What is Foie Gras?
"Foie Gras" is the French word for "fat liver". These can originate from both ducks and geese. The production of fatty liver is always associated with animal cruelty.
The animals will be introduced two to three times a day up to 50 centimeters long metal tube through the throat to the stomach in, then they are forcibly fed large quantities of maize porridge and fat. This process is called "plug". Through the stopper, the animals specifically made ill, so that their liver is increased many times over. The result is the fatty degeneration liver, a diseased organ - sells expensive than fatty liver - foie gras.
a barbaric relic
The feeding of geese and ducks has its origins in ancient Egypt. As early as 2500 BC people, geese or ducks began to feed and thereby produce foie. Today, this procedure is cruel in many countries prohibited by law and is classified as animal cruelty. However, "foie gras" to this day is traded around the world as a supposed delicacy.
illegal in many countries - But the trade flourishes ...
Although the feeding of geese and ducks is now banned in 14 European countries can be easily circumvented this prohibition, in which the animals are simply fattened abroad.
Even states that prohibit the import of foie gras, continue this illegal product. Thus, simply shift production to other countries, the entire metropolitan regions, give rise to mast factories. Not only from animal welfare point of view a scandal.
... but the production continues
are grown worldwide 40 million geese and ducks for foie gras production. 96% all stuffed animals are ducks today, for holding and fattening are cheaper than those of geese. While geese are stuffed 3-4 times per day, you hit a duck even at 2 issues plugs the same profit.
Hungary is the world's largest exporter, after France's second largest producer of foie gras. 3 million animals living in the Hungarian mast systems. 2,000 tons of foie gras will be distributed from Hungary in Europe and Asia. The main customers of Hungarian foie gras are France, Japan and Belgium. Closely followed by Germany, Italy, Austria, Switzerland, Denmark, Slovakia and Spain.
France is the world's largest producer in the world. 80% Foie gras production comes from France world. In 2005, France produced 18 450 tons of foie gras. Bulgaria produced 1,500 tons in the same year.
What you can do
Do not buy a duck or goose meat (thighs, breast, wing) from France, Hungary and Belgium.
hands away from ducks or geese without giblets! Where the liver is missing the stuffed animal was most likely.
Note the EEC number on the product. Based on the number you can check with our black list, whether the meat comes from a country with forced feeding.
hands away from all Foie gras pates, terrines and other similar products from duck liver. Even products with country of origin Germany or Austria, may contain FG meat or foie gras.
care at the farmers market! If you think, here come the ducks and geese from Germany only wrong, is enormous. Here, too, unwrapped, fresh poultry from force-feeding is sold. Just ask about the origin and do not buy in doubt.
Remember that even the conventional duck and goose fattening takes place under animal welfare requirements. How about this Christmas with vegetarian alternatives or at least organic meat?
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