The saxifrage family (Saxifragaceae) is a plant family of angiosperms (Magnoliophyta).
are for new phylogenetic results suggest that the rock crushing plants in the independent order of the saxifrage-like (Saxifragales).
The family has about 33 genera with about 540 species found in temperate climates, especially in the northern hemisphere. In Central Europe, this family is through the genera-leaved Golden Saxifrage (Chrysosplenium) and saxifrage (Saxifraga) represented.
There are one or perennial herbaceous Plants. Some species are succulent. CAM was detected in some species. The leaves are usually alternate. Stipules present or absent. The flowers are hermaphrodite
capsule fruits or follicles are formed.
The family contains about 33 genera with about 540 species:
superb spars (. Astilbe Batches-Ham ex G. Don): With about 18 species.
Astilboides (Hemsl.) MANUAL: With only one type:
panel sheets (Astilboides tabularis (Hemsl.) Engl) Bensoniella CVMorton: With only one type:
Bolandra A. Gray: With only two species.
Boykinia Nutt. With about nine species. Milzkräuter (Chrysosplenium L.): With about 55 to 65 species. . Conimitella Rydb: With only one type:
Conimitella williamsii (Rydb.) DCEaton
Darmera Voss - With only one type: Journal
plate, screen stone crushing, Indian rhubarb, Umbrella plant (Darmera peltata Voss, Syn.. Saxifraga peltata Torr, Peltiphyllum peltatum Engl)
Elmera Rydb. With only one way: (. S. Wats)
Elmera racemosa Rydb.
Coral Flower (Heuchera L.): With about 35 to 50 species. Heucherella Wehrh.
Jepsonia Small: With only about three species.
Leptarrhena R.Br.: With only one type:
Leptarrhena pyrolifolia (D. Don) Ser.
Lithophragma (Nutt.) Torr. & A. Gray: With about a dozen species.
Micranthes: with 70 species. The genus is perhaps not to the Saxifragaceae.
sling L.: With about 20 species.
Mukdenia Koidz. With only one (or two) type (s):
maple leaf (Mukdenia rossii)
Oresitrophe Bunge: With only one type:
Oresitrophe rupifraga Bunge
Peltoboykinia (Engl.) Hara: With only two species.
Tellimaähnliche Peltoboykinie (Peltoboykinia tellimoides)
Watanabe Peltoboykinie (Peltoboykinia watanabei)
record sheet (Rodgersia A. Gray): With about five species
saxifrage (Saxifraga L.): With about 370-450 species.
Saxifragella MANUAL: With only one type:
Saxifragella bicuspidata (Hook. f.) Engl
Saxifragodes DMMoore: With only one type:
Saxifragopsis small: with only one type:
Saxifragodes albowiana (Kurtz) DMMoore: Domestic Tierra del Fuego.
Suksdorfia A. Gray: With three types
Sullivantia Torr. & A. Gray: With about five species
Tanakaea Franch. & Sav. With only one type:
Tanakaea radicans Franch. & Sav.
Tellima R.Br.: With only one way: Incorrect
Alraunenwurzel (Tellima grandiflora R.Br.)
Tetilla DC. With only one type, the species is perhaps not to the Saxifragaceae.
foam flower (Tiarella L.): With six species.
Tolmiea Torr. & A. Gray: With only one type:
hen with chicks (Torr & A. Gray Tolmiea menziesii.)
The family at the APWebsite (English) / MOBOT / Research / APweb / orders / saxifragalesweb.htm # Saxifragales
The family at DELTA. (English)
http:/ / / wiki / Category: Steinbrechgew% C3% A4chse
Commons: rock crushing plants - photos, videos and audio files Mr
The Saxifrage Society. (English)
Category: rock crushing plants C3% A4chse
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