Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I Want To See Ladies Panties

sniffer dogs for the protection of species

sniffer dogs for the protection of species
hundreds of small turtles in the culture bag, parrot eggs in underpants, birds in narrow plastic tubes or poison dart frogs in bottles - in addition to drug and weapons smuggling endangered species, the most lucrative business worldwide. annually to 20 billion U.S. dollars Interpol estimates the illegal trade in animals and plants. In future, therefore, the main customs office of the Frankfurt airport - used specially trained sniffer dogs Species - on the initiative of the conservation group WWF.

In Frankfurt alone, there were 2007 in the types of smuggling 561 arrests with a total of 111 838 specimens, including 5599 live animals and products such as prepared snakeskin bags, caviar, fur or pickled in alcohol cobras. "Smuggling is a serious threat to the survival of endangered species," warns the World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF) is one of the largest independent conservation organizations in the world. WWF Germany in 1963 gegründetWWF-species protection expert people homes. To the professionally active species Mafia one step ahead, developed the environmental groups WWF and TRAFFIC, therefore, the concept of conservation sniffer dogs.

"The dogs just have the better nose," said Volker Homes. "You can even objects exercise with little odor and are therefore ideal for quick checks of luggage, mail, or entire containers. "designated WWF expert on it as a" milestone "that will in future also at Frankfurt airport, one of the largest airports in Europe, conservation sniffer dogs used.

"We have a year ago, the German customs our concept presented. At that time I would not have suspected that already in summer 2008 in Frankfurt conservation sniffer dogs on patrol, "said Volker Homes. Also for the dog instructor of the main customs office in Frankfurt, Dieter Keller, is a project is a temporary development projects to solve problems whose performance requires an organization that is planning the implementation of the tasks, controls, conducts and monitors. Project of particular importance. "There is fighting me a personal concern species smuggling and thus contribute to the survival of endangered animal and plant species"

pilot projects in Vienna, Nuremberg and Stuttgart vote conservationists such as customs officials equally optimistic. "Our two dogs Amy and Uno are trained on 15 odor images once they have identified in their supervision to the trained odor, they are rewarded by receiving a toy, such as a tug," said Dieter Keller, the functioning of the dogs after a ten-week training at the Customs Dog School in Neuendettelsau burn out at last at the Frankfurt airport to begin their service. smuggling

The main customs office in Frankfurt am Main - Airport were made in 2007 561 seizures (2006: 647). In this case, a total of 111 838 individual provisional items (20 654) to ensure, among them 5599 live animals (14 346) 100 891 live plants (1,334) and 5348 products (4974) from protected animals and plants. Particularly noteworthy are seizures of 50,000 orchids, 200 lizards, 75 hitting, 46 bats and 55 Egyptian fruit bats.

Further information: http://www.zoll.de/


giant clams, leather briefcases alligator, zebra skins, coral necklaces, ivory or alcohol pickled cobras - such exotic and yet illegal souvenirs do not belong in your holiday luggage. By collecting or purchasing these souvenirs to tourists not only threaten the survival of the species, but are - knowingly or inadvertently - to species smugglers. The The World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF) is one of the largest independent conservation organizations in the world. WWF Germany in 1963 gegründetWWF has therefore compiled a handy gift guide. A short guide that can help you to be alert and purchase only legal gifts.

Author: WWF Germany

Further information:
Visit the website of the WWF http://www.wwf.de/


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