Monday, February 21, 2011

How Does It Take For Temazepam To Work

breakthrough in negotiations Hartz IV

Hartz compromise raises new doubts of constitutional lawyers.

federal government and the SPD celebrate the end of marathon negotiations.

Gabriel questioned constitutionality of the reform

It goes to the next round!
polemicist against pragmatists,
or every man for himself?

DGB-Chef Sommer wants more people are paid decently

... well ... is it possible
him falls but a bit too late ... Perhaps he senses
his chance right now where many citizens with the "true values
" this black and yellow pestilence faced, right?
I'm not here cheat the Lord personally, but his "band of colleagues standing behind him closed," the honesty truthfulness, honesty and holds for a trivial offense, and after the Guttenberg case of denying all their guiding attitudes, and to declare null and void!

Thilo Sarrazin: son Richard relates Hartz IV
The former Federal Reserve chairman and former finance minister of Berlin, Thilo Sarrazin (SPD), is known with angry slogans against Hartz IV recipients and immigrants to rush. But just the son Sarrazin must even live on Hartz IV

He would certainly not, as this family is rich. But a Well-behaved German parasite does just what can get with it, right?

TV - cooking shows and Hartz IV
had Professionally, I do always with the socially disadvantaged, I have become a reason social workers and I have learned to listen to these people well and and their concerns taken seriously. Our conversation yesterday I am deeply shocked. It showed the true reality of the Hartz IV state, "Absurdistan," on former Federal Republic of Germany, in its full, brutal, inhuman reality.

first time more than 40 million workers in January
like .. 35 million spiking temps and shrill?

breakthrough in negotiations Hartz IV? Union blocked



chaos Hartz IV reform CSU and see further proceedings necessary in the Hartz-IV-Streit. The decision to reform was postponed as a surprise.


surprised at this club a well any more.

falter " Appalled by as much amateurism " Surprisingly 23/02/2011

negotiations on Hartz IV reform. The discussions in the Conciliation Committee have been broken off at night. SPD negotiator Schwesig's Labour Minister von der Leyen in front. the protracted dispute over the Hartz IV reform continues: The mediation committee of the Bundestag and Bundesrat, despite a six-hour Marathon negotiations on the night of Mitwoch surprising disagreement and postponed. The interruption was done at the request of the Union side, it was from among the participants. The discussions are now in the morning to go to a new round.

Maybe, maybe not ...
New Hartz IV rule sets, education and minimum wage package

government and opposition agree on the Hartz-IV-armed

Reform Hartz IV is NOT. The rule sets are to be increased in two stages, the communities get money for the education package.

you -
there are
which the
education package urgent need ..

Have equal consulted my financial manager. This vast sum has to be yes, finally invested in accordance with, right?

Whole range ... at least 5 euros for a five-pea soup cans at the discount! When it is extended with the wash water of the morning toilet, to get loose for a week out it, right?

thank Beck and the likes ... do not know where to with pleasure ...
In view of this good deed is shrill the 10% of Germans who share half of all private assets EUR 5 trillion, so happy and satisfied to sit back?

I am certainly one of the Kind of person who "can not be lubricated," because just feel this feeling just when I see these 5 coins between his thumb and index finger ...

This is roughly the sum that gives your lousy misanthrope a restaurant waiter, with the words: so

Fits ... when he presents you ten times higher bill, the people you hypocritical criminals then also let won favorable tax from your tax advisor to the detriment of us all ...

Fooled you, yourself!

Hartz IV penalized without exception all concerned!
will do neither 8 still 80 EUR change something!
It is not always only about money, as the informed yet always fail obviously disinterested majority of the people believe falsely, but it is primarily about social decline in the bottom drawer of a two-class society that was created deliberately to a decadent minority of rich and super rich to provide cheap labor for the purpose of a competitive market free reign.
Responsible and successfully implemented by corrupt political henchmen, lubricated by capitalist-oriented representatives of business organizations, with perfectly legal contacts to any and all established parties!

As for me personally a little happy right, is the result of the Hamburg elections .
22% minus for Darwinists
I hope this trend continues, and also get the Socialists still pack they deserve, as wished for these social vandals I just such a defeat! get involved
The Yellow lubricating the flap may still hurts, but the hope that the number of people at last beginning to be "thinking", the last to die

90% of decisions are wrong , All are unconstitutional!

All parties concerned should give these ridiculous 5 mice demonstratively the banks to make clear that this amount ultimately brings more "no one"!

It is rather a slap in the face for all those in need, which is providing 750 billion EUR for gamecrazy totally crazy bankers within a few days no problem, but a decent existence for millions, by now several years of humiliating treatment are always impossible yet?

depression cost billions €
In four out of five enterprises workers are suffering under high pressure.

Congratulations, Hartz IV with this great compromise should not only "the cost" billions more to rise!

For my part, I hope it very very dramatic increases in all areas, for only then will this PISA - people finally awaken from his deep sleep.

Ramsauer Calls pothole tax

This Bavarian Weißwürschtlfresser intimated at what I'm saying, right?

Riger Mick Hartz compromise of fear
What puny for a result. Three euros more than planned to get the government to Hartz IV recipients now. Three minimum wages are now more established, agreed by the industry already, and against the already long out of the FDP had no more objections. And a few hundred thousand children participate in an educational package that has earned the name before. For this result, the part-to-do Parties risked her reputation by having negotiated eight weeks. And the whole is in doubt, not even constitutional. It was probably the pure fear of all parties, the last vestige of recognition in the community to lose if you do not on this night comes to a conclusion. Source: FTD

"Given the current" night and cloud decision "at the standard rate here, a barb for publication " alternative calculations to Hartz-IV-rule sets [PDF - 130 KB] "

SPD bent again

The most and worst evil that man to man has inflicted on the rock-solid belief arose in the correctness of false beliefs. "
George Orwell

Unfortunately missing about 10 seconds, but with my modest budget, and therefore as Hartz IV modest software equipment must adhere to think any the rest of this story.
Should not be that hard to understand the types wholly inappropriate as it are to continue to decide on the weal and woe of citizens.

everywhere, in " all state budgets " the same game ...!
This irresponsible incompetent rabble is always completely innocent!
And the poorest of the poor have to bleed, because this "true professionals" fail down the line ...
And in almost all cases are the so-called " EXPERT " always in the pitch black
CDU, CSU and the FDP ...

Poor Bavarian ship swing brakeman ... halo caught with an expiry date ... There will be smarter about your dear mum lengths be very unhappy, right?
Would you prefer just to be Schuster ...

wüßstest as unemployed cobbler you then at least, the fish you blind you because of your own stupidity, not even available to join on a kebab. Now you must die, but just stupid ...

Union and SPD boast of Hartz-IV-success
After the Hartz-IV-agreement, both Union and SPD show satisfied. Social organizations, however, speak of a "miserable farce".

After Hartz IV agreement new constitutional challenge
threat even after the compromise to increase the Hartz-IV-criticism does not cover tears. Persistent doubts about the constitutionality of the system is loud.
Hartz IV rulesets still unconstitutional
Berlin (bln DAPD). Berlin's Social Senator Carol Bluhm (left), the Hartz-IV-standard rates again as "unconstitutional". The new compromise, federal and state was "more than problematic, for it misses the Order of the Federal Constitutional Court," the senator said on Monday. An increase by a further three € make the calculation of the standard rates "unconstitutional".

schools to teach patriotism, newspapers produce exciting sensations, politicians fighting for their re-election. Therefore, all three for the salvation of the human Race do nothing. " Bertrand Russell

And that is really clear when the work 1 from the date of May this year, the large selection begins!

If separate the insatiable exploiters among employers from the "expensive" German people, and be replace by the much cheaper Eastern Europeans ... because the are already in the wings!

And they are really good and motivated in particular!
in Vienna had even a few Poles in my department, and was very satisfied. They were really upset when, on average, max. were allowed to work 10 hours a day ...

Who is therefore of the opinion that the coming hours a CDU / CSU / FDP / SPD / or Open dictatorship be better, then find out very soon, the he was mistaken huge!
Without this immense pressure of Hartz IV recipients have introduced these criminals do not even now the agreed minimum wage for temporary workers! Where one must wait first of all understand what these Hirnis under a performance-based minimum wage.

There are definitely no 10.00 EUR paid gross, that's for sure!

It is worthwhile therefore in any case, for Czechs, Slovaks, Poles, Bulgarians, Romanians etc.

for the German Michel from the middle class, gekuscht, and for all his evil on the lost job, which has constantly increased costs in almost all areas of the work lazy stupid Hartz chosen IV parasites as guilty, rather than " to fight together with him "for a dignified existence,'s is now a close in your own skin!
And that's a good thing, as latecomers ...
punished by their own EGO!

Who does not need his eyes to see will they need to cry!
JP Satre

Hartz IV: Social Richter called new rules as unconstitutional
Hartz IV / ALG II dated 21.11.2010
Jürgen Borchert, Judge of the Hessian State Social Court (LSG) , the bill classifies establishing new rules of Hartz IV as not compatible with the Basic Law a . Compared to the online portal of the "world", said the lawyer, that a new template appears inevitable to the Federal Constitutional Court, "if the draft becomes law."

594 € minimum set of rules for Hartz IV according to the Federal Constitutional Court ruling

The best is to disgust from the home country, and the rivets dictate the chaos ...

loses Every day Germany is no longer a village, bringing the number of emigrants reached such dimensions for 120 years. It does not take a pessimist to the mass flight a no-confidence vote against the future viability of the Country's recognizable.
What makes the matter so sensitive: it is the best and the youngest who have had enough and go. In contrast to the emigration of the 19th Century, leaving not illiterate peasants and workers desperate the country. We do not escape poverty, but an exodus of the educated middle class. The average age of our emigrants is 32 years, there are young doctors and engineers, scientists and skilled workers, craftsmen, technicians and ambitious service provider. According to the OECD are currently no other state will lose as many academics.

escape German prejudices
Dusseldorf (RP). The fanned by Thilo Sarrazin and CSU chief Horst Seehofer fueled debate over integration has negative consequences: Highly qualified German migrant to leave the country. You do not feel welcome. While Germany is in urgent need of skilled workers.

And that should go ...

... which the German bourgeois Michel points to the sky

The attitude of the CSU is consistent with the majority of people in Germany: About 70 percent not do that Guttenberg because of the fraudulently obtained doctor's stepping down as defense minister.

have Obviously the 70% remain, not all the slats on the fence ...

Dear God throw down very much brain ... please please
What just from this country be, though the bare minimum of general education reveals the lies and deceit in the highest offices of the population is understood as a trivial matter ...?
grasp barely walk around the so many hollow pear ...
what should one be surprised yet, right?

More must be said not to well!

just Typical German!

STUPID newspaper containing level, right?

I do not hope that one has to remember that name, because if so it is for all those who take their title a deal Slap in the face, and for all prospective students, etc. a license to cheat a sneak, and cheat!
Na and ... got me wasted halt will be said, apologizing, and it is good, right?

So, as one is accustomed to the Friesian breed of spin doctors ....

Also this man cheating was lauded by the people of the "shorts with a barge pole donner ...

you can you're happy appreciate this is not the Christian dictatorial hollow sausage could prevail, because very soon there must be many of you anti solidarity Hartz IV disparaged by an amount that was won by those who abused you as sozialschmarotzende have parasites!

Friedrich Merz € 132 Hartz IV
Nothing like that happened. Merz limited only indirectly against Merkel by the red-green agenda praised extensively in 2010. She was "not only right, but urgently needed," was, he said. All of FDP-like, he recommended to go this path. The welfare state had expanded rather than limited be. It was regrettable that the study by the University of Chemnitz - a reduction of the Hartz-IV-phrases to a minuscule 132 euros per month considers it possible - has been denigrated as soon

Merz praises Chemnitzer Hartz. IV study

The wisdom of a man is measured not in his experience, but his ability to make experience. George Bernard Shaw

Awake at last!


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