spy orchid (Orchis spitzelii) is a species of orchids (Orchis) in the orchid family (Orchidaceae) and is one of the rare orchids of Central Europe. In Germany, it is long extinct, in Austria and Switzerland only ever a Location confirmed to date.
The inflorescence is usually lockerblütig and strong copies also dichtblütig, with about eight to 30 flowers. The bracts are thin, green and violet crowded, usually shorter than the ovary. The hermaphroditic, zygomorphen flowers are medium in size (compared to other species of the genus). Sepals (sepals) and petals (petals) are dull, purple, often greenish inside with braunpurpurnen points and stains, egg-shaped butt and a helmet forming. The lateral sepals are often slightly out. The lip is 8 to 16 mm long and is three-lobed with an even split the middle lobe. The tabs are bent back side. The color of the lip is pink to purple with darker spots. The spur is conical, thick, (nearly vertical) down curved and about half to three quarters of the length of the ovary.
The pollination of this kind is usually by bumble bees and wild bees. The heyday of the species extends from May to July, depending on region and location.
Genetics and Development
spy orchid has a karyotype of two sets of chromosomes and each with 21 chromosomes (Cytology: 2n = 42).
The locations of these species are heterogeneous. It occurs in montane pine, beech and mixed forests or pastures, and grows on stony and rocky mountain slopes and low vegetation. Spy orchid is considered kalkstet. In the Alps, the type is between about 800-1800 m above sea level. NN distributed, in Gotland (Sweden), but before it comes to sea level. At its sites Orchis is spitzelii often the only orchid species.
According to studies the Austrian population had snow and the cold of winter and an early constant soil moisture critical for the flowering ability of a plant. Summer drought is less relevant, as they would in any case fall in the resting phase of the plant.
Orchis spitzelii occurs in Europe and North Africa and is a species with mostly Mediterranean-montane distribution. However, it has no closed circulation area, but a disjoint area with some very widely separated localities. In the Mediterranean area, there are also some similar and closely related species. In the north of their area, the species shows more warmth gives way to the south them to cooler locations (places of higher elevations, north-facing slopes). Certain areas of the species are spread in the French southwest Alps (Vercors, Haute-Provence), and the Italian Südalpenrand (Trentino) and in the Iberian high mountains and in the Balkans. Furthermore Orchis is far isolated from the main area in front spitzelii on the Swedish Baltic island of Gotland. It is believed that this island-like deposits are relict sites of a formerly wider distribution area of this evolutionarily relatively old orchid.
In Germany, the way extinct for over 100 years, is in Switzerland and Austria, respectively only (other) one site. The only known occurrence in Germany was in Baden-Wuerttemberg. The historical resource on Nagold Schlossberg is considered busy. According to the newspaper in 1845 Botanical Art from the pharmacist Peffingen was found there. The cause of the disappearance of one reads that it was wegbotanisiert or that the site had been destroyed by road construction. On the island of Gotland
Orchis spitzelii not been detected at its first discovery in 1914, but called by the discoverer Thore Fries as Orchis mascula in another form, reminiscent of Orchis morio. Only B. Petterson she recognized correctly in 1940 and described the clan as Gotland Orchis spitzelii var gotlandica.
nature and danger
Like all orchid species occurring in Europe as well as spy orchid under the strictest protection of European and national laws.
Red List Germany: 0
Red List states: Baden-Württemberg: 0
Red List Switzerland: CR (Critically Endangered - in danger of extinction)
Red List Austria: No information available.
scheme is within the orchids orchid spy in the family circle of the patent. outdoor Orchis spitzelii to some Mediterranean species Orchis anatolica (Turkey), Orchis bungii (Iran), Orchis canariensis (Canary Islands), Orchis cazorlensis (Spain), Orchis collina (eastern Mediterranean area), Orchis patens (Atlas, Liguria) and Orchis prisca (Crete) with smaller distribution areas.
The first description is still valid name (basionym) Orchis is spitzelii Saut. ex WDJKoch (1837).
more synonyms refer to subspecies and variants: Orchis spitzelii subsp. gotlandica (B. Pett.) Á. Löve & D. Löve 1948
Orchis spitzelii subsp. nitidifolia (WPTeschner) Soo 1978
Orchis spitzelii var gotlandica B. Pett. 1940
subspecies, varieties, hybrids
The Gotland clan is either designated as varieties (orchis spitzelii gotlandica var) or as subspecies (Orchis spitzelii subsp. Gotlandica). Since the differences from the nominate form is not particularly pronounced, there is a tendency rather than to classification variety.
Hybridization with other orchid species is possible, as hybrids are described (according to G. Blais):
Orchis - algeriensis B. Baumann & H. Baumann 2005 (Orchis patens - Orchis spitzelii) Orchis - amsittenii NA Sundermann 1980 (Orchis mascula - Orchis spitzelii)
Orchis - elsarocchia (Orchis purpurea Orchis spitzelii)
Orchis - klopfensteiniae F Delforge 1994 (Orchis pallens - Orchis spitzelii)
Orchis - petterssonii G. Keller 1947 (Orchis mascula - Orchis spitzelii)
Orchis - GR tingitania NA 2004 (Orchis provincialis - Orchis spitzelii)
Orchis olbiensis - Orchis spitzelii
standard literature on orchids
AHO (ed.): The orchids of Germany. Publisher AHO Thuringia Uhlstädt Kirchhasel, 2005, ISBN 3-0001-4853-1.
H. Baumann, S. Künkele: The Wild Orchids of Europe. Frankh, 1982, ISBN 3-4400-5068-8
Karl Peter Buttler: Orchids, wild species and subspecies in Europe, the Middle East and North Africa. Mosaik Verlag 1986, ISBN 3-5700-4403-3.
Robert L. Dressler: The orchids - Biology and systematics of Orchidaceae. (1996) good work on systematics [German]
Hans Sundermann: European and Mediterranean orchids. Brücke-Verlag, 2nd Edition 1975, ISBN 3-8710-5010-5.
JG Williams: Orchids of Europe with North Africa and Asia Minor. BLV Verlag, ISBN 3-4051-1901-4. special literature to spy orchid
Pierre Delforge (1981): Une station de l 'Orchis spitzelii Sauter en France. Orchidophile 46: 1829-1833
D. Hertel (1988): On the occurrence of Orchis spitzelii cooking in the Valais. Bull Murith., Soc. Valais Sci. Nat. 106: 75-78
A. Kessler (1993): Orchis spitzelii Sauter ex Koch (1837), Cephalanthera damasonium (Mill.) Druce and Orchis palustris Jacq. on Gotland. - Mitt Arbeitskr Bl. Home. Orch Baden-Württemberg 25 (4): 448-452 J.-M. Lewin (1997) Orchis spitzelii Saut. dans les Pyrénées-Orientales: a fait un sacré bout de temps que j'y suis! - Monde Pl - 459: pp. 27 A 28 -> 66 A. Ch Mrkvicka (1992). Orchis spitzelii Sauter ex Koch (1837) in the Eastern Alps. - Mitt Arbeitskr Bl. Home. Orch Baden-Württemberg 24 (4): 669-678
Perazza G. (1996) Orchis spitzelii Sauter ex WDJKoch in Trentino e nelle zone limitrofe (Northern Italy). - Ann. Mus. civ. Rovereto, Sc. nat. Vol. 12 (1996) 147-176
J. van der Straaten / K. Laarhoven / W. of Kruijsbergen (2002) The Prevention of Orchis spitzelii Vercors in the southeast. - Eurorchis No. 14, 2002
Ch. Road map (1997): Orchis spitzelii Limodorum trabutianum und auf Mallorca. - Ber. Arbeitskrs. Heim. Orchid. 14 (1): 81-82
Commons: Spitzel Knabe Kraut (Orchis spitzelii) Bilder, Videos und Audiodateien
Informationen zu Orchis spitzelii bei
http://www.floraweb.de/pflanzenarten/artenhome.xsql?suchnr=3990 &
distribution maps
total distribution map
ageo.ch Switzerland
http://www.ageo.ch/g/k orchis_spitzelii.gif /
Germany http://www.floraweb.de/MAP/scripts / esrimap.dll? FLORKART name = & cmd = & app = mapflor distflor & ly = gw = 3990 & taxnr
Germany AHO
Regional Special Links
Orchids Germany - Orchis spitzelii
Gallery of Marco Klüber Photography
Orchis http://www.ville-ge.ch/cjb/rsf/deu/fiches/pdf/orch_spit_dx.pdf spitzelii in the leaflets biodiversity in Switzerland (pdf document)
Orchis spitzelii on the virtuella Floran (Swedish) http://linnaeus.nrm.se/flora/mono/orchida/orchi/orchspi.html
Orchis spitzelii in the Vercors (Dutch)
http://www.geocities.com/saxifraga_2000/ spitzelii.html
Orchis spitzelii in the Italian Southern Alps (Italian)
See also
list of orchid genera
categories: orchids The "family of Spitz-like" is descended from the prehistoric Torfhund, as evidenced by sharp like skeletons. For centuries, have been and are bred all over Europe came top and from there to conquer and to other parts of the world (Japanese Spitz, American Eskimo Dog). There
Nowadays peak in many different sizes (from 18 - 55 cm shoulder height) and in many coat colors (black, white, orange, gray-shaded, mottled brown, black & tan and many nuances)
In 2003, the German Pinscher were together with the Spitz declared endangered domestic animal breeds.
The Spitz is grown in many different sizes. They all share the long-standing thick fur. Wolf Spitz
He reached the withers of 49 cm (plus / minus 6 cm) and gray-shaded, ie silver-gray with blackish hair tips.
United Spitz
pointed tip
The color is black, brown, white, orange, gray-shaded, other colors, at a size of 34 cm + - 4 cm.
The second smallest is about 26 cm (plus / minus 3 cm) in size, the colors of the coat are black, brown, white, orange, gray-shaded, other colors.
with 18 to 22 cm, the smallest of the Spitz breed. The coat is black, brown, white, orange, gray-shaded, other colors. Meaning of "different color": Under the heading of a different color all fall colors, like cream, cream sable, orange-sable, black-and-tan, and piebald. Checks must have a white base color. The black, brown, gray or orange patches must be distributed over the entire body.
tip are marked home, family and guard dogs. They were bred to bind themselves too closely to the man and his habitat. Accordingly, they are very people oriented and accessible for pampering have. Strangers they are more suspicious of one aspect of the watchdog property.
The Spitz miss a thing! And since people do not notice anything, reports of Spitz, which strikes him. This property has earned him a reputation as a yapper and let him slightly forgotten. Therefore, the large and medium-Spitz is on the endangered species list. See Association for the preservation of endangered breeds.
See also dogs, domestic dog; Finnish Spitz
http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haushund http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finnischer_Spitz
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