Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Perspiration Smell Vinegar


Be vigilant!


The on teen cloaked old men in particular CDU / CSU / FDP are strong again Come in!
The 10% of the satisfied, the rich and super rich, some decadent voracious man-eating upper class, thus CDU / CSU / FDP voters , divide half of the total national wealth of Germany, under the need to finally learn the " YOURSELF " cut off the branch on which they sit!

The others, the German "non-voters people," the V erzweifelten that A ufstocker that C hancenlosen that usgebeuteten G etretenen and A that V ersklavten and V ergessenen should use every possible chance, so that the gap between rich and kingdom not drift even further apart ...
Please select goes and, with your voice ensure that this narrow-minded, hypocritical and stubborn medieval rabble do not get another chance to alienate them anyway divided society completely.
Please select the go, because "THEY" will do ABSOLUTELY!

learn how a democracy destroyed itself

a genius all of them. The Intelligent
learn from the genius and his experiences.
A politician learns nothing ...., he knows everything better, and his people are happy with it?
In any period of time for all the people more clearly than at the beginning of the 21st century.

There are few things as the sympathetic, and yet clear in unmistakable ways, as the performer on the following video ...

; Be watchful!

When the time comes where you could, the past, where you can!
Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach

of these people are talking ... only for those who have not woken up!

Ub always trust and honesty

election dates in Germany

is or will Germany stupid?


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