stick is also associated with risk
chews for his life like Golden Retriever Sammy to stick. The puppies are doing well if he rub his milk teeth on the hard wood. also makes playing with sticks a lot of fun. If owner attaches to the litter, hoppst happy and gets Sammy progress with enthusiasm to stick to his "prey" can then edit with relish.
Sure you have the dog does not necessarily spoil the fun. A little caution is advised when still stick games. For associated is also a certain risk.
First, the dog can ram all the enthusiasm of the stick in the throat when he catches up with him. So get too overexcited pets first slow a bit so no accident happened. The dog so do not too much "dope"! Rather, let him first take place before he can zip around to get the wood. This has the advantage that the stock will have on the ground, so accidents can be avoided.
The second one should wean Bello is better to chew wood. Many pets vomit after swallowing these parts again. Also, can splinter in the mouth to seize and lead to injuries. In the worst case, even the intestines are injured when wandering through splintering wood. Therefore, your dog the command "Off!" be familiar - if you say this word to him, then he should let go of the stick too.
Sure you have the dog does not necessarily spoil the fun. A little caution is advised when still stick games. For associated is also a some risk.
First, the dog can ram all the enthusiasm of the stick in the throat when he catches up with him. So get too overexcited pets first slow a bit so no accident happened. The dog so do not too much "dope"! Rather, let him first take place before he can zip around to get the wood. This has the advantage that the floor is then already on the ground, so accidents can be avoided.
The second one should wean Bello is better to chew wood. Many pets vomit after swallowing these parts again. Also, can splinter in the mouth to seize and lead to injuries. In the worst Case, even the intestines are injured when splintering wood walked through. Therefore, your dog the command "Off!" be familiar - if you say this word to him, then he should let go of the stick too.
And thirdly, one should first look carefully at what kind of floor is occupied by the dog. Because: There are woods that are extremely toxic to pets! Bello who can play with a stick by an elderberry bush that risked severe poisoning, which are manifested by salivation, vomiting and shortness of breath. If you experience these symptoms after the game together, then quickly to the vet! Toxic way, is also Laburnum wood (Not just the flowers!). An elder tree looks like this:
If you go to see one, make with your dog prefer a larger arc around it, is sure ...
Otherwise: get stick but is a true classic, and makes each dog the most fun, but there are also games that are associated with far fewer risks. Maybe your dog will really very happy plush toy or a dog Frisbee? Even so, it can be glorious romp!
Well then, have fun playing together!
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