Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Employment Brazil By Sector

voices from the policy

voices from the policy
"The numerous Problems that arise in the keeping of wild animals in circuses are known to me. In general, a species-and behavioral-appropriate accommodation under the terms of a traveling circus company is not guaranteed. We will support the planned initiative in its own parliamentary initiative and the federal government request to use the authorization of the 13 paragraph 3 of the Animal Protection Act and to submit an ordinance that forbids keeping a number of wild animals in circuses. "

Claudia Hämmerling, Group Alliance 90/The Greens in the Berlin House of Representatives

"We are convinced that an art-and behavior-oriented location of certain Wild animals in circuses in practice is nearly impossible. With the protection of animals is complicated by implementation deficits and lack of shelter. "

Hans-Jürgen Klein, animal welfare policy spokesman for the Alliance 90/The Greens in the Lower Saxony Parliament

" his is why it must be our goal that circuses in future only those animals carry that can be kept humanely under the terms of a traveling circus company. This means that animal species in which this animal welfare-friendly housing is not guaranteed to be excluded from the operation of a circus company. "

Christian Wulff, Chairman of the CDU faction in the parliament of Lower Saxony, chairman of the CDU in Lower Saxony

"The keeping of exotic animals, especially in small circuses, is extremely problematic and can often be made by accounting improvements are not humane. Therefore, it would be a useful measure in the keeping, trade and the importation of certain exotic to prohibit or limit, so that they in circuses are no longer on display. "

Ms. von der Schulenburg, Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg, Ministry of Environment and Health

"I agree with your view that the welfare of most wildlife species, traditionally or as a unusual attraction will be shown in circuses, very difficult to impossible. The current legislation calls while under the Animal Protection Act the welfare of animals and also specifies the monitoring and enforcement of legal requirements. The legal standards are not sufficient for the enforcement of animal protection in the sense of the legislature in this area is not enough. "

Dr. Prokert, Officer, Ministry of Social Affairs

" we naturally support initiatives, the end of the keeping of certain wild animals in circuses and to enshrine in legislation "

Dr. Wenzel, Ltd.. Ministerialrat, Bavarian Ministry of State for Health, Nutrition and Consumer Protection

"The aforementioned problems you are known to us and unfortunately both the old and the new states often encountered. In our view, circus companies in their ability to keep wild animals humanely, often straight from cost reasons, limited. Tierartgerchte housing conditions can circus companies provide the same not at all. Therefore, it would certainly be useful to develop transitional arrangements, under which wild animals are kept in nothing but zoos and circus events, as practiced in various countries, are very withdrawn. "

Reinhard Dankert, Parliamentary Secretary of the SPD parliamentary group in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

can "tell me you on your specific concern that in the opinion of the CDU parliamentary group a retention prohibition of wild animals in circuses, traveling menagerie and similar establishments, where a proper housing is not guaranteed should be sought. "
Heinz Maurus, Parliamentary Geschftsführer of the CDU parliamentary group in Schleswig-Holstein

"On behalf of the welfare policy spokesman of the FDP parliamentary group, Dr. Heiner Garg, I would like to inform you that your suggestions have been taken already by the FDP. A the matter was, on the part of the FDP the 24th Meeting of the Schleswig-Holstein parliament introduced. The debate was postponed due to the abundance of applications to the next meeting after the summer break "

Dominik Völk, Research Fellow of the FDP parliamentary group in the Schleswig-Holstein Landtag


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