Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Pouch Of Douglas Is Clear?

States refuse medical

States Medical
The measures to protect the vulnerable in all nine Baltic Sea countries 'poor'. To this comes a sobering conclusion today at the Baltic Sea Festival Stockholm International Comparison published by the WWF. It examines the WWF, the progress made by the States in the fight against the destruction of habitats, overfishing and the introduction of environmental toxins, the effects of navigation and the introduction of protected areas have achieved.

"Politics has failed so far into disrepair. The governments of the same doctors to the terminally ill patient the above, one of the most polluted seas in the world, from countries bordering Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Germany and Denmark, almost completely surrounded. Baltic refuse despite clear diagnosis of the saving medicine, "criticized the head of the World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF) is one of the largest independent conservation organizations in the world. WWF Germany in 1963 gegründetWWF-Baltic office in Stralsund, Jochen Lamp.

examined the second Baltic state ranking of the WWF yet implemented Measures for marine conservation in Denmark, Germany, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Sweden and Russia. In a first comparison, which was published in the summer of 2007, the Environmental Foundation had taken the legal framework for protection in the Baltic countries under scrutiny.

The best result of the new settlement states reached Germany, which has achieved almost half of the WWF demanded protection. At the bottom of the list is Poland with an implementation rate of only 25 percent. "The result is very disappointing, because no country in the Baltic Sea provides comprehensive protection. We need league format in order to save this unique sea. The leaders now Germany is at the county league level can not be a pillow, "says Lamp. action is called for, particularly in the fisheries policy, the fight against environmental toxins and to regulate the shipping industry. The species and habitat diversity of the Baltic Sea was at stake, warns WWF. launched each year over a million tonnes of nutrients - like this year - create unnaturally intense algae blooms in a dramatic episode. Even at 42,000 square kilometers of the seabed, an area nearly the size of Denmark, permanently there a lack of oxygen
sees Despite these alarming findings, the WWF also positive developments. Germany has already provided 40 percent of its national waters under protection. Lithuania and Latvia go with stricter controls successfully against criminal Fischer. And Estonia was the introduction of toxic substances into the Baltic Sea particularly markedly reduced.

Finnish President Tarja Halonen, the WWF was honored in Stockholm for her leading role in the Baltic Sea protection. Halonen set themselves deeply to the rescue of the Baltic Sea and trans-national dialogue, praises the WWF. In addition, Finland has developed the first Baltic State interagency marine strategy.

WWF calls on all the Baltic countries to make the rescue of the Baltic Sea a top priority. The political framework to offer the EU, the Baltic has chosen a model region for sustainable maritime policy. However, gaping between Ambition and reality still a painful gap, the WWF.


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