Friday, February 4, 2011

How To Make Mini-dinamo

Niedersachsen reviewed burqa ban

Niedersachsen reviewed burqa ban
After Hesse, Lower Saxony wants to wear burkas in offices and prohibit authorities. The Lower Saxony's Minister of Integration, is for a ban.
"The burqa has no place in public service thing," said Lower Saxony Interior Minister Uwe Schünemann (CDU). "Lower Saxony is considering its own legislation for both employees and officials," said Schünemann.

fire hazard this veiled lady shrill?

Oops ... that fits so very not so rosy picture of the world into our federal Wulff ... uff ...
already forgotten that Islam now belongs to Germany?

your dress code argument you can put you there, where no sun shines!

Whether the lady worth less in an ordinary costume dangerous?

ER ... Burka was no way!

me personally in any case is always more sympathetic than this pitch-black neo-Schünemann the Nobel twine.
much is certain!
But one must not forget, this avowed racist pacified only the wishes of his Lower Saxony sheep racists, right?

If a people's ass on the ground ice, then a jumping kick must eventually, right?

ER ... Burka was no way!

investigators carry boxes out of a nondescript house . It is the house a seemingly ordinary German family . Father, mother, two children. What until yesterday no one knew that the homeowner and family man (45) is the murderer of almost five months, missing Mirco († 10) Grefrath (NRW)!

Detlef S. fathered eight children with Severe stepdaughter incest case in Germany. In the 750-person village Fluterschen fathered father Detlef S. with his stepdaughter said eight children. For years, the man suspected in the village, something is wrong with the family.

A small village with 750 inhabitants, and no one doing anything? Obviously all
berufssblind, deaf and dumb ... well, when there are so many Burkabekleidete Muslims in Germany can be going on about the ... who cares the dirt his own business, right?

inconspicuous but also that disgusting man-eating rabble with Gutschi and Prada!
Nevertheless, much of which would even slaughter his own mother, if good for the image is ...

you all do not wear burqas!

... and not ER!

So, now switches briefly your organic raw Hard drive, if no notice ERROR exists through total neglect, and consider yourself well, why do all cork HERE screams when the consequences of your upper Druids Hessen ...

administrative chief inspector from Erfurt. Clean shaven, glasses, receding hairline, - the stocky officials looks like an honest ....
before the judge admitted the administrative chief inspector from Erfurt, since his youth to be a pedophile ...

too He is not burqa! Only one of many in which the Appearances are deceptive.

no more ....

.. and how do I know whether or not the judge sentenced him is so very ill?
How do I know if he has pedophilia tendencies, and they live it too?
Quite simply, I do not know!
I was just ahead of the time, because I assume that such a respected judge, etc., of course, far from being extremely sick, right?
Everything else is as shrill ... pedophile, narcissist, murderer, racist?
And because of my "prejudice", in my drawer thinking I have got used to classify people into good and evil, right?

The good into the pot, the bad into the crop ...
Can one really so easy to make?
course not.
Life is what it is not a fairy tale, but a learning process.
inside all of us people a narcissist, a murderer, a racist, etc. In each one of us without exception!
And therefore I can change all the people, but I can change myself!
I can decide for me in which of these drawers I would like, right?

But as here is clearly yes, there are still shrill a clientele of "man", which decreases our thinking?

Welcome to reality!

In Germany, as auchin other "modern" mass states there is a "legal" and basic legal view, which describes that the has assigned its right to individual violence to the state. DerStaat monopolized simply the right to violent methods desunmittelbaren coercion and justified this by saying that this in the "public interest" done
Apart from that this "legal" trick private arbitrariness at least limiting, hater but also one major drawback: The state institutions are to unrestricted violence perpetrators alone, for monopolized Zwing men on behalf of some very questionable, because by primitiveGruppendynamik incurred, "public opinion". Legalisiertdurch the magic word "public" institutions may exercise free choice, people slightly reflected arrest deviant behavior, isolate and drive cost out of business without that they would be exposed for public criticism, similar to the executioners derNazis be recommendations administration hardly adequate Verachtunggeahndet.
The fascist most "direct switch" of modern times is the caste judges and derStaatsanwälte People, wieMinderwertigkeitskomplexen many with mental disorders, disturbed self-esteem and disordered sex drive Reich equipped to learn by heart good like blazes "public opinion" of the last hundred years and called in "laws" poured undwerden hereafter the lords of weal and woe of the people. With krankhafterAkribie will be recreated in the judiciary, unfortunately, not only real crime, rather Thedisplayshows tries to discredit even the smallest deviation from the "public opinion" and to ruthlessly zuverfolgen to the extent permitted by law. As shown in the egregious case of collections of associations for the protection of justice victims, distinguish this spiritual butchers of the modern era of the Nazi thugs and inquisitors of the Middle Ages often exclusively by that they have of Gesetzher only limited opportunities to flay their victims.
Even the perverse totality public secretly and sometimes even openly acknowledged as ist.Als the Federal Court of Germany in 1989, the rape with impunity in derEhe and had even declared that that of "sexual intercourse with the man Eder wife duty" was heard only in the more left-wing circles a faint rustling of criticism; hardly any of the named judges responsible way that would have earned (by usual standards) undkeiner ventured to this court for all times to deny all social skills. In addition to this example could bring many more that are all suitable to frighten those who are not so jaded as diegemeine mass.
A wall of silence umgibtdie jurisdiction. Hardly ever dares to even the all-powerful press is not a court for a ruling with significant or even derogatory words zuschelten compliant. Fast, it seems, is the judiciary, whose many misdeeds mentally less privileged are just saying displaced. Also, courts seem derBevölkerung in a certain coverage have to be seen what it can , that it is still difficult, even for the hardest-working people willing to work, witha criminal record - no matter how this came about - zufinden a job . The common people believed in many cases, blind justice, thus strengthening the social stigma that the offender has been impressed by the often arbitrary "judgments."
Excerpt: Ericsson study

The honey man says ...

Small reminder

If you have not gone all the lights in your useless upper story , then you should get intolerant of Lower Saxony to meaningful insights.
But I fear that even the good Schünemann must first commit infanticide before it is bright with you.

If you think otherwise others for you, let this Favor it will serve you certainly do not.
Obviously you have strange birds nothing more important to do than to ape the equally racist Hesse, right?

Look at the video and makes you ask the question whether can solve the woman in the burqa your problems, or serve as a pretext must, because this is the easiest way to reduce your unspeakable misplaced frustration, or you're just too stupid to get eggs ...?

This is what one is against life,
only far and wide land of plenty.
you draw one into another,
one hand washes the other.
your preaches humility and renunciation,
your praise yourself from election to election.
the Lord, you say, is not for this,
the people on the other hand: People's morale.
that disturbs others starve, you hardly
and devour your hurt, your lies and swill -
one tugs at the hem of the righteous,
sold out.

Friedrich Schiller - Die Räuber

Instead of the perpetrators to justice, the politics beat, her full-time post again, only half as large as it is you, right?

have already done it's always so ...

types like you, I just puke on. ..

D ieses people has mutated into a nation of cowards, hypocrites and informers.
A hundred years ago there were poet and thinker ...

I am not afraid of the return of the fascists in the guise of the fascists, but his return in the guise of democrats!

" HERE" sit your partner! And " HERE " should reduce its your frustration when you are too stupid to think!

excitement in Hesse burqa ban
The conflict over the public-employee office in burqa is settled - really. But most are not satisfied.
The internet forums are overflowing with comments, some are full of racism. The Central Council of Muslims is concerned that the single example will have negative consequences for all Muslim women with headscarves. The Hessian State Advisory Council warns of a loss to the integration process.

damned racists ....
In the Internet forums is evident in the fact that the mass of Germans not the faintest Shimmer has, where this property is potentially extremely stupid hatred. One wonders really what they have learned these morons really what this society a little more bearable and could make in the future more peaceful?
Obviously nothing but hatred and envy ...?

With their 3-4 phones on average they are even in the dark, clear, but so is the modest knowledge potential already completely exhausted.
arm silly Germany ...

If most of the already poor Clothes and furniture ashamed, how much more we should be ashamed because only poor ideas and world views.

is especially true for integration and Home!

are least able from the prejudices of the environment allowed to express dissent, most of them are even unable to ever get to such opinions.
is especially true for integration and interior ministers etc.

The End the Nazi era? On the contrary, this brown brood has just changed color, and is in the upswing.
Today, the educated elite of the eternal yesterday adorned only with a CDU sticker!
remained the basis of their ideologies apparently unchanged.

As the baptismal certificate neighborhood children divided
In North Rhine-Westphalia, one third of public elementary schools Catholic. Recently, there are children of other faiths rejected even though they live nearby.
The quality of a society is shaped by the size of Love and consciousness of its individuals is reflected in dealing with his children, the elderly and insane.
Rolf Griesheim

Thus, on this subject already said everything, except ...


Who does not like to think, should at least regroup from time to time, his prejudices.
Luther Burbank

The preparation of a stoning

"FEAR" against people with ... a false understanding of morality, is the reason why Muslim women wear a burka! Another reason is the religious, some fanatical belief suggests of false prophets.

Is this Germany is not a country where religious freedom CAPS is ?

A Muslim is a bad one iota, as a Christian or a Jew.
For certain overriding needs of a certain clientele of "man" godliness is just very useful. All religions have always been interpreted by the powerful and widespread that they are to "Disadvantage" of the people, and abused the "advantage" of those despicable clients.
This is an ongoing process since thousands of years, tolerated and encouraged by the clergy and the state with which it still is today successfully

to the motto. You keep it stupid, I think they are poor, you can reach more its goals if the ignorant people is hearing.
There is only one Creator, and who is responsible for all nations equally.

Truth Everyone eventually finds seekers -.

It requires neither any kind of affiliation, nor is it dependent on the balance
The Creator of All Nations with certainly no gray beard, even Is he not a cloud to its intolerant sinful sheep observed.

The Creator of All Nations "LOVE" is!
Went all people the way of love, then we were already living in the proverbial paradise.
Life for every individual without exception, otherwise as a learning process that would result without this huge diversity of races and nations no sense.

About 7 billion individuals, people (puzzle), the object of study as a demonstration and with all your individual life experiences, fortunes and relevant values are at leisure, and recognize at some point a total picture, the total of us, as well as every one of us to move forward.
is as simple as that
There you in white, in black, yellow, and brown, etc., in small in size, in thick and thin, in pretty in ugly, and Pretty Ugly, etc. They come in evil, and you are in good-natured
etc. They are available in high intelligent, very intelligent, and in saublöd.
There are mega busy, which may be saublöd, and there are mega lazy, they are very intelligent, etc.
of each kind of person for us is something to which we look up, or prefer to look past.
There is so that we despise, and others which we venerate.
we can learn from "Allen", it is only important, learn what we do!
But we know what we want?
Obviously not, right?

God, Allah, Buddha, or whatever "does not play dice!"
FEAR = The scourge of humanity ...

He also has it here ... " fear " ...

AND ... what does a person ... if he's afraid?

popularity! shrill ... then it works well with the neighbors soured?

"And if I knew ' tomorrow the world would collapse, would I still today 'plant an apple tree! "
Martin Luther

Now throw out the first politician!
15 future such indecent clothes the skin pulled over the ears, right?
Finally the world is noble reason to ...! * laugh my flabby

I was sad because I had no shoes. Until I met someone on who had no feet ....

How bad must it be but then only to take on someone who wears a tie, right?

If brain death really a sign of life would end, then one would have buried us all groups ...
Dieter Nuhr


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