Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Where Is Monoply Being Sold

Spitz (dog breed)

Play is important!
If two or more dogs frolicking with each other, catch each other, playfully biting lips or chase wild, then that is simply wonderful. So a dog game is not just for us bipeds better than any TV show, but well worth the four-legged gold. Because experts know: Play is for dogs very, very important.
first one must learn to know each other even before start the game!:

If the dogs are friendly, can begin the fun! Even for puppies it is very important to regularly maintain contact with other dogs to be socialized. They learn how they should behave towards others. They also learn by playing with other dogs, the so-called Beißhemmung. They noted the fact that they may not snap shut too tightly, but only playfully tweak:

Yes, also in dogs it is a "label", it is determined exactly what you can do everything and what not. If Rudin and female come together, it is often particularly interested in the dog and sniffs the lady of his heart, if they allow it:

Wauwaus acceptable for it's wonderful if they can wrestle with each other: As you can see

, then a play session, the pure pleasure and make your pets not only tired and happy and busy in her, no, it is also the socialization. So on we go, off to the dog park with your Bello, you looking for some suitable four-legged friends and the fun can begin!


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