Tuesday, February 17, 2009

6 Volt Lead Acid Battery Charger Circuit Diagram


saxifrage saxifrage-like
behaved (Saxifragales) are an order of the angiosperms (Magnoliophyta).

form for new findings, the phylogenetic Saxifragales a separate order. Previously, as the rock crushing plants (Saxifragaceae) ranked among the rose-like (Rosales).


offer in this order is a wide variety of growth habits. Of one-on perennial herbaceous plants to shrubs and trees. Some species are succulents. Two species are root parasites. There are also some water plants there. In the type of Angiospermae are found from the Saxifragales a gehäuftet dicotyledonous features. Usually the leaves are alternate. Stipules are often present.


to order the crushing-like (Saxifragales) consists of 16 families with 112 genera and 2470 species:

Altingiaceae: There is only one or two classes with 13 to 18 deciduous tree species: Altingia Noronha Amber trees (Liquidambar L.)
Aphanopetalaceae: There is only one class with only two species. There are klimmende bushes in Australia:
Aphanopetalum Endl.
Cercidiphyllaceae: There is only one class with only two species. There are deciduous trees in China and Japan:
cake trees (Cercidiphyllum)
Stonecrop family (Crassulaceae): The family is divided into three families with 34 genera and 1370 species. There are succulent plants: Crassuloideae Burnett Kalanchoideae A. Berger
Semper Vivo Idea Arnott
Cynomoriaceae: There is only one class with only two species. There are chlorophyllose root parasite with a spread from the Mediterranean to Asia Minor:
Cynomorium L.
Daphniphyllaceae: There is only one genus with ten species. There are evergreen trees and shrubs in Southeast Asia:
gooseberry family (Grossulariaceae): There is only one genus of about 150 shrub species:
milfoil family (Haloragaceae): There are eight classes with 145 aquatic plant species and some half-shrubs up small trees with almost worldwide distribution.
Hamamelisgewächse (Hamamelidaceae): The family is divided into three families with 27 genera and 82 species. There are trees and shrubs:
Disanthoideae Harms: The single species:
Disanthus cercidifolius
Exbucklandoideae Harms: With three to four genera and about 14 species.
Hamamelidoideae Burnett: With 27 species and about 78 species.
Iteaceae: There is only one genus with 18 species. There are trees and shrubs. You have areas in Southeast Asia, eastern Africa and eastern North America:
Itea L. (Syn: Choristylis)
Peony Family (Paeoniaceae): There is only one genus with 33 species. There are perennial herbaceous plants and shrubs:
peonies (Paeonia)
Penthoraceae: There is only one class with only two species. There are rhizomatous, perennial, herbaceous plants. You have areas in Asia and Eastern North America:
Penthorum L.
Peridiscaceae: There are only three species of nine tree species in tropical South America and the West Africa.
Pterostemonaceae: There is only one genus with three species of shrub in Mexico:
Pterostemon showers
saxifrage family (Saxifragaceae): There are about 33 genera with about 540 species. They are mostly herbaceous species, some are succulent.
Tetracarpaeaceae: There is only one way:
Tetracarpaea tasmannica, an evergreen shrub in Tasmania.


The order of the Saxifragales APWebsite (English)


Commons: saxifrage-like images, videos and audio files
entry in the Tree of Life Project. (English)
Category: saxifrage-like


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