank you Mr. Guttenberg ... They helped a little bit of democracy ... unintentionally .. But always there ... now more people awake and alert ... and remember what lead this country for criminals
Merkel. "I was surprised,"
Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU), the resignation of Karl-Theodor Guttenberg "reluctantly" accepted. They had been "surprised" by the decision Guttenberg. On Tuesday morning she found out by telephone and then in writing of the resignation Guttenberg.

limp * laugh *

KommEnt NO!

I want for my part, clear on this one, it is not only to the Baron von Guttenberg goes!
me personally this man is always better than the other founding fathers senile "All the established parties together."
He is human friendly, and certainly not a bad character. As for humanity, he also seems competent to lengths to offer than what the Union is yet to click otherwise of relevant expertise added. If we had had within the past two decades more "decent people " by beat of a Guttenberg in Berlin, this country would certainly be a little better is available.
If it sometimes has the opposite appearance, I personally like to forgive and from conviction, but with his serious, and in particular embezzled misconduct may hold no one such an important office, which he had as an intelligent person should know.
If he could not decide it's time to compete for the entire Union Click bigoted, then I would personally like to see that he in two or maybe three Years back.
" A
" man who has learned from his mistakes and purified in office returns, I feel a thousand times better than 10,000 Oberdruide smartass with fossilized Union intellect, which are such totally unable to understand that you also not error- !
is no shame to be ambitious, to commit any more than errors. Without error's now no time.
man must make mistakes, to see of there was one.
Who of you is without error cast the first stone.
What held this neo-liberal Union Click but done in full consciousness of their mental faculties, and is therefore not to define as a simple mistake but a crime against humanity! ;

The Lord Guttenberg should first of all glad and happy about it, that he now no longer part of this criminal gang

From here: History!

Only Everything - resignation is but what is resignation on Civil
for thought

but what on Civil , the nobility, the Walther has always handy in the drawer!

Even this headline is a plagiarism ... * * limp but laugh I may, right?

'm just parasites without academic degrees.
is ... one of the now well over 30,000 T. readable comments, and makes it frightening just how I think ...

A primary school is rewarded ne smooth 6 !
Does it make it more his professional career there, where no sun shines
With all due respect - IN THE ASS

A minister gets first standing ovation, then the full support of the party, and if he can no longer hold a thanksgiving with respect to the outstanding performance for Germany, and consequently a pension for life, and a million fat severance. limp * laugh *

... the Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg Street I've never forgotten.
                                               order must be finally!

plagiarism finder of "GuttenPlag"
"The whole thesis was written"
you have thinned out, checked, proofread, now do the plagiarism finder of "GuttenPlag" stock of the dissertation of . submit Defense Guttenberg

For them it is a long time: The work has been written off - on purpose!

Another plagiarism ...
We have self-praise "confession" is one (Now I know how right I had ...). Here is a speech he would have to hold:

love betrayed friends
I stand before you as a thief and a cheat caught. With stolen intellectual property of others, I have spent as my own inspiration, I surreptitiously my doctorate. The waar a slap in the face for all those who have earned an academic degree in an honest way. I have my old university in Brought disrepute and betrayed my supervisor. I have violated copyright laws. And I have tried to cover up fraud as long as my and Leugers until I was exposed. I stand before you as a dishonest, hypocritical liars. Please verheihen me.

the most popular politician Teuschlands

.... or ... the whitest Unions vest in the country

as easy as that at the Christmas dictators

It is the appearance of a star: Self-confident, with a brisk step enters Defence Minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg (CSU) on Monday evening, the stage Kelkheim am Taunus. He looks with a blue shirt, bright tie and charcoal gray suit. with vigorous applause he received, with shouts of joy - just as if nothing had happened. The allegations do not stand in a room, the political star with a smart winning smile had plagiarized his doctoral thesis. Not a few Sentences, but whole passages from newspaper articles, essays and research papers. But smiles to Guttenberg, kids. It is time to make friends at CDU voters. The mood is good, and actually so is nothing bad happens, right??

... and everything is back on track shrill?

30 seconds before the weather report.
That Otto was the normal consumer is indulged in reporting, which, after the compulsory program, the evening news again clutching the TV remote and turns after the working day on the other entertainment programs.
enough information for the master table, right?

who want to can even watch the special programs that exist on the subject.

But who wants to have, if satisfied on SAT Hardy Josephine Mutzenbacher the philistine Michel, right?

These disgusting hypocrites which is everything from Left or Right denounced successfully slandered, and convicted, who call themselves Christians!
The Stupid German people reacted as expected, as the hypocritical party strategists - erwünschen
CDU / CSU / FDP / SPD / Green etc. and bawl with just as hypocritical PISA in the choir of the truths.
achieved target people under control, and on we go -

On behalf of the people!
; Whose nation?

For information only -
CDU Chancellor Angela Merkel had previously convinced communist!

A Left, a communist, an SED functionary ...!

No problem for the German Michel shrill?
Today I am a communist, socialist, tomorrow, and the day after Democrat ... oh how good that no one knows that I came Rumpelheinzchen ...

was all that was "stupid YOUR GERMAN MICHEL" as slander, because you are too stupid to get eggs!


who already do not like to think, should at least reconsider his prejudices from time to time! Luther Burbank

His prejudice against one Dr. Gregor Gysi, for example ...

who acts as if he was bringing people to think they love. Who
really brings to think that they hate.

Aldous Huxley

Sun .. as the Oscar shrill, for instance?

arm silly Germany

Mappus: Guttenberg has important role in the campaign
Tuesday 22 February 2011
Stuttgart / Hamburg (dpa / lsw) - Baden-Württemberg Minister President Stefan Mappus (CDU), the waiver by Defence Minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg (CSU), "worthy of all honor" on his doctorate as described. "I think that Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg has resolved the matter in an appropriate manner," said undersecretary of the "Hamburger Abendblatt" (Tuesday). The Stuttgart Prime Minister was surprised at the excitement in the face of allegations of plagiarism. "We have in this country - truly different concerns than the question of whether the footnotes of a dissertation are set correctly - and in Afghanistan." Guttenberg should continue to play an important role in state elections in Baden-Württemberg CDU.

The classic example of a typical CDU giant Ar ... ... s, which has absolutely no problem with the uncle Dr. Guttenberg is not worth the paper on which it is written! Consequently
legalized, and this motivated Stuttgart hollow pear with his statement without exception "all" would-be students that get in the same fraudulent manner to their titles, and therefore the same must climb the salary ladder a few steps shrill?
is thus obtained along the way but the image of a character that would be more likely to locate in the underworld, but certainly not one Prime Minister is worthy, right?

completely normal in this party!

There where no plaintiff is ... right?

.. do not make you head Schäuble,
before you understand only train station ...

Guttenberg should continue to play an important role in state elections in Baden-Wuerttemberg CDU play.
Exactly ... would be disastrous if the most popular politician Teuschlands would take his hat ...
After all, he has already shown what with a questionable background can make a career in the Union ...

These are all characteristics that are particularly important especially in CDU / CSU , shrill, Dr. Helmut Kohl?


Again 22% decline in Mappus Country * laugh * limp

But the German Michel is not already, right? and if only ...
He is a shit!
He punishes those obscenities in which he stays away / you the ballot box.
This is about the same as if you raise a vehicle with front wheel drive, the rear tire!

arm silly Germany

University recognizes Guttenberg doctorate from
Berlin / Bayreuth (AP) - Defence Minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg, who lost his doctorate. The University of Bayreuth knew from CSU politicians on Wednesday the degree.

"I have made the work to the best of my knowledge and belief ."

"The charge that was my thesis plagiarism, is absurd .

"I wrote my dissertation is not plagiarism , and the accusation, I would emphatically from me. She is over about seven years in addition to my professional members work as a young family man in arduous most detailed work created and contains unquestionably error.

"It was, however at no time intentionally deceived or deliberately authorship is not indicated.

Guttenberg and the young Union
; young talent

The MINUS 22% in Hamburg have left their mark ... * laughing limp *

The UNION is on the ground-ass!
The solidarity that Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg, the Union is given, is fatal. For it is not out of conviction - but out of fear of public anger, clenched. To the party is exactly the values in question, they would call their core brand: integrity, honesty - and honesty.
Better one can formulate the wait!

200 years ago, it has tried to bring someone to the point, what was left was smoke and mirrors .

This is what one is against life,
only far and wide land of plenty.
you draw one into another,
one hand washes the other.
your preaches humility and renunciation,
your praise yourself from election to election.
the Lord, you say, is not for this,
the people on the other hand: People's morale.
That disturbs others starve, you hardly
your hurt and devour, your lies and swill -
one tugs at the hem of the righteous,
sold out.

It comes together and splendor,
steals the gang and chases and steals.
money grows from glory, from glory growing power.
A thief who commands the law,
from creating what honesty
store and sees himself in the favor. What bothers him
other people's Not? The
it is a breath of wind, empty haze.
His head is high, full of selfishness,
in full possession of the forces
snorts the man who has no enemy:
sold out.

He was cheeky, he presumes to be,
grace of God to be master,
but God help what he do then?
He talks a by heaven,
he was God have mercy - God's reward
him in isolation from desire and greed,
however, a nation recognizes the scorn
appear for God's reward it here.
is powerless and cursed him,
who plucked the hair in anger betrayed
the poor man who seeks his shelter,
and sold.

takes Not what thieves
it remains the world are alike in
that you forget the other quickly,
that it strikes down the string -
out among thieves thieves are
because their case is decided on,
like spins a thread further:
is approaching the day when you come in Fron.
Let all hope, courage,
even if your runs for life,
you are judged, and as well
sold out.

... not mine, I only add together what belongs together!

is by Friedrich Schiller - The robbers

can all the people some time and some should people all the time, but not all people think all the time for a ride. Abraham Lincoln

Thus 70% of Germans no longer have all the slats of the fence? shrill

Personally, I am even convinced absolutely limp * laugh *

The proof is also the same in a survey IMAGE -

yourself a dissertation to steal together is about the same offenses such as illegal parking at the weekend shopping. Peanuts. This impression at least of the CDU and FDP politicians up to the Chancellor this week, as they are the political life of the embattled Defence Minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg (CSU) sought.

"Thank God," All citizens are not Out of Control. From IMAGE readers one has expected anything else.
there are also a few folks who know what the IMAGE is to be expected ...

advertising for the picture? - "I think it chops!"

The answer was clear: the German pop band "Wir sind Helden" has abgeleht it to campaign for the "tabloid". The singer Judith Holofernes peppered cancellation publicly presented online. Genial ... respect!

Second Guttenberg working under suspicion

Education Association castigates downplaying
What has scientists? What kind of meaning their rules?

Guttenberg University in the vortex of the scandal

related to seventy percent of all sides of the doctoral thesis of Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg is plagiarism. Who was at work here, knew what he was doing. His defense is challenging the not.

Uni Bayreuth
Ex-Guttenberg doctor unloaded as a guest speaker
Hamburg / Berlin. Ex-Doctor Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg (CSU) was a guest speaker at a meeting of former Law students in Bayreuth unloaded. The invitation to the alumni meeting on 21 May was, he was dissolved by mutual consent, "said Thilo Brodtmann, Chairman of the Alumni Association. He had already removed the image of the Minister of the website. A successor Guttenberg is a guest speaker not known yet. SELECTION

Now in the German candidate for chancellor Michel already ...
Guttenberg's credibility has suffered - so many people think German. However, he trusts the majority of even the highest political office.

He probably thought what the EX Group CDU Vice Friedrich Merz can I have long ...
An academic forger can not remain a minister. A call

excerpt from a statement that I personally would always want and "all parties" in such a crystal clear business!

We complain to anyone. We know the biblical references of splinters and beams in the eye of hypocrites and self-righteous judges. But to save for science and intellectual dignity, what can be saved, we will not lead our doctorate as long as long as Freiherr zu Guttenberg still represents as minister of this country.

Lutz Hachmeister

Guttenber Quote:
"Responsibility means above all commitment, trust and belief" or "policy needs clear values"

What CDU / CSU of "value representation" has to offer is just in this matter is more than clear. ...!

Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg, in his dissertation a respected constitutional lawyer was supervised by Peter Häberle. But since the cheating allegations in Space, that is submerged emeritus professor.
Only a few sets left forward Häberle: "The allegation is absurd, the work is not plagiarism." And again: ". It was I checked in detail in numerous consultations" Peter Häberle, born 1934, studied law at Tübingen, Bonn, Freiburg, and Montpellier. In 1961 he received his doctorate in Freiburg. After his habilitation in 1970 he was promoted to full professor in Marburg. He then taught at Augsburg, and later in Bayreuth, and he also worked as a visiting professor in St. Gallen, Granada and Rome. On the official university website of the University of Bayreuth read: "he acquired abroad a high reputation, his work has been translated into 18 languages,"

imagine I, too, now the question: How could this work from Lord be with cheating "SUMMA CUM LAUDE" evaluated?
Is this really an isolated case, or adorn themselves, thousands of doctoral students with a title that is not worth the paper on which it is written?
How deep the bottom is real?

A I think pertinent analysis can be found here -
The Hitler Guttenberg parallels

Everyone keeps second Guttenberg suitable for Chancellor
Sunday, 27/02/2011
The majority of Germans are still against the resignation of Defense Minister Guttenberg. Half of holding him even for the Office of the Chancellor to be appropriate, according to a survey for FOCUS.

Well, that goes before the board of the German head down to the tip of the nose shrill,

On Thursday, 01.04.2010 -? Unquestionably
majority finds former Chancellor Kohl well

Former Chancellor Helmut Kohl gets just before his 80th Birthday this Saturday (April 3) high marks from the public. 59 percent of Germans believe that he was a good chancellor. This emerged on Wednesday published the ARD, "Germany-trend".
No komment

First they have him and his Ph.D. from Union circles on a knife edge to defend, and now that they realize this, many citizens still do not behave as expected, naive, and even log countless well-known voices from science and research continues to speak louder and more insistent, promt comes the turnaround ... Reminds me a lot of myxomycetes.
intelligent, but extremely greedy and greedy ...

As the wind is just shrill?
Crawford and minions are in my view, considerably worse than a liar, a fraud, and their protectors, Gelle Verkel woman?

Biedenkopf shares the Bundestag President Norbert Lammert , that the plagiarism scandal has far-reaching consequences: " This is a coffin nail in the credibility of the political class.
like to hear from the ranks of the Union Group, which reported today journal. "Guttenberg was really to no longer hold," it said according to the report by members of the CDU and CSU are saying. But open the wanted no one.

advertising contracts Springer-media
for excitement and new media campaign designed to provide details of the Guttenberg Ministry. The army added following information from the Frankfurter Rundschau their budget for self-promotion massive than previously known. Solo Ads in print and other media, the Department of Defense plan for this year, writes spending of just under 5.7 million euros, the newspaper having regard to the response to a request from the Left Party to the Ministry.

flowed, much of it to the media of the Axel Springer group, such as image and image on Sunday, the Minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg (CSU) recently massively against plagiarism allegations participated in protection. The close connection of Guttenberg to Springer-Verlag was the end of last week became public.

had to concede the Ministry that ads for the army-first advertising campaign in 2011 only in picture, picture on Sunday and would switched. Please create the two leaves and its online edition in the first four weeks, about 600,000 euros, in other phases of the campaign an even more high unquantified amount.

mandated by the federal government, responsible for "brainwashing"!