Stop it! Campaign against wild animals in European circuses
The international animal protection organization FOUR PAWS today launched its Stop it! Campaign in six European countries. The goal is a ban on wild animals in circuses. The campaign will run in Germany, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Great Britain, Hungary and Romania. In addition to traditional campaign events Supporters are invited to participate in the internet and show policymakers the RED CARD.
"Wild animals can live in a circus impossible to species level," said Thomas Pietsch, wildlife expert and director of FOUR PAWS campaign. "A lion wanders in the wild up to 400 square kilometers -. Vegetate in the circus it on a few square meters, a sea lion, which appears in nature to a depth of 250 meters, is held in a circus in a tiny pool."
The Stop it! FOUR PAWS campaign of information and documents the daily suffering of the animals. In show current video clips for the defective conditions of wild animals in circuses. Supporters can be actively involved: send a red card, return the created images of circus animals and their views through a portrait with the Stop it! Shield express. FOUR PAWS expects a high turnout, because many people are opposed to the display of wild animals - especially if they know the negative consequences for the animals.
is estimated that today in Europe up to 1,000 circus companies, most of the animals in our program. Exact numbers are not known, but experts expect from a stock of several thousand circus animals from. Often particularly elephants, lions, tigers and lions are kept, but also monkeys, bears, giraffes, rhinos and hippos periods most of her life in a cage wagon and under the big top. The attitude is insufficient, the questionable training methods and the art pieces often contradict the natural behavior of animals. The constant movement and the noise burden on the animals. Many circus animals therefore exhibit behavioral problems and often suffer from serious diseases.
Many countries have traveled to the keeping of wild animals in circuses banned or restricted, such as Austria, Bulgaria, Sweden, the United States or Israel. "These countries Show that only a complete ban on entertainment, the suffering of the animals. It is high time that Germany followed suit, "says Thomas Pietschmann. On the campaign website can be a red list with further information to already existing prohibitions and the attitude problem of wild animals in circuses are downloaded can.
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