Monday, February 23, 2009

Female Horse Genatail

IFAW Germany: "Amazing Elephant Jumbo Landing" PSA - German

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Do You Get W2s From Disability

stop cheap meat!

Millions of animals suffer from poor living conditions. Because their attitude is often under economic pressure, this animal-protection issues have already been mapped out.

FOUR PAWS addresses these issues with a market campaign. This is the demand for locally produced foods cruel cut, the one to be strengthened after animal-friendly produced food, however. The general objective of the consumption of meat and other animal products are reduced. Today in Switzerland about 52 pounds of meat consumed per capita.

FOUR PAWS occurs not himself as a player in the market (such as monitoring body of a meat labels), but sees itself as influencers. We give foreign impulses of do, but remain independent.

and support this campaign with a donation!

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four paws video - Animal cruelty and dirty tricks to watch on the internet!

FOUR PAWS - rabbits Europe catastrophic

FOUR PAWS - rabbits suffering for Bretagne Lapins (long version)

FOUR PAWS - grievances in rabbits at DELIMPEX

Shocking pictures at FOUR PAWS China campaign

FOUR PAWS - Serbian dancing bears are still waiting for rescue

FOUR PAWS - move of the dancing bears in Bear Park Elena

FOUR PAWS - ax attack on workers

FOUR PAWS - unscrupulous puppy trade (1 / 2)

FOUR PAWS - unscrupulous puppy trade (2 / 2)

Four Paws Animal Rights Spot

Stop it - Incredible

Stop it! - Action Tour

FOUR PAWS - Names change - animal suffering is the same

All videos Lassie, see the following predefined link to YouTube! (Part & aq = f

... Sauerreien which they look the same and in which we ask ourselves where we are supposed to look for the dignity, the alleged here is not to be touched ...

Meaning Of Cutting The Wedding Cake

shopping - your eyes!

shopping - your eyes!

EEC numbers

check on all foods of animal origin, see an EEC number. Using these numbers, the consumer can check where the product originates, and who has processed it.

The EEC number is the country code (eg, HU = Hungary,

( F = France, BE = Belgium ) and an operating point. Sometimes, yet the addition of EC or EEC, indicating that the product originates in the European Economic Community, or an abbreviation that stands for the federal-land in which it was produced.

the EEC number usually found near the expiry date. It consists of an oval with a letter and number sequence. Above is an example of meat from Hungary (HU-129-EK). HU refers to the country of origin of the meat - in this case Hungary. 129 is to operate, here Merian Szervíz, a foie gras producer. EC stands for refrigerator or freezer houses.

The French EEC numbers are a little different than, say, the German. Many infor-mation are encoded as numbers. In our example, the F stands for the country code France, the first number (67) for the department (Departments of approximately correspond to our provinces). The second number (447) for the community from which the meat comes from and the third digit (05) is the ordinal number of the producing company in the community (eg abattoir). It stands for the company Castaing, a large producer of foie gras. CEE is also here for the European Economic Community.

FOUR PAWS has compiled a list of EEC numbers, behind which are Stopfleberprodu-producers and traders. In the left column of the list for the EEC numbers. They represent the most important companies of the Hungarian and French foie gras production and thus the main beneficiaries of this animal suffering. Adjust these numbers with the numbers on the meat in your supermarket from. If they are identical, do not buy the meat. Talk to staff important that it could be found to contain a product of Stopfmast. / output.php id = 1224 & language = 2169 & idcontent = 1

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What is Foie Gras?

What is Foie Gras?

"Foie Gras" is the French word for "fat liver". These can originate from both ducks and geese. The production of fatty liver is always associated with animal cruelty.

The animals will be introduced two to three times a day up to 50 centimeters long metal tube through the throat to the stomach in, then they are forcibly fed large quantities of maize porridge and fat. This process is called "plug". Through the stopper, the animals specifically made ill, so that their liver is increased many times over. The result is the fatty degeneration liver, a diseased organ - sells expensive than fatty liver - foie gras.

a barbaric relic
The feeding of geese and ducks has its origins in ancient Egypt. As early as 2500 BC people, geese or ducks began to feed and thereby produce foie. Today, this procedure is cruel in many countries prohibited by law and is classified as animal cruelty. However, "foie gras" to this day is traded around the world as a supposed delicacy.

illegal in many countries - But the trade flourishes ...
Although the feeding of geese and ducks is now banned in 14 European countries can be easily circumvented this prohibition, in which the animals are simply fattened abroad.

Even states that prohibit the import of foie gras, continue this illegal product. Thus, simply shift production to other countries, the entire metropolitan regions, give rise to mast factories. Not only from animal welfare point of view a scandal.

... but the production continues

are grown worldwide 40 million geese and ducks for foie gras production. 96% all stuffed animals are ducks today, for holding and fattening are cheaper than those of geese. While geese are stuffed 3-4 times per day, you hit a duck even at 2 issues plugs the same profit.

Hungary is the world's largest exporter, after France's second largest producer of foie gras. 3 million animals living in the Hungarian mast systems. 2,000 tons of foie gras will be distributed from Hungary in Europe and Asia. The main customers of Hungarian foie gras are France, Japan and Belgium. Closely followed by Germany, Italy, Austria, Switzerland, Denmark, Slovakia and Spain.

France is the world's largest producer in the world. 80% Foie gras production comes from France world. In 2005, France produced 18 450 tons of foie gras. Bulgaria produced 1,500 tons in the same year.

What you can do

Do not buy a duck or goose meat (thighs, breast, wing) from France, Hungary and Belgium.

hands away from ducks or geese without giblets! Where the liver is missing the stuffed animal was most likely.

Note the EEC number on the product. Based on the number you can check with our black list, whether the meat comes from a country with forced feeding.
hands away from all Foie gras pates, terrines and other similar products from duck liver. Even products with country of origin Germany or Austria, may contain FG meat or foie gras.

care at the farmers market! If you think, here come the ducks and geese from Germany only wrong, is enormous. Here, too, unwrapped, fresh poultry from force-feeding is sold. Just ask about the origin and do not buy in doubt.

Remember that even the conventional duck and goose fattening takes place under animal welfare requirements. How about this Christmas with vegetarian alternatives or at least organic meat?

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stuffed goose? No thanks! !

stuffed goose? No thanks!

At Christmas, they are again filling the freezers of supermarkets with geese and ducks.

What the consumer does not know A large part comes from the foie gras.

The feeding of geese and ducks is one of the most-cruel methods to an apparent delicacy - to produce - foie gras (French for "fat liver"). The animals will be introduced two to three times a day, a 50 cm long tube through the throat into the stomach. Force-feeding aware induced disease of the internal organs and cages make the everyday dar. of Stopfenten and foie gras geese at the end of the fattening period her liver is so large that they can hardly breathe or move.

FOUR PAWS has been fighting for years against this cruelty to animals. In many countries, including Germany, the Stopfmast is prohibited. Business is booming yet - on trade, especially with Hungary, which is also France's second largest producer of foie gras.

consumer deception at the expense of the animals
Apart from fatty liver is the meat of animals who suffer a major pillar of the whole Foie Gras. The inferior, meat fatty degeneration of some seven million ducks and geese is to supermarkets, restaurants and weekly markets delivered in Germany. The customer has no way to make be fixed, whether the animal comes from the cruel forced pole. FOUR PAWS wants to end these animal welfare and consumer protection scandal.

meat from Foie Gras production is sold in German supermarkets. FOUR PAWS negotiated with the food chain - with initial success: REWE, buying land, Famila and Coop have already promised to sell no FG meat.

things in different countries, like Hungary, Germany, Austria, Switzerland and the Netherlands, an international campaign against the Stopfmast started. Our goal is to inform the public about the existing grievances to raise awareness and take action against Rechtsverstö-SSE at the international and national level.

stated aim of the activities is the end of Stopfmast of ducks and geese in the European Union. In addition to an international boycott of the products we deal with grocery chains to stop selling products from the forced pole.

The campaign is directed against the buyers of foie gras and to pressure on the producing countries . Exercise

The evidence of FOUR PAWS not only shows serious violations of animal protection law, but also to environmental and health regulations. None of the farms adhere to documented guidelines - the whole production is not compatible with animal welfare. When breaches of animal welfare, environmental and consumer protection in default risk - the plant must be closed immediately.

FOUR PAWS and its international partners are calling for a ban on this type of animal husbandry and animal feed to prevent the animal suffering forever.

14 European countries already have a ban!
FOUR PAWS is his call to ban the Stopfmast is not a minority: the mast forced to foie gras is banned because of their cruelty in 14 European countries. However, the humane product is exported through Europe and across consumed. Hungary is the world's largest exporter, after France's second largest producer of foie gras. About three million animals living in the Hungarian farms stuffing.

FOUR PAWS - Foie gras production in Hungary


https: / /

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Stop it: Play a campaign against wild animals in European circuses

Stop it! Campaign against wild animals in European circuses
The international animal protection organization FOUR PAWS today launched its Stop it! Campaign in six European countries. The goal is a ban on wild animals in circuses. The campaign will run in Germany, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Great Britain, Hungary and Romania. In addition to traditional campaign events Supporters are invited to participate in the internet and show policymakers the RED CARD.

"Wild animals can live in a circus impossible to species level," said Thomas Pietsch, wildlife expert and director of FOUR PAWS campaign. "A lion wanders in the wild up to 400 square kilometers -. Vegetate in the circus it on a few square meters, a sea lion, which appears in nature to a depth of 250 meters, is held in a circus in a tiny pool."

The Stop it! FOUR PAWS campaign of information and documents the daily suffering of the animals. In show current video clips for the defective conditions of wild animals in circuses. Supporters can be actively involved: send a red card, return the created images of circus animals and their views through a portrait with the Stop it! Shield express. FOUR PAWS expects a high turnout, because many people are opposed to the display of wild animals - especially if they know the negative consequences for the animals.

is estimated that today in Europe up to 1,000 circus companies, most of the animals in our program. Exact numbers are not known, but experts expect from a stock of several thousand circus animals from. Often particularly elephants, lions, tigers and lions are kept, but also monkeys, bears, giraffes, rhinos and hippos periods most of her life in a cage wagon and under the big top. The attitude is insufficient, the questionable training methods and the art pieces often contradict the natural behavior of animals. The constant movement and the noise burden on the animals. Many circus animals therefore exhibit behavioral problems and often suffer from serious diseases.

Many countries have traveled to the keeping of wild animals in circuses banned or restricted, such as Austria, Bulgaria, Sweden, the United States or Israel. "These countries Show that only a complete ban on entertainment, the suffering of the animals. It is high time that Germany followed suit, "says Thomas Pietschmann. On the campaign website can be a red list with further information to already existing prohibitions and the attitude problem of wild animals in circuses are downloaded can.

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stick is also risk associated

stick is also associated with risk
chews for his life like Golden Retriever Sammy to stick. The puppies are doing well if he rub his milk teeth on the hard wood. also makes playing with sticks a lot of fun. If owner attaches to the litter, hoppst happy and gets Sammy progress with enthusiasm to stick to his "prey" can then edit with relish.

Sure you have the dog does not necessarily spoil the fun. A little caution is advised when still stick games. For associated is also a certain risk.

First, the dog can ram all the enthusiasm of the stick in the throat when he catches up with him. So get too overexcited pets first slow a bit so no accident happened. The dog so do not too much "dope"! Rather, let him first take place before he can zip around to get the wood. This has the advantage that the stock will have on the ground, so accidents can be avoided.

The second one should wean Bello is better to chew wood. Many pets vomit after swallowing these parts again. Also, can splinter in the mouth to seize and lead to injuries. In the worst case, even the intestines are injured when wandering through splintering wood. Therefore, your dog the command "Off!" be familiar - if you say this word to him, then he should let go of the stick too.

Sure you have the dog does not necessarily spoil the fun. A little caution is advised when still stick games. For associated is also a some risk.

First, the dog can ram all the enthusiasm of the stick in the throat when he catches up with him. So get too overexcited pets first slow a bit so no accident happened. The dog so do not too much "dope"! Rather, let him first take place before he can zip around to get the wood. This has the advantage that the floor is then already on the ground, so accidents can be avoided.

The second one should wean Bello is better to chew wood. Many pets vomit after swallowing these parts again. Also, can splinter in the mouth to seize and lead to injuries. In the worst Case, even the intestines are injured when splintering wood walked through. Therefore, your dog the command "Off!" be familiar - if you say this word to him, then he should let go of the stick too.

And thirdly, one should first look carefully at what kind of floor is occupied by the dog. Because: There are woods that are extremely toxic to pets! Bello who can play with a stick by an elderberry bush that risked severe poisoning, which are manifested by salivation, vomiting and shortness of breath. If you experience these symptoms after the game together, then quickly to the vet! Toxic way, is also Laburnum wood (Not just the flowers!). An elder tree looks like this:

If you go to see one, make with your dog prefer a larger arc around it, is sure ...

Otherwise: get stick but is a true classic, and makes each dog the most fun, but there are also games that are associated with far fewer risks. Maybe your dog will really very happy plush toy or a dog Frisbee? Even so, it can be glorious romp!

Well then, have fun playing together!

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voices from the policy

voices from the policy
"The numerous Problems that arise in the keeping of wild animals in circuses are known to me. In general, a species-and behavioral-appropriate accommodation under the terms of a traveling circus company is not guaranteed. We will support the planned initiative in its own parliamentary initiative and the federal government request to use the authorization of the 13 paragraph 3 of the Animal Protection Act and to submit an ordinance that forbids keeping a number of wild animals in circuses. "

Claudia Hämmerling, Group Alliance 90/The Greens in the Berlin House of Representatives

"We are convinced that an art-and behavior-oriented location of certain Wild animals in circuses in practice is nearly impossible. With the protection of animals is complicated by implementation deficits and lack of shelter. "

Hans-Jürgen Klein, animal welfare policy spokesman for the Alliance 90/The Greens in the Lower Saxony Parliament

" his is why it must be our goal that circuses in future only those animals carry that can be kept humanely under the terms of a traveling circus company. This means that animal species in which this animal welfare-friendly housing is not guaranteed to be excluded from the operation of a circus company. "

Christian Wulff, Chairman of the CDU faction in the parliament of Lower Saxony, chairman of the CDU in Lower Saxony

"The keeping of exotic animals, especially in small circuses, is extremely problematic and can often be made by accounting improvements are not humane. Therefore, it would be a useful measure in the keeping, trade and the importation of certain exotic to prohibit or limit, so that they in circuses are no longer on display. "

Ms. von der Schulenburg, Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg, Ministry of Environment and Health

"I agree with your view that the welfare of most wildlife species, traditionally or as a unusual attraction will be shown in circuses, very difficult to impossible. The current legislation calls while under the Animal Protection Act the welfare of animals and also specifies the monitoring and enforcement of legal requirements. The legal standards are not sufficient for the enforcement of animal protection in the sense of the legislature in this area is not enough. "

Dr. Prokert, Officer, Ministry of Social Affairs

" we naturally support initiatives, the end of the keeping of certain wild animals in circuses and to enshrine in legislation "

Dr. Wenzel, Ltd.. Ministerialrat, Bavarian Ministry of State for Health, Nutrition and Consumer Protection

"The aforementioned problems you are known to us and unfortunately both the old and the new states often encountered. In our view, circus companies in their ability to keep wild animals humanely, often straight from cost reasons, limited. Tierartgerchte housing conditions can circus companies provide the same not at all. Therefore, it would certainly be useful to develop transitional arrangements, under which wild animals are kept in nothing but zoos and circus events, as practiced in various countries, are very withdrawn. "

Reinhard Dankert, Parliamentary Secretary of the SPD parliamentary group in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

can "tell me you on your specific concern that in the opinion of the CDU parliamentary group a retention prohibition of wild animals in circuses, traveling menagerie and similar establishments, where a proper housing is not guaranteed should be sought. "
Heinz Maurus, Parliamentary Geschftsführer of the CDU parliamentary group in Schleswig-Holstein

"On behalf of the welfare policy spokesman of the FDP parliamentary group, Dr. Heiner Garg, I would like to inform you that your suggestions have been taken already by the FDP. A the matter was, on the part of the FDP the 24th Meeting of the Schleswig-Holstein parliament introduced. The debate was postponed due to the abundance of applications to the next meeting after the summer break "

Dominik Völk, Research Fellow of the FDP parliamentary group in the Schleswig-Holstein Landtag

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bull fight - barbarism in Spain - Climax of Torture - Fiestas in (S) PAIN

bull -. Barbarity in Spain - Climax of Torture - Fiestas in (S) PAIN

Medinacelli (Soria) -.. Burning Hell
This is the pinnacle of cruelty to animals, the incredible barbarity is that a kind of ball is placed on both horns of this is set on fire before the poor bulls by the streets are hunted. Through fire and smoke the animal suffers great Pain. More information about this at ANPBA: CAMPANA INTERNACIONAL CONTRA LOS TOROS DE FUEGO "DE CATALUÑA (ESPANA)

This form of" fire bulls "has been banned in other regions of Spain, such as in Madrid, the Basque Country, Castilla-La Mancha, Andalusia . In the so-called "progressive" Catalonia is, however, they further addition to the "fire animal" is in the south of Catalonia, nor the "bous capllacats" or "tethered bulls. This is complicated by the horns attached to a rope and they will be held for hours through the streets. For example, the INITIATIVE ANTI-CORRIDA was at such a spectacle in Lodosa (Navarra) and it had to find out how much these animals . Suffer

All this shows that straight Catalonia its "homework" in dealing with animals must still lie ahead. The season lasts from

April (Easter) to September / November. Most battles take place in Madrid and Seville. If you attend a bull fight, you should do so in an arena known of famous bullfighters. Inexperienced Toreros (novilleros) often lend a bloody and ill-conceived 'work'.

We recommend a hat and water bottle with you.

bull fights are carried out in Spain France, Peru, Ecuador and Mexico - not always with the bull is killed directly in the arena.

Everywhere in the English speaking world, there is bullfighting, but only certain countries host the traditional bullfights or novilladas English origin, in which the animals are killed in an arena by injuries. In Portugal, the bulls are indeed also at the events in the arenas injured with bladed weapons - they are killed but in the meantime and not in public. Bullfights, in which no blood is shed and the animals are not hit with injuries, there are several variants. One of them is there to excite the bulls and to rush to hang them or hunt, which have been attached to their horns.

are often the same Festejos Taurinos y Ferias Time instead.

When attending such an event, you should remember that animals feel fear and pain and is attending such an event in your own responsibility. Their consumption behavior is your responsibility to express, animal lovers-Nord recommends them with the nieces and would like to hereby decided against this pseudo-sport!

http://www.stop-corrida. info Adolph Kolping

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Adolph Kolping

Adolph Kolping (born December 8, 1813 in Kerpen, near Cologne, † December 4, 1865 in Cologne) was a German Catholic priest and founder of the Kolping Society.


childhood and craft apprenticeship

Adolph Kolping was the fourth of five children of the wage shepherd Peter Kolping († April 12, 1845) and his wife Anna Maria, nee Zurheyden († April 4, 1833). He grew up in modest circumstances. At age 12 he learned at the request of parents in the first Kerpen shoemaking. His childhood Kolping described despite the family poverty than happy. After training and trade test Kolping worked from 1829 to 1832 as a shoemaker in Sindorf, Duren and Lechenich and then in one of the then leading workshops in Cologne. The offer to marry into this company, he refused and moved the body.

was way to study

Kolping often appalled by the inhuman living conditions and lifestyles of most artisans, whom he met during his travels. A potentially caused by these conditions disease forced him as a 22-year-olds to give up work temporarily as a craftsman. Nearly two years later - at the age of almost 24 years - was fulfilled his desire from childhood: He went to school to study it and to become a priest. Before Kolping entered the Marzellengymnasium in Cologne, he took lessons in Latin.

was after only three and a half years Kolping-levels and on 3 April 1841 he received the "certificate of maturity". He then studied in Munich and Bonn, and from 26 March 1844 at the Archbishop's Clericalseminar theology in Cologne. That he was able to study without economic hardship, was due mainly Mariale (Maria Helena) Melling (born April 16, 1809; † May 19, 1878), a daughter of the landowner, the sheep his father was careful. She had placed in the care of a loved one you vow to support a theology student. Support Kolping learned but also by other benefactors.
priest and fellow father

Kaplan Elberfeld

On 13 April 1845 he was in Cologne Minoritenkirche ordained first and then used in Elberfeld, now a part of Wuppertal, as a chaplain and religion teacher. He ran into the same social situation as it did in Cologne as a journeyman. With deep poverty, slavish labor exploitation and general impoverishment associated for many young men spiritual neglect and apathy to a milieu that was hardly hope for a meaningful life. In June 1847 he was elected as successor of the offset to Wermelskirchen Kaplan Steenartz second Präses in 1846 by Johann Gregor Breuer (1820-1897) founded the Catholic Association journeyman who its members, particularly in the years of traveling far from home, social support, education, sociability and gave a religious support. Kolping recognized the importance of the journeyman's association and has sought to carry out the idea of Elberfeld, which was possible only after his conviction by a larger city. He therefore asked Archbishop Johannes von Geissel for a job in Cologne.

founder of the Cologne club journeyman

1849 returned to Cologne cathedral vicar as Kolping and founded on 6 May with seven companions in the Cologne school of Columba Craftsmen Club, on 1 January 1850 the club had already 550 members. As in Cologne were made quickly and in other cities journeymen's associations, up to Kolping's death in 1865 there were 418 with 24,000 members. In the autumn of 1850 closed the Kolping Clubs Elberfeld, Cologne and Dusseldorf to Rheinische journeyman covenant "together, which was called in 1851" Catholic Journeymen's Association "to open on the Rhine borders are. This merger was the nucleus of today's International Kolping Society.
The society should give the wandering journeyman similar support, such as that offered by Kolping conviction that only the family, and he initiated journeyman hospices should be for the members of "a family home where they find a way her family, like-minded and equal friends and with them together in an intimate friendly way. "[1] The journeyman houses therefore were not only comfortable lodgings, but also school, which allowed the young artisans to form their religious, political and professional. They should also be given the opportunity for socialization.

were also in the club selected nurses who were obliged by the statute, a patient who reported them to visit in the course of 24 hours and to learn about the disease and their reason, if necessary, summon medical help and care for the sick. About this Nursing Kolping also presented himself as a pastor for cholera victims are available. An indemnity for the city of Cologne this time he refused, the money was used for the fellowship.

Gesellenhaus on Breite Straße in Cologne
The journeymen hospices Kolping was essential and tried since 1851, a house for Cologne Craftsmen Club purchase. In a brochure he asked specifically brought out in "beggar-references in favor of the hospice" for donations for the house. On 14 August 1852 he bought in the street widths of 14 200 dollars a property with a large house and garden, to set up meeting rooms and a hospice for traveling companions. [2] On 8 May 1853 could be moved into the house, which was not only a hostel but a kind of home school. [3]

Kolping a publicist
From the years worked in Elberfeld Kolping addition to his pastoral work as a writer and journalist. He wrote, among other things, the "Rhenish Church Journal," which appeared in Dusseldorf, was editor from 1850 and 1852-1853 editor of the Catholic People's Calendar, "and from 1854 to 1865 editor of the calendar of the Catholic people." From 1850 to 1854, he wrote for the Rheinische church newsletter, "before the weekly newspaper" Rheinische leaves people "founded the first issue on 1 April 1854 was released and quickly became one of the most successful Catholic press in their time. In addition, Kolping worked until his death as a freelance contributor to various newspapers and magazines.

Kolping saw an opportunity in public relations, the grievances of the 19 Century and particularly demonstrate the economic as well as emotional distress of many people to relieve them. Working as a journalist brought him also for his life's work, the journeyman club that needed economic security.

last years of life

met by youth Kolping serious diseases. Nevertheless, in 1858 he choose to General Präses all hitherto existing societies and 180 journeymen put every ounce of strength to spread the journeyman club further. To this end he made sometimes arduous journeys. In September 1861 he had to participate in the Catholic Congress in Munich and at the meeting of the Gesellenvereinspräsides cancel, after his health had deteriorated threatening. In May 1862 but it was granted Kolping to travel to Rome and the Pope to present his work. In recognition presented him with Pius IX. a precious chasuble, which is still preserved.
seemed to temporarily stabilize Kolping's health, but in spring 1865, he suffered from severe arthritis in the right forearm. Once again, he traveled to promote the Craftsmen Club: In September, he went to Trier, and took part in the inauguration of the journeyman house. But then became more frequent choking, where he spent four days prior to completion of the 52nd Birthday in Gesellenhaus on Breite Straße died.
since 1862 was rector of the Kolping Minoritenkirche (Cologne), in which he at his request, according to 30th was buried April 1866th He was initially buried in the Melaten.

brief chronicle

8th December 1813: born in Kerpen, near Cologne
1820-1826: elementary school
1826-1837: Teaching as a shoemaker and journeyman
1837-1841: student of the Marzellengymnasiums in Cologne
1841-1842: Studies at the University of Munich
1842 - 1844: Studies at the University of Bonn
1844-1845: seminary in Cologne
13th April 1845: ordained in this church that
1845-1849: chaplain and religion teacher in Elberfeld
July 1847: Second Church President Founded in 1846 in Elberfeld
fellow club first April 1849: Cologne cathedral vicar in
6th May 1849: founding of the first fellows association
January 1862: President of the 22nd Minoritenkirche
April 1862: Papal Secret Chamberlain
4th December 1865: 30th anniversary of the death
April 1866: transfer of the bones in the 27th Minoritenkirche
October 1991: Beatification in Rome

successor to Adolph Kolping, Office of the General Church President

1866-1901: Sebastian Georg Schaeffer
1901-1924: Franz Hubert Maria Schweitzer
1924-1944: Theodor Hürth
1945-1947: John Dahl
1948-1961: Bernhard Ridder
1961-1972: Heinrich Fischer
1972-2002: Henry Festing (also also the first German Central Church President)
2002-present : Axel Werner


On 21 Opened in March 1934 Karl Joseph Cardinal Schulte, Archbishop of Cologne, the formal process of beatification for Adolph Kolping. On 27
October 1991 Kolping beatified by Pope John Paul II. The Roman Catholic Church celebrates the feast on 4 Adolph Kolping December. Previously, Pope John Paul II visited on 15 November 1980 the Minoritenkirche of Cologne. Kolping he prayed at the grave and put the sentence: "Such visions as Adolph Kolping we need for the Church today." The canonization process is ongoing.

Kolping Museum

1963, 150 to Kolping Birthday, was set up in an outbuilding of his birthplace in Kerpen, a museum under the auspices of the Kolping Society, to life the timely originals or documents and exhibits, plant, and after-effects exhibited. The basis of the furniture came from the estate of his niece, Anna Catharina Kolping (1841 to 1914), the daughter of his Brother William, who had led Kolping budget and it inherits. It was after the death of her uncle moved back to Kerpen. The shoemaker's shop built there (table and tool) from the middle of the 19th Century will come from the possession of Adolph Kolping. The house was bought in 1913 by the General Council of the Catholic fellowship. The furniture was on the 1926 is Kerpener fellowship. Viewing is by appointment with the local Kolping House free of charge.
Dettelbach in 1967 opened a Kolping and Crafts Museum in Faltertor.

Kolping The writings in the Cologne edition (title list):

Christian Feldmann: Adolph Kolping. A life of solidarity. Herder, Freiburg 2008, ISBN 3-451-32135-1
Hans-Joachim Kracht: Adolph Kolping, priest, teacher, journalist. In the service of Christian social reform. Life and work shown for the sources. Herder, Freiburg 1993, ISBN 3-451-21327-3
Franz Lüttgen: Johann Gregor Breuer and Adolph Kolping. Studies on the early history of the Catholic fellowship. Boniface-Verlag, Paderborn 1997, ISBN 3-87088-977-2
Paul Steinke: Vision for the Church: Adolph Kolping, Boniface GmbH, Paderborn 1992, ISBN 3-87088-683-8
Henry Festing: Adolph Kolping and his work , Verlag Herder, Freiburg im Breisgau 1981, ISBN 3-451-19476-7ömisch-katholischer_Geistlicher_ (19._Jahrhundert)

Phantom Rc Helicopter Problems

Steller's sea cow

Steller's sea cow, Steller's sea cow or Riesenseekuh (Hydrodamalis gigas), formerly known as scabs animal, an extinct sea cow of the Northern Pacific. It was in 1741 by German physician and scientist Georg Wilhelm Steller first described scientifically, after the expedition ship for Vitus Bering who was today named after him stranded Bering Island off Kamchatka. At the time there were probably only about 2,000 copies in the Bering Island and the neighboring island of copper. The last animal of the species was probably killed in 1768 by fur hunters in the Bering Island.

Today's knowledge based on the meticulous descriptions of posts and a number of skeletons in various museums.

The animal was up to 8 feet long and about 4 tons. The teeth had receded completely, the animal rubbed its seaweed food between two horny Kauplatten. The front arms ended in stunted metacarpal bones, finger bones, the animal had not. Of the two hind limbs vestigial pelvic bones remained. The animal had asked a cross, forked tail fin of almost 2 meters wide. The skin was several inches thick and had a bark-like consistency, hence the name Borken animal. The color was dark brown.

the only manatee living in historic times was a resident of this kind of cold water. In the Bering Sea algae were the food of Steller's sea cow. The teeth had receded completely in adapting to these soft food, and the crushing of the food was taken solely by the horny plates lined with taste buds. The front rudder fins were reduced compared with those of other manatees strong.

was probably as a result of Erdabkühlung about 20 million years ago a side branch of dugongs out, the hydro Dama Lina. In the Miocene the genus Dusisiren that represented this subfamily, was widespread in the Pacific. From the Pliocene and Pleistocene Hydrodamalis three species of the genus are known, the Steller's sea cow in the development ended.

The Steller's sea cow once inhabited the shores of the northern Pacific Ocean from Mexico to the Aleutian Islands to northern Japan. Maybe they drove the hunting by people hostile to the edge of their habitat, where it was eradicated after the discovery by Bering's crew in just 27 years due to excessive hunting.

While the world still about 20 skeletons there are only two pieces of skin of Steller's sea cow known. One of them is in the Zoological Museum in St. Petersburg, the other is shown on the Bremen Overseas Museum. Skeletons can be seen in the German speaking in the Japanese Palace in Dresden Museum of Ethnology (also a model), the Natural History Museum in Braunschweig and at the Natural History Museum in Vienna. In the Museum at Stuttgart Rosenstein, there is a skull cast and a small model.

Commons: Steller's sea cow pictures, videos and audio files overview page Steller's sea cow Hydrodamalis gigas in the Red List of Threatened Species of the IUCN 2007th Posted by: World Conservation Monitoring Centre, 1996. Version of 11 May 200 € categories: Manatees They were not prepared, so suddenly to take leave of this life - have mercy on you!

We can not imagine how to proceed there. Help us to recognize your kindness in adversity, by the suffering does not lead into the ground, but to Vollendun.

Strengthen our faith and strength, our love for you. Have mercy on us and have mercy on you.

We pray for the creatures of this world, let them not lose heart or be bitter. Help them find their way to move on and find.

let them in the middle of death in life, believe in Christ who is our life. Help us to love one another, as you love us. Have mercy up on us and grant us your peace.

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The saxifrage family (Saxifragaceae) is a plant family of angiosperms (Magnoliophyta).

are for new phylogenetic results suggest that the rock crushing plants in the independent order of the saxifrage-like (Saxifragales).
The family has about 33 genera with about 540 species found in temperate climates, especially in the northern hemisphere. In Central Europe, this family is through the genera-leaved Golden Saxifrage (Chrysosplenium) and saxifrage (Saxifraga) represented.
There are one or perennial herbaceous Plants. Some species are succulent. CAM was detected in some species. The leaves are usually alternate. Stipules present or absent. The flowers are hermaphrodite most Saxifragaceae five-parted with five sepals and five petals and ten stamens. But in the genus-leaved Golden Saxifrage (Chrysosplenium) are the flowers with only one Blütenhüllblattkreis fours and eight stamens. The two or three carpels are fused below and above free. It

capsule fruits or follicles are formed.


The family contains about 33 genera with about 540 species:

superb spars (. Astilbe Batches-Ham ex G. Don): With about 18 species.
Astilboides (Hemsl.) MANUAL: With only one type:
panel sheets (Astilboides tabularis (Hemsl.) Engl) Bensoniella CVMorton: With only one type: Bensoniella oregona (. Bacig & Abrams) CVMorton mountains Kingdom (Bergenia Moench ): With about ten species.
Bolandra A. Gray: With only two species.
Boykinia Nutt. With about nine species. Milzkräuter (Chrysosplenium L.): With about 55 to 65 species. . Conimitella Rydb: With only one type:
Conimitella williamsii (Rydb.) DCEaton
Darmera Voss - With only one type: Journal
plate, screen stone crushing, Indian rhubarb, Umbrella plant (Darmera peltata Voss, Syn.. Saxifraga peltata Torr, Peltiphyllum peltatum Engl)
Elmera Rydb. With only one way: (. S. Wats)
Elmera racemosa Rydb.
Coral Flower (Heuchera L.): With about 35 to 50 species. Heucherella Wehrh.
Jepsonia Small: With only about three species.
Leptarrhena R.Br.: With only one type:
Leptarrhena pyrolifolia (D. Don) Ser.
Lithophragma (Nutt.) Torr. & A. Gray: With about a dozen species.
Micranthes: with 70 species. The genus is perhaps not to the Saxifragaceae.
sling L.: With about 20 species.
Mukdenia Koidz. With only one (or two) type (s):
maple leaf (Mukdenia rossii)
Oresitrophe Bunge: With only one type:
Oresitrophe rupifraga Bunge
Peltoboykinia (Engl.) Hara: With only two species.
Tellimaähnliche Peltoboykinie (Peltoboykinia tellimoides)
Watanabe Peltoboykinie (Peltoboykinia watanabei)
record sheet (Rodgersia A. Gray): With about five species
saxifrage (Saxifraga L.): With about 370-450 species.
Saxifragella MANUAL: With only one type:
Saxifragella bicuspidata (Hook. f.) Engl
Saxifragodes DMMoore: With only one type:
Saxifragopsis small: with only one type:
Saxifragodes albowiana (Kurtz) DMMoore: Domestic Tierra del Fuego.
Suksdorfia A. Gray: With three types
Sullivantia Torr. & A. Gray: With about five species
Tanakaea Franch. & Sav. With only one type:
Tanakaea radicans Franch. & Sav.
Tellima R.Br.: With only one way: Incorrect
Alraunenwurzel (Tellima grandiflora R.Br.)
Tetilla DC. With only one type, the species is perhaps not to the Saxifragaceae.
foam flower (Tiarella L.): With six species.
Tolmiea Torr. & A. Gray: With only one type:
hen with chicks (Torr & A. Gray Tolmiea menziesii.)


The family at the APWebsite (English) / MOBOT / Research / APweb / orders / saxifragalesweb.htm # Saxifragales

The family at DELTA. (English)
http:/ / / wiki / Category: Steinbrechgew% C3% A4chse


Commons: rock crushing plants - photos, videos and audio files Mr

The Saxifrage Society. (English)

Category: rock crushing plants C3% A4chse

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If the next river dolphin before the end?

If the Next on the brink of the river dolphin?

Calls Pro Wildlife of Pakistan certain protective measures for the Indus River dolphin few months ago, the threat of extinction of the Chinese river dolphin Baiji international headlines. The conservation group Pro Wildlife fears that another river dolphin is now extinct: the Indus River dolphin in Pakistan. There are only still 600 to 800 animals in a small section of river. Water pollution, dams and fisheries to the Indus River dolphin farewell.
In a letter to the Pakistani government called Pro Wildlife, the situation of the Indus River dolphin as dramatic. From the former area of distribution in the entire Indus river system is only a fifth left - a small portion of three dams that pose an almost insurmountable barrier dolphins. More animals are isolated in other parts of the river and have no long-term survival.

The habitat of the Indus River dolphin disappears rapidly. Main causes are agriculture and industry. Through them get to a large amount of pesticides and other toxins into the water. Second, more and more river water is needed and thus reduce the water level. to This Year of the Dolphin, declared by the United Nations, Pro Wildlife moves the Indus River dolphin in December in the center of his activities. The long, up to 2.5 meters dolphin has a distinctive feature, the same time a handicap is: He is blind and depend on the alarm sounder. But in his increasingly been built, with dams habitat blocked by noisy boat traffic orientation is more difficult.
reported a year ago, an international research team after extensive but unsuccessful search, the rarest of all river dolphins, the Chinese Baiji was extinct. In August 2007, however, fishermen discovered the Yangtze is a mature animal. "The long-term prognosis is catastrophic - not only for the Baiji, but also for the Indus River dolphin, if not immediately pulled the emergency brake," says Pro Wildlife spokeswoman Sandra Altherr.

The United Nations declared 2007 as "Year of the Dolphin from. PRO WILDLIFE dedicated its activities every month, another dolphin, to highlight the threat alert.

... deny press release for "Year of the Dolphin

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saxifrage saxifrage-like
behaved (Saxifragales) are an order of the angiosperms (Magnoliophyta).

form for new findings, the phylogenetic Saxifragales a separate order. Previously, as the rock crushing plants (Saxifragaceae) ranked among the rose-like (Rosales).


offer in this order is a wide variety of growth habits. Of one-on perennial herbaceous plants to shrubs and trees. Some species are succulents. Two species are root parasites. There are also some water plants there. In the type of Angiospermae are found from the Saxifragales a gehäuftet dicotyledonous features. Usually the leaves are alternate. Stipules are often present.


to order the crushing-like (Saxifragales) consists of 16 families with 112 genera and 2470 species:

Altingiaceae: There is only one or two classes with 13 to 18 deciduous tree species: Altingia Noronha Amber trees (Liquidambar L.)
Aphanopetalaceae: There is only one class with only two species. There are klimmende bushes in Australia:
Aphanopetalum Endl.
Cercidiphyllaceae: There is only one class with only two species. There are deciduous trees in China and Japan:
cake trees (Cercidiphyllum)
Stonecrop family (Crassulaceae): The family is divided into three families with 34 genera and 1370 species. There are succulent plants: Crassuloideae Burnett Kalanchoideae A. Berger
Semper Vivo Idea Arnott
Cynomoriaceae: There is only one class with only two species. There are chlorophyllose root parasite with a spread from the Mediterranean to Asia Minor:
Cynomorium L.
Daphniphyllaceae: There is only one genus with ten species. There are evergreen trees and shrubs in Southeast Asia:
gooseberry family (Grossulariaceae): There is only one genus of about 150 shrub species:
milfoil family (Haloragaceae): There are eight classes with 145 aquatic plant species and some half-shrubs up small trees with almost worldwide distribution.
Hamamelisgewächse (Hamamelidaceae): The family is divided into three families with 27 genera and 82 species. There are trees and shrubs:
Disanthoideae Harms: The single species:
Disanthus cercidifolius
Exbucklandoideae Harms: With three to four genera and about 14 species.
Hamamelidoideae Burnett: With 27 species and about 78 species.
Iteaceae: There is only one genus with 18 species. There are trees and shrubs. You have areas in Southeast Asia, eastern Africa and eastern North America:
Itea L. (Syn: Choristylis)
Peony Family (Paeoniaceae): There is only one genus with 33 species. There are perennial herbaceous plants and shrubs:
peonies (Paeonia)
Penthoraceae: There is only one class with only two species. There are rhizomatous, perennial, herbaceous plants. You have areas in Asia and Eastern North America:
Penthorum L.
Peridiscaceae: There are only three species of nine tree species in tropical South America and the West Africa.
Pterostemonaceae: There is only one genus with three species of shrub in Mexico:
Pterostemon showers
saxifrage family (Saxifragaceae): There are about 33 genera with about 540 species. They are mostly herbaceous species, some are succulent.
Tetracarpaeaceae: There is only one way:
Tetracarpaea tasmannica, an evergreen shrub in Tasmania.


The order of the Saxifragales APWebsite (English)


Commons: saxifrage-like images, videos and audio files
entry in the Tree of Life Project. (English)
Category: saxifrage-like

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States refuse medical

States Medical
The measures to protect the vulnerable in all nine Baltic Sea countries 'poor'. To this comes a sobering conclusion today at the Baltic Sea Festival Stockholm International Comparison published by the WWF. It examines the WWF, the progress made by the States in the fight against the destruction of habitats, overfishing and the introduction of environmental toxins, the effects of navigation and the introduction of protected areas have achieved.

"Politics has failed so far into disrepair. The governments of the same doctors to the terminally ill patient the above, one of the most polluted seas in the world, from countries bordering Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Germany and Denmark, almost completely surrounded. Baltic refuse despite clear diagnosis of the saving medicine, "criticized the head of the World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF) is one of the largest independent conservation organizations in the world. WWF Germany in 1963 gegründetWWF-Baltic office in Stralsund, Jochen Lamp.

examined the second Baltic state ranking of the WWF yet implemented Measures for marine conservation in Denmark, Germany, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Sweden and Russia. In a first comparison, which was published in the summer of 2007, the Environmental Foundation had taken the legal framework for protection in the Baltic countries under scrutiny.

The best result of the new settlement states reached Germany, which has achieved almost half of the WWF demanded protection. At the bottom of the list is Poland with an implementation rate of only 25 percent. "The result is very disappointing, because no country in the Baltic Sea provides comprehensive protection. We need league format in order to save this unique sea. The leaders now Germany is at the county league level can not be a pillow, "says Lamp. action is called for, particularly in the fisheries policy, the fight against environmental toxins and to regulate the shipping industry. The species and habitat diversity of the Baltic Sea was at stake, warns WWF. launched each year over a million tonnes of nutrients - like this year - create unnaturally intense algae blooms in a dramatic episode. Even at 42,000 square kilometers of the seabed, an area nearly the size of Denmark, permanently there a lack of oxygen
sees Despite these alarming findings, the WWF also positive developments. Germany has already provided 40 percent of its national waters under protection. Lithuania and Latvia go with stricter controls successfully against criminal Fischer. And Estonia was the introduction of toxic substances into the Baltic Sea particularly markedly reduced.

Finnish President Tarja Halonen, the WWF was honored in Stockholm for her leading role in the Baltic Sea protection. Halonen set themselves deeply to the rescue of the Baltic Sea and trans-national dialogue, praises the WWF. In addition, Finland has developed the first Baltic State interagency marine strategy.

WWF calls on all the Baltic countries to make the rescue of the Baltic Sea a top priority. The political framework to offer the EU, the Baltic has chosen a model region for sustainable maritime policy. However, gaping between Ambition and reality still a painful gap, the WWF.

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sniffer dogs for the protection of species

sniffer dogs for the protection of species
hundreds of small turtles in the culture bag, parrot eggs in underpants, birds in narrow plastic tubes or poison dart frogs in bottles - in addition to drug and weapons smuggling endangered species, the most lucrative business worldwide. annually to 20 billion U.S. dollars Interpol estimates the illegal trade in animals and plants. In future, therefore, the main customs office of the Frankfurt airport - used specially trained sniffer dogs Species - on the initiative of the conservation group WWF.

In Frankfurt alone, there were 2007 in the types of smuggling 561 arrests with a total of 111 838 specimens, including 5599 live animals and products such as prepared snakeskin bags, caviar, fur or pickled in alcohol cobras. "Smuggling is a serious threat to the survival of endangered species," warns the World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF) is one of the largest independent conservation organizations in the world. WWF Germany in 1963 gegründetWWF-species protection expert people homes. To the professionally active species Mafia one step ahead, developed the environmental groups WWF and TRAFFIC, therefore, the concept of conservation sniffer dogs.

"The dogs just have the better nose," said Volker Homes. "You can even objects exercise with little odor and are therefore ideal for quick checks of luggage, mail, or entire containers. "designated WWF expert on it as a" milestone "that will in future also at Frankfurt airport, one of the largest airports in Europe, conservation sniffer dogs used.

"We have a year ago, the German customs our concept presented. At that time I would not have suspected that already in summer 2008 in Frankfurt conservation sniffer dogs on patrol, "said Volker Homes. Also for the dog instructor of the main customs office in Frankfurt, Dieter Keller, is a project is a temporary development projects to solve problems whose performance requires an organization that is planning the implementation of the tasks, controls, conducts and monitors. Project of particular importance. "There is fighting me a personal concern species smuggling and thus contribute to the survival of endangered animal and plant species"

pilot projects in Vienna, Nuremberg and Stuttgart vote conservationists such as customs officials equally optimistic. "Our two dogs Amy and Uno are trained on 15 odor images once they have identified in their supervision to the trained odor, they are rewarded by receiving a toy, such as a tug," said Dieter Keller, the functioning of the dogs after a ten-week training at the Customs Dog School in Neuendettelsau burn out at last at the Frankfurt airport to begin their service. smuggling

The main customs office in Frankfurt am Main - Airport were made in 2007 561 seizures (2006: 647). In this case, a total of 111 838 individual provisional items (20 654) to ensure, among them 5599 live animals (14 346) 100 891 live plants (1,334) and 5348 products (4974) from protected animals and plants. Particularly noteworthy are seizures of 50,000 orchids, 200 lizards, 75 hitting, 46 bats and 55 Egyptian fruit bats.

Further information:


giant clams, leather briefcases alligator, zebra skins, coral necklaces, ivory or alcohol pickled cobras - such exotic and yet illegal souvenirs do not belong in your holiday luggage. By collecting or purchasing these souvenirs to tourists not only threaten the survival of the species, but are - knowingly or inadvertently - to species smugglers. The The World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF) is one of the largest independent conservation organizations in the world. WWF Germany in 1963 gegründetWWF has therefore compiled a handy gift guide. A short guide that can help you to be alert and purchase only legal gifts.

Author: WWF Germany

Further information:
Visit the website of the WWF

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sponsors Support Animal Friends , with us you can even advertise for 2 € a month in our Bannerextrage with only 10 other members for a whole year.

animal friends-North
had in November 2008 up to 250 visitors a day, that's more than 500 page views a day. That's based on fights when you can advertise for 24 € a year on each side of it? In our Bannerextrage are each 10 supporters, the Script is included on any of our HTML pages, and it should be less banners, you still get a few free show their banner ad. However, we must admit to ourselves that we (since we have built up a profile on Google) Jezter blocked by China, and we therefore fall to half of the user away. But the German was always difficult and our Chinese bloggers are übersezt world what heist for us, that specifically addressed the vacationers from the Middle Kingdom and other country ringing of the Philippines, by Sika and others, and other States. In any case, we assume that is why we do it here also volunteers. Our

All it needs is for its part, email to goethe30169 (at) with the subject "sponsors job", a banner and we download a URL (its website) that we apply should.
If you are not after 6 months of its mandate to be satisfied, so we will pay them, of course, the remaining 12 euros.

looks similar from the well with our PDF publications such as our four Kochküchern or our animal friends-North tabloid. For 4 € a month, you get into these books, a Dina-4 immortalized page with your advertisement, for 2 € fee we also create the page for you. This is also 12 months and you should not put your ad in one of our copies are satisfied, we will refund the money for 6 months advertising - ie 24 € - back. However, our tabloid is first of 12 issues, the hollow again next year. It appears to Jezter once a month, we are working to the future, it is every week a new Ausgarbe. A re-clean look to be worthwhile for the reader what is to enhance the Werbeatraktivität for you.
contrast, we provide them but also happy that you are producing our plants at cost price (such as a copy shop), its advertising there and scams that will also give the cost price to your customers. The only thing we ask what they would in the case, you do not alienate the Ebooks, the two sides had something like this.
We are fighting for animal welfare, fight for us! There
associations and private initiatives for welfare there are already many - especially in the Internet. In part, very well made and well-founded (see also our link recommendations).

all rely on education and information, see the ecological importance of animals and the danger of extinction by humans. All endangered species cover only the least well off and this documentation in most cases not very transparent. The internal costs are much higher than the actual expenditure for the purpose of the association and the work rather than theoretical. Does exactly ANIMAL FRIENDS-NORD. We are fighting on the front line for more knowledge on animal welfare, and therefore more understanding for the protection of animals. We conduct targeted advertising campaigns, you should make aufmerksarm to the problems between humans and animals, we are producing PDF publications, with participation in exhibitions and media cooperation directly with the public and publish in addition to online news, documentaries and movies vetrschiedener animal protection organizations.

- the Are you a Webmaster, cooks and animal friends from all over Germany - all in an effort to be slightly more effective and to contribute especially palpable on animal welfare and to the knowledge of the endangered animals.

ANIMAL FRIENDS-NORD is a nonprofit Internetprojet is financed by donations, but not by sponsors. Our advertising partner, we want to mention at this point and will they continue to perpetuate in our plants for them to advertise.
We provide a targeted use of sponsorship money - so we keep the cost of online access and the page itself as small as possible and put our money earned in the advertising. Except for a necessary expense allowance for the project site, the entire team is working without pay. All of the animals - that's our motto.