Wednesday, February 16, 2011

All Small And Mighty In He Machine

Germany? Be vigilant

Who owns Germany?

Who wants to know from which he is constrained Liar Liar and dictates who can find it here. And who did not know to whom this country really one that is also explained here.

If the viewer of this veritable revelations of his brain not only has, that he take his bundle not straw permanently under the arm should be, then he / she will go certainly to the logical realization that this banana republic of halfway each sausage stall owner at least governed equally well could be, as it has this pragmatic zusammengekackt acclaimed chicken clusters in the oh-so-worthy comedy barn

over many decades!

Part 1

... passed into flesh and blood
Na logical € coal it certainly is not.

First, learn the banking business to respect for the zero. ( Carl Fürstenberg )

zero What the Good Carl has probably meant by this, probably the old New shrill zero in the Treasury?
The Fright disrespectful here ...

Schäuble, Germany is preparing to larger load before
Permanent €-rescue fund should be able to effectively provide 500 billion euros. Finance Minister Schäuble expected a higher burden for Germany.

Part 2

Part 3

.. and this full post argue on for many months on measly 5, 8 , or also 11 neuron, rather than waking up at last ?

saublöde long as this spoiled, but above all selfish people's asleep still, get rid of this mentally disturbed vultures also the rest of the shooting match ....

                                                    Part 4

Why did such a LAW DEMOCRACY STATE , right?
question is for whom ...

... and because that's all very amusing so beautiful, we learn in whatever fat asses our loveable national wealth " is pumped before your sleepy eyes "...
; ; Part 5

Without exception, all involved perpetrators of this history the way, run around free!

politicians, bankers, judges, prosecutors, officials, employers, consultants, etc ... etc ...

A long list of people who all belong behind Swedish curtains!

are untouchable, partly with political immunity, is legally covered by established preventive legislation, and as we all know - made no mistake, right?

, describes it this highly irresponsible mess, clean in a official German.
Since this sounds huge sum of wasted but the same as ..
hardly worth
" right?

saubeutelt Oberdruide of Bavaria in Brussels. Because he is so determined to make no mistakes, right?

New Video Posted - Jan. 2011

Maybe a few very very small ... as his 750 counterpart, which can be from their 5000 serve Negroes, none of which also goes under 3500 EUR home.
But ... who cares as long as we can carry our 900.00 gross home ...

If anything, after all "experts", right?

"The devil can feel the little people never, and if he had the collar. "
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Germany, Germany above everything, above everything in the world if it ever breaks down brotherly for protection and defense. ..

And so ...

earned in 2009 -
Commerzbank, Martin Blessing .: 570.000 €

MAN boss George Pachta-Reyhofen - 805 000 €
Infineon boss Peter Bauer earned about 1.2 million €.

Ekkehard Schulz - € 1.293 million.

Salzgitter CEO Wolfgang Leese: 1.55 million euros.

Wolfgang Mayrhuber - Lufthansa. 1.6 million euros.

Beiersdorf - Thomas Quaas - € 1.817 million.

K + S Board Norbert Steiner - € 2.1011 million.

Ulf M. Schneider, Fresenius SE - 2.20 million euros.

Merck chairman Karl-Ludwig Kley: 2.66 million euros.

Deutsche Telekom CEO René Obermann: 2.7288 million €.

Frank Appel - German Post - 3 million €

Munich Re - Nikolaus von Bomhard - € 3.3704 million.

BASF Jurgen Hambrecht - € 3.377 million.

Ben Lipps - Fresenius Medical Care - 3.41 million €.

German Boerse chief Reto Francioni: - 3.5 million euros.

Kasper Rorstedt Henkel pocketed € 3.5637 million.

Werner Wenning - Bayer - a 3.567 million €.

Metro boss Eckhard Cordes: € 3.84 million.

Adidas CEO Herbert Hainer - Adidas - € 4.189 million.

Daimler boss Dieter Zetsche - € 4.342 million.

Eon boss Wulf Bernotat - € 4.4654 million

Michael Diekmann, chief of the Alliance, took a € 4.821 million.

Linde CEO Wolfgang Reitzle - € 6.2213 million.

VW CEO Martin Winterkorn - 6.6003 million Euro.

Ex-SAP CEO Leo Apotheker .- € 6.7 million.

Siemens CEO Peter Loescher - € 7.119 million.

RWE CEO Juergen Grossmann - 7.16 million €.

Josef Ackermann from Deutsche Bank - € 9.5515 million.

Monica Lierhaus 'ambassador' ARD television lottery "- 450.000 €

Oops ... 've forgotten myself ...
Rüdiger Steinbeck - 4.200 €

Whether I'm jealous?
Wrong question!

No, not the track ...!
can as I'm concerned you deserve a hundred times, of what you get!

If one of you succeed with this sum to get along, would all the questions which perhaps one or the other has made of you ever answered.

Provides simply the right questions, and you get the right answers.


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